Hogwarts Houses

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The train ride seemed to last forever.
Zoe had fallen asleep after 5 or so hours, and Louise had fallen asleep only 3 hours into the ride.

You could feel yourself getting sleepier and sleepier. Your eyes were getting heavy.

You were looking out the window with your music on. You eventually couldn't keep awake any longer.
You finally gave into sleep and drifted off.

It felt like only seconds later the train halted to a loud screechy stop and you jolted awake.
You saw that it woke Zoe too. You were both wide eyed and confused.

"EVERYONE GET OUT WERE AT HOGWARTS!!" You heard someone yell.

Louise was still fast asleep and even snoring a little.
"We have to wake her." Said Zoe.
You nodded then leaned over Louise.
You shook her lightly and said, "Louise, Louise, were at Hogwarts. You have to get up."

She made a noise and rolled over.
"Let me try." Said Zoe.

Then Zoe started violently shaking Louise and started yelling, LOUISE!!! WAKE UP!!!!"
Louise jolted awake and said, "ARE WE HERE?!!"
You and Zoe laughed, Louise starred at you confusingly.
"Ya.....were here." You said in between laughs.

She grabbed her stuff and got up. "Let's go then!" She exclaimed.
You and Zoe exchanged looks then shrugged.
You grabbed your stuff and followed Louise out of the train with Zoe in front of you.

You all hopped off the train and looked around at all of the other witches and wizards.
Then Zoe turned to you and asked, "what house do you think we'll get in?"
"What? House?" You asked. You had lived in the muggle world all your life so you had no clue about all this magic stuff they talked about.

"You know, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Revenclaw." Lousie said.
You just shrugged because you didn't want to have to tell them about your life as a muggle born witch.

They didn't bother asking any more questions. You all walked around and
was amazed by your surroundings.
As a guide led you all to the main hall, students chatted amongst each other and awed at the schools awesomeness.

Everyone was led into a huge room with four extremely long tables.
Everyone was told to get in a long line.
You asked Louise what you were all in line for.

She said, "the hat is about to decide what Hogwarts house were gonna be in!"
Your face brightened up, that sounded cool.

You saw the first person step up to the chair, he was about average guys height and had blonde hair and a big smile with wide blue eyes.
He sat down and the hat was placed on his head.

Then the hat talked with a loud voice, "SIMON MINTER!" There was a long pause and he made a face as if someone was talking to him even though it was dead silent.
Then it called out, "GRYFFINDOR"

His smile got even bigger as he hopped off the chair and sat at the table with a big red banner over it.

A few more people went by, it was actually a lot of people really.
The tables were all almost full.

The next person sat down on the chair with the hat on their head, your eyes widened and your heart beat quickened at the name that was called, "DAN HOWELL!"

It was him, Dan, from the train. The one with the brown eyes and hair and the black gauges. The one you sorta had a small crush on.

Your heart fluttered as you watched him sit there and wait for his house name to be called.
"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled.
He smirked and walked over to the Slytherin table and sat with a few people he knew.

You watched as his friend Phil got put in Hufflepuff, Chris and PJ got put in Gryffindor.

PJ waved at you as he walked to the Gryffindor table after being sorted by the hat. You smiled and waved back at him.

Next was Louise, then Zoe, then you.
Louise walked up and sat in the chair, as the hat was placed on her head she smiled at you and Zoe and you both gave her a thumbs up.

It was silent and you and Zoe waited eagerly to see what house your friend would end up in.

Then it shouted, "RAVENCLAW!" Louise smiled and waved at you two as she walked to the Ravenclaw table.

Zoe stepped up.
You were gonna watch her up on the chair but you noticed out of the corner of your eye at the Slytherin table a certain someone was starring at you.


You tried your best not to look at him but it was hard not to stare back.
You decided to look at the ground and get your mind off of him all together.

You were so focused on not looking at him that you didn't even notice Zoe got put in Gryffindor.

The person behind you tapped your shoulder, you looks up and turn around to see a tall guy with green hair and blue eyes.

"Umm miss, I believe its your turn." He says nicely with a little laugh. He had an accent that you assumed was Irish, and a very comforting smile.

Your face turned red and you became flustered, "u-uh, oh ya. Sorry." You said as you turned around and walked up to the chair.

As you sat, the hat was placed on your head.
"(Y/N) (L/N)!" It yelled.

Then it sort of speaks in your head.
'Hmm...let's see. You were part of a family who neglected you, so when you got the letter to Hogwarts you immediately accepted it then ran away without telling your parents.
Interesting. Hmm.....'
It stopped talking in your head and yelled for everyone els eto hear,

Your face turned red as your table cheered as they did every time a new student was recruited a Slytherin.
You sat at your table with your fellow Slytherin witches and wizards.

You glanced at Dan who was only a few seats away from you and was still starring at you too.

You ignored him and smiled at the people who were greeting and congratulating you.

A guy next to you with brown hair that was sorta long and a green hat introduced himself, "hey I'm Calvin, its cool that you got chosen to be a Slytherin too." He said.

"I'm (y/n), ya I guess it is." You responded.
He laughed and you giggled a little.
He seemed cool, maybe you could gang with him.

You felt like you might fit in well maybe.
It was a little suckish that you weren't with Zoe or Louise though.
But it was okay, cuz you could always see them at lunch or something.

But that was the least of your problems.

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