Chapter 8

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I do not own Teen Wolf.

I sighed in relief as Malia stuck her claws in the lock, turning her hand, and the door opened slowly. We all walked in, looking around. We turned around, seeing the door close behind us.

  I sighed, hearing another scream. I squeezed my eyes shut, Stiles noticed my pained expression and pulled me over to an old blanket laying on the ground. He sat down, pulling me down next to him. He brought his hand up to my head, softly pushing me down to lay  on his lap.

  "You know, this is where it all started. That's where the money was. 117 million in bearer bonds." I heard Stiles say, feeling his arm shift to point at something. I opened my eyes slightly, seeing the safe that Stiles was pointing at.

  Kira turned to look at the safe, asking, "How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?"

  "Bank, I guess. They just let it sit here the whole time, collecting dust. You know bearer bonds are basically extinct?" Stiles asked Kira.

"Why does it matter?" Kira asked from her spot next to Scott. I looked over, seeing Malia sitting a couple feet to the right of Stiles and I with a blank expression on her face.

"You know how many problems that money could solve?" Stiles asked.

"For you?" Kira asked him.

"Me. My dad.. The Eichen House and MRI bills are crushing him." Stiles sighed, rubbing his head.

"Mom does this thing, she writes down all the items in our budget, and how much they cost, then she adds them all up and figured out how long we have until... We lose the house." Scott sighed.

Your sisters going to die.

A female voice went off in my head again. I squeezed my eye shut, hearing another scream. This one being the loudest one out of all of them.

  "Stop." I muttered.

  Lydia is going to die.

  "Stop it." I gritted my teeth. Stiles looked over at me, worry clear in his eyes.

  Stiles is going to die. He never loved you anyway, that's why he had sex with Malia in Eichen.

  "Stop!" I exclaimed, hitting my head.

  Allison's death was all your fault.

  "No it wasn't." I cried out. Stiles pulled me into his chest, rubbing my back. I pushed him away, outing my hands on the back of my head, letting out one of the loudest screams.

  I crawled back over to Stiles, sobbing into his chest. I can't take the voices anymore.

  Scott winced from my scream, walking over to the wall. He put his ear on it, clearly listening to someone's conversation.

  "Anything?" Stiles asked him, covering me with a blanket and walking over to Scott.

  "They're looking for us. Lydia heard your scream and she's worried." Scott said to me. "Someone's going to have to go out there." Stiles nodded, glancing over at Malia. I closed my eyes as they started whispering to each other, probably about telling Malia who her father was.

  I fell asleep as another woman wailed in my head.


  "Taylor. Taylor." I heard someone say, pulling me out of my nightmare filled nap.

  "Yeah?" I asked, opening my eyes to see Stiles hovering over me.

  "I gotta leave for a few, okay?" He said, rubbing my shoulder.

  "Where are you going?" I asked him, shaking my head.

  "Whatever's happening, it's worse for you guys. That means it's not just people getting sick. It's another assassin." He explained.

  "No, no, no. I'm fine. I swear. I can go too." I assured him, attempting to stand up, but he held me down gently.

  "No, baby, you stay here, okay? I won't be long." He smiled softly at me. I nodded, shivering as a chill was sent up my spine. "Here." He said, covering me with his jacket.

  "You'll be back, right?" I asked him, laying back down.

  "Of course. I would never leave you behind." He smiled, kissing my forehead as tears pooled in my eyes. I sobbed quietly, watching him leave.


    I sat up, panting, hearing only echoes of people talking. I looked over at Malia as she picked up a piece of paper that fell out of Stiles' coat pocket. The list.

  "Malia." I tried to say, but failed. I saw Scott stand up shakily. He called out her name as well, trying to stop her from looking at the paper. She looked at us with tears in her eyes and said something, something inaudible to me as high-pitched wails sounded in my head. I cried, feeling the usual tug in my stomach every time something bad was about to happen.

  "They're getting better. They're all getting better." I heard my mother say. Everyone must be okay up there. We're just getting worse down here.

  "Still a bit feverish, Mr. Stilinski." I heard Simon say. "But you should know something, the virus doesn't kill humans, you'll get better. So don't you think you should tell me where they are? Shouldn't one of you get to live?" I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand, sobs escaping me.

  "I think I saw them in the library. Or it might've been the cafeteria. It was definitely one of those two." I heard Stiles reply.

   "I'm going to count to three, and then I'm going to kill you." Simon said.

  "No." I sobbed. Scott tried to look at me, asking me something but I couldn't hear him.

  "Think you can scare me?" Stiles asked him.

  "No, I think I can kill you. I just thought the countdown would make it more exciting. So..


Three.." I heard him say, everything stopping as I heard a gunshot.

  "No!" I screamed, letting out a banshee scream. "No, no, no, no."

  I told you he would die, Taylor.

  "He's not dead. He can't be dead." I cried. I looked up, seeing Scott's eyes go wide, and his mouth move. I still couldn't hear anything.

  Scott limped over to the door, trying to listen through it. He sat limply against the door, but stood up once Kira said something to him. Scott's eyes glowed his alpha red, as he walked weakly over to a jar on one of the shelves.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, my legs starting to grow numb. I sighed, hearing the gasps of everyone around me. My eyes widened. I could hear them. I looked up as someone shook me.

  "Taylor?" Stiles asked, wrapping his arms around me.

  "I tho- I thought Simon shot you." I said into his shirt. "I heard the gunshot."

  "That's was McCall shooting Simon, I'm okay, baby." He said, running his hand through my hair. I heard a gasp from next to me.

  I looked over at Malia as a blank stare covered her face.

  "Malia?" I asked, touching her shoulder. She grabbed my arm, pushing me off of her. She stood up slowly, walking out of the room.

  "Oh god." I heard Stiles mutter as he picked up the paper Malia threw down.

  The list.

I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update!! I'm gonna try to update soon, but ew finals, so idk if I'll have time. But I'm gonna try. Please comment what you thought!

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