Jason Todd x reader

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Red Hood's pov

       It's a cold winter night and I'm stuck with patrolling 'great, nothing is going on,' I thought grimly 'even bad guys need a break,' I heard a gun going off followed by a scream and crying.

        I grabbed my guns and rushed off. I quickly took out the guy but I was too late for the woman, she's holding something close to her, hidden underneath her coat, "please, take care of *deep breath*  Y/n," she whispered "I promise," I said, she gave me a weak smile and she's gone 'Y/n?' I thought, I saw movement in the woman's jacket, I reached down and pulled it off to see a baby in a bundle and she started crying loudly. 

       I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, I looked back at the woman, 'she must be her mother,' I thought 'poor kid,' the baby's eyes were on me, she looked at me curiously. Bright/warm e/c eyes meeting my own "well guess what, kiddo? I guess I'm your dad now," I said, she snuggled into me as I slipped her into my jacket to keep her warm. 

       The sirens of GCPD started ringing and I quickly fled the place, once GCPD took both the murderer and the body away. I started heading back to the Manor, everybody will be surprised.

*time skip*

       Boy was I right, everybody just stared at me when they saw me holding Y/n in my arms "before you ask, no I did not bang a girl, her mother was murdered and she asked me to take care of her," I said "are you sure, Todd?" asked Demon "of course I'm sure," I snapped "Jason, being a father isn't an easy job, are you sure you're up for it?" asked Bruce "I made a promise, Bruce and I'm going to keep it," I said "fine, no weapons and no cursing, Jason, those are the top 2 rules," Bruce declared "that's what you're giving up," I sighed, Stephanie offered to take Y/n from me, I hesitated but handed her over and started taking care of my weapons.

3rd person view

       "She is so cute!" Stephanie said while cooing at Y/n, the young girl looked at the older girl with curiosity, Y/n spotted her father and she reached out for him but Stephanie only held Y/n even more making her pout. "Hey, Steph, maybe you shouldn't hug her like that," said Tim "why not?" asked Stephanie "because she looks like she's ready to cry," said Tim and he was right, Y/n started crying for her father. 

       Jason swiftly plucked Y/n out of Stephanie's arms and held Y/n close to him, the young girl's crying stopped and soft sniffling was heard.

*4 years later*

"Daddy, I wanna hear a story," said 4 year old Y/n, she sat in her father's stomach while he lounged on the sofa with his arm pillowing his head, "well, what do you want to hear?" he asked "anything," his daughter replied, he sighed before pulling her close to him, Y/n happily snuggled into her father's chest before looking up at him. 

       "Alright, there once was a man who was sad and alone," Jason began "he heard crying and decided to see what was wrong only to find a baby," said Jason bopping his daughter's nose making her giggle, "he decided to take her in, once he did he realized that not only was she his daughter but she was also an angel," Jason went on "and that little angel, is you," Jason finished bopping his daughter's nose again "really, Daddy? Am I really the angel?" asked Y/n "yes it is, my little angel," he said kissing her forehead lovingly, it was true, if Jason hadn't found her, he would've been depressed maybe even worse than that but Y/n stopped it all. 

       "Daddy, Uncle Damian really is mean," Y/n said "why is he mean?" "because he's a demon," Jason responded "a demon?" Y/n repeated "yes, a horrible and mean demon," said Jason, he made a 😈 face to Y/n causing her to shiver, Jason chuckled, "Daddy, I really like Uncle Tim and Dick," she said "Drake's annoying and Grayson talks too much," said Jason "I don't get what you like about them so much," "but they're fun!" Y/n protested making a 😢 face "alright, alright, fine," said Jason "get some sleep, sweetheart, it's getting late," said Jason "kay, Daddy," said Y/n, she slid off of her father's stomach and headed to her small bedroom. 

       Jason smiled as she walked, soon, he fell asleep.

*few hours later*

Jason's pov

       'The hell? did I fall asleep?' I asked myself 'shit! Y/n!' I started to panic only to feel weight on my chest, I found Y/n snuggled into my chest softly sucking her thumb, I started relaxing and carefully wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. 

       'Yeah, she's my little angel alright,' I thought before falling asleep again.

Awwww, so cute and fluffy! so srry I didn't write yours yet @reneigade I just had to write this one, yours will be up by today or tomorrow, it depends on what ideas pop in my head. Vote, comment and request!

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