Jason Todd x reader

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Key:Y/d/c=your dream college
Y/n=your name
H/c=hair color
B/n=best friend's name

Jason's pov

                                        I found Y/n still asleep when I woke up. I smiled and kissed her forehead softly but it caused her to wake up. "I didn't mean to wake you," I said. "It's okay, Jace." She said softly, she stretched a bit and sat up.

                                         I pulled her to my lap, I kissed her forehead again lovingly and rested my chin on top of her head gently, "Jay?" I hummed "hmm?" She gave me a cheeky smile. "Can you let go so I can change?" I groan softly. "I don't want to," I said. "Jay, it's a new day, I have to go to school," said Y/n, she pushed a strand of h/c hair out of her face. "Fine, you, me a date at 6 on the dot," I said. "Fine," said Y/n, she kissed me gently and got out of bed to get changed.

Y/n's pov

                                           After Jason dropped me off I hurried to my first class, college is pretty difficult yet fun at the same time. I made many new friends, I also met some very jealous girls. "Great, it's the whore of the year again," said Liz.  "Oh look, it's the girl that wears too much makeup that makes her look like the Joker," I snapped back, Alyssa and her so-called friends gasped. "Take. that. back!" She demanded. "Make me," I said, Liz lunged but I dodged her.

                                           "Why you bitch!" she snarled and lunged again only to be caught by a teacher. "What. did. you. say?" The teacher demanded. "Nothing," She whimpered. "I don't think so." The teacher dragged her off.

                                             I stuck my tongue out at her before walking to my class. I met up with B/n. "I heard you and Liz got into another fight," he/she said. "Yeah, as usual, I won," I said. "Teachers are always around you when fights do occur," said B/n. "I'm not a teacher magnet B/n," I said. "I know." He/she said. I sighed, the teacher came in and class began.

Jason's pov

                                             "Come on, man, you never bring her here," said Roy. "Just shut up, man, I am not bringing my girlfriend here," I said. "Does she even know what you do?" Asked Roy. "Yes, and she doesn't know the Outlaws even exists," I said. "And I'll like to keep it that way for her," I added and started walking away. "Dude, is she a vigilante too?" Roy asked. "Will you just shut up about my girlfriend?!" I shouted, Roy flinched but I didn't see it since I stormed out of the room in anger.

Y/n's pov

                                                I got a text from Jason saying that he couldn't pick me up. I sighed. 'Great, I guess I'm walking home,' I thought bitterly and started walking home. 5 minutes of walking somebody is already following me. 'Fuck.' I thought, I quickly went into an alleyway where I usually go through for a shortcut. The footsteps disappeared making me sigh of relief, just when I turned a corner a hand grabbed me making me scream.

                                                 "Hello there, pretty girl," said a man. "Let go of me!" I said. "Oh no, pretty girl, let me have fun with you first," he said. "Help me! Someone help me!" I shouted. "Quiet you!" He growled covering my mouth with his hand, I bit him, he howled in pain, "RED HOOD! HELP ME!" I shouted, the man shoved me up to the wall. "I said quiet!" He growled, a bullet rang out, he stumbled to the side holding his arm and yelling in pain. "The lady said let you, so you let go." Said Red Hood, thank God, he dropped down and held me close to his side.

                                                   "Now scram before I take you out," Red Hood growled, the man took off running. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. "You okay n/n?" Red Hood asked. "Just scared," I said softly. "Come on, I'll take you somewhere safe," he said. "Where?" I asked. "Just a safe house couple of friends and I stay sometimes." Red Hood explained. "Okay," I said. 

                                                     I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arm around my waist while the other had a grappling gun. After jumping off some rooftops we reached a building. I saw a guy with red hair and a bow in his hand leaning against the door frame.

                                                     I couldn't tell if he's thinking I'm suspicious or something along those lines or not. "Is that her?" He asked. "Yes, this is my girlfriend you've been bugging me nonstop about bringing her here," Red Hood growled, he yanked led his helmet off and he's glaring at the red-headed archer. "Y/n, this is Roy Harper, he's part of the Outlaws," Jason introduced. "Wait," I said. "The Outlaws?"

~after explaining~

                                                         "So you've been part of some gang of vigilantes and I never knew about it?" I said turning to face Jason in anger. "That's about it," he said with a shrug. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "So I can keep you safe," said Jason, he stood up and towered over me since I'm so small. "Y/n, you know how dangerous it is for vigilantes and heroes who have loved ones," said Jason. "If a villain found out about you he or she would've kidnapped you and do who knows what to you," I sighed. "I know Jace," I said softly, "I just wish you can trust me more than you are now," I said softly. Jason gently grabbed my shoulders, "I do trust you, Y/n, I just don't want anything to happen to you," he said. "Please forgive me for hiding this from you," Jason begged. "Fine," I said. "You have to tell me what is going on and the secrets," I said, Jason hesitated but nodded. "Fine, if it means earning your forgiveness then yes," he said.

                                                             I pulled Jason in for a kiss, "I love you, babe," he mumbled "I love you too, Jace," I said. Jason picked me up by the thighs and carried me to his room, after setting me down on the bed Jason pulled his jacket and shirt off "you ready?" he asked, I nodded, "take me," I whispered.

Yeah, I am not that dirty guys, I mean yes I've written some lemons before but they're crappy. No, I will not do a part 2 where you guys do have it so don't bother asking. Request, comment, and vote!

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