Roy Harper x sister!reader

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Y/n's pov

       Star City High towered over me, I gulped and slowly entered the school, I followed the rest of the freshmen to the auditorium, the principal welcomed us, all of us were separated by our last names and we got out schedules. We then headed to our rightful classes, I had no trouble since Roy showed me around a lot when he was in high school, I stopped walking when I remembered Roy, ever since he found out he's a clone he set out to look for the real Roy leaving me behind.

       When he first did, he always called everyday while he looked, but after my 11th birthday, he stopped all of a sudden, every year, I looked out of the window in the Queen Manor waiting for him to come home, after my 13 birthday, I realized he wasn't coming back in a real long time.

       Going through middle school was hard since Roy wasn't there for me at all, Oliver and Dinah tried their best to support me but most of the time they couldn't because Oliver is a company owner and the mayor of Star City, he's also Green Arrow, Dinah's Black Canary and is often gone to train the team, she's the one who often stays for me.

       I felt someone shoving me, "move, you dumb ass," someone said, I glared at him and continued walking, I made it to my first class and sat down on at a desk.

       School went by fast, a lot of people recognized me because of my red hair and blue eyes(srry if that's not your description) a lot of people asked me about Roy and I told them lies.

       A chauffeur was waiting for me when I walked out of the front entrance, "home please," I said getting in the car, the chauffeur shut the door and got in, he then drove home. I pulled out my emergency phone that Oliver gave me, I hardly use it but there's a reason why I still have it.

       Hey little sis, it's me Roy, I know it's been a few days since we've spoken and I'm sorry for that. Since you didn't pick up, I'm guessing you have school or a sport that Oliver and Dinah signed you up for. Anyways, I miss you, I know I shouldn't since I'm his clone, you probably don't miss me since..... well, you already know, don't tell me that I'm real, because I'm not. After today, there's a good chance I might not be able to call you, I guess this is a goodbye.

        I clicked replay again and listened to the message again, this is the very last message he ever sent before he stopped completely. The car stopped, the chauffeur opened the door and held his hand out for me, I took his hand and got out. I said 'thank you' and walked inside the Manor, Oliver and Dinah weren't here again leaving me alone again.

       I went to my bedroom and got changed, I picked up a photo of Roy and me when we never knew he's a clone, I was sitting on his shoulders, I put the photo down and began my homework. Meanwhile.........

Green Arrow's pov

       "You're killing yourself," I said to Roy "I'm fine," Roy snapped "you're not fine, Roy," said Black Canary "when was the last time you trained?" she asked, she then attacked him, "I was hesitating," she said and backed away, "Roy, I know this is hard to believe but he's gone," said Jim "it's time for you to believe that," "no, he's still alive," Roy said, he won't listen, time for our last attempt to bring him home, "what about Y/n?" I asked "does she mean nothing to you?" "she means the world to me," said Roy "then come home," said Black Canary "she's desperate to have you home again. She's facing challenges she can't handle on her own," Black Canary said "come home and help your sister," "no, she deserves the real Roy, not his clone," said Roy "Roy, she's going through a lot, Green Arrow and I can't be there for her forever," Black Canary said "she deserves the real Roy," said Roy and he left.

       Black Canary and I shared a look, "we better check on Y/n," I said "I'll come too," said Jim and we left.

       We got changed and we found Y/n in her bedroom sitting by the window. "I watched you three come in," was the first thing Y/n said "where did you go?" "we met your brother," Jim said softly, Y/n immediately perked up, "really? Is he coming home?" Y/n asked, Jim sat down next to Y/n, "I'm afraid not," said Jim, the excitement and happiness faded, "oh," she said softly "we tried to get him to come home," Dinah said softly "we really did," "I just want him to come home," Y/n whimpered "we know," said Jim, I sat down next to her and pulled her in for a side hug, "I know Dinah and I aren't always here for you but we're trying very hard to," I said "at least you still care about me," Y/n said softly "hey, get some sleep," I said "okay?" Y/n nodded and got into bed, the three of us left her bedroom.

       "We need to get him back," I said "I agree," said Jim "she's becoming more broken each day," Dinah agreed "we can always bring back here by force," Jim said "yeah that's not going to work," I said "we can convince him to visit Y/n after school," Dinah said "he's bound to be curious how she's doing," "that's actually a good idea," I said "how are we going to persuade him?" Jim asked "I have no idea," I admitted "crud," Dinah mumbled.

Roy's pov

       I don't believe it, I have a daughter? not only that, Cheshire has been watching Y/n's movements lately and she's not doing well, especially since she's in high school now.

       Star City High's dismissal bell just rang, I looked around to see a familiar red head and saw her, she clutched a book close to her as she walked. When she looked up, she just stopped and stared, I gave her a small smile, she quickly tackled me in for a tight hug.

       "I've missed you," she whispered, I kissed the top of her head, "I've missed you, too," I said

3rd person view

       Green Arrow and Black Canary smiled "at least we didn't have to convince him," said Green Arrow "well, at least they got to see each other after 5 year," Black Canary agreed.

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