Dick Grayson x circus reader

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Requested by @Pink'n'sparkly

Dick's pov

       Haly's Circus is in Gotham again. Bruce got a lead something is going to happen at the Circus and sent me to investigate. 

       I sighed as the show began "greetings people of Gotham!" Haly's voice boomed "the first performance for today is a representative of the Flying Grayson's," I choked and sat up straight. Sure enough, a family of 3 are up, they're not using a net either like how we did it. 

       The father was just about to go but a bullet rang out, the father was hit. The mother quickly grabbed the daughter, she pulled her daughter close so she doesn't see the death of her father.

Y/n's pov

       "What's going on?" I asked as Mama shoved me "go! Get down!" Mama ordered "what about Papa?" I asked "just go!" she said shoving me even more. 

       I quickly went down, I looked up to see if Mama is following me. 

       Just when Mama was going to follow me blood came out of her "MAMA!!" I screamed and started climbing again but a hand grabbed my ankle, a man with a wicked grin looked at me "let go of me, you creep!" I said kicking him, he let go and I started climbing again. 

       I got back up and clutched Mama's cold, lifeless body, "Mama," I said softly, tears pouring down my cheek. 

       The stand started shaking making me gasp. 'No! I can't lose you Mama!' I thought holding onto her even more. 

       That's when it collapsed, I managed to jump and grab onto the bars. My hands are covered with Mama's blood making it hard for me to grasp onto the bars, I slipped. And I fell.

Robin's pov

       I quickly grappled myself to the girl as she fell from the bars. I caught her and I landed on my feet perfectly, the girl is sniffling as I put her down "are out alright?" I asked, she shook her head as a no, "it's going to be alright, calm down," I said "how?" she asked "my mama and papa are dead!" she yelled and burst into tears again. 

       GCPD came, Haly too came with them "she's shaken up," I said "come, Y/n, the police would like to have a word with you," Haly said softly. 

       Y/n, that's her name, I know what pain she's going through, I experienced it too.

*time skip*

       Haly walked over to me "thank you for catching her," he said "where will she go?" I asked "I'm afraid she'll have to go into foster care, her parents is the only family she had," Haly said with a heavy sigh. That's when an explosion occurred, Haly and I hurried to where it occurred "HELP!!" a young girl's voice rang out, I caught the sight of Y/n gagged and being carried off by two men "get the others to safety!" I said "I'm going after Y/n," I added and took off. 

       I pulled out a birdarang and threw it at one of the men, the birdarang knocked him down, he brought down the man who's carrying Y/n. I tied them both up, after I did I freed Y/n, I pulled her close to me as she sobbed. 

       "Why did this happen to me?" she whimpered "life is never fair, fate is more cruel than life," I said "come on, let's get you back to Haly," I said, I picked her up and carried her back. 

       Y/n rested her head on my shoulder "what will happen to me?" she asked "you'll be going into foster care," I said "Haly told me you don't have anybody in your family," I said softly, Y/n nodded. 

       Once we reached the Circus again Haly rushed out and embraced Y/n hard, "thank you, Robin," he said "where are the men?" he asked "let GCPD take care of them," I said "I'll lead them there," I said "Y/n?" she looked at me "stay here, I'll have a policeman stay behind to guard you," I said, she nodded and I left.

Y/n's pov

       After the death of Mama and Papa a man named Bruce Wayne had paid for the funeral arrangements for me. A boy with black hair and bright blue eyes stood next to me "I know what you're going through," he said "I lost my parents too," I looked at him "how?" I asked "my parents were the Flying Grayson's," he said "y-you were there?" I asked, he nodded, "my foster father is willing to take you in," he said "who's your foster father?" I asked, the boy nodded at a man not too far away from us, besides him is an older man holding an umbrella. 

       "Bruce Wayne is your foster father?" I asked "yes, we already talked about taking you in," he said "he took me in when my parents died," he added "I always wanted a sister," he said, I looked back at Mr. Wayne, he gave me a soft smile, "okay," I said "what?" he asked looking at me, "I said okay," I said "that's great!" he cheered "will I be loved?" I asked, I felt someone resting their hands on my shoulders, I looked back to see Mr. Wayne "of course," he said, I looked at the boy again, "okay," I said.

I'm not really sure if this is what you wanted but what the heck? I did it anyways, I think I messed this one up really bad, hope you enjoyed @Pink'n'sparkly!

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