The Letter

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Your family never cared for you.
They were your real family, but they treated you like dirt.

They made you do chores, I know it doesn't sound bad but its worse then it seems.

You had to clean the house, even if it wasn't dirty. You had to wash ALL of the dishes, and they ate huge meals just to make sure there were plenty of dirty dishes. And there wasn't a dish washer in your house so you had to scrub the dishes by hand.

Then they give you a closet for your bedroom. It was just big enough for a small mattress and a dresser with three drawers. You had a poster or two on the walls and a coat hanging from the pole above your head.

You have a pet cat that they let you keep, he was an all black cat you decided to name Lucifer. It was pretty crowded for you two.

You were practically their servant or house maid. And when they had guests over, they made you stay in your room until its time for you to serve the food.

And you never got any of the food. You had to make big delicious feasts for them and the most your allows to get is a sandwich and an apple and maybe a small cup of water.

Compared to them you were boney. You weren't that skinny though, just Skinner then them definitely. If they starved you to ware you could see your bones then they could get in trouble, so they make sure that you still had some meat on you.

But one day the mail came in and of course you had to get it. When you collect the mail you have to separate the junk from the important stuff. So when you were separating you came by a letter that had nothing but your name on the envelope.

You decided not to tell your parents about it and hide it in your pocket.

Your father stomped in the room.and demanded you hand over his mail. You did so and walked away quickly to your room.

You sat on your bed and opened the letter. When you opened it it read;
To the parents of (y/n) (l/n),
Your child has been accepted into Hogwarts school for witches and wizards.
You skimmed the rest which was instructions on what to do and how to get there.
Then all of a sudden you hear a tapping on your small built-in window.
A bird was talking at it. No wait, it was an owl.
On the letter you skimmed it said your owl will find its way to your home.
You opened the window and in flew a snow white owl. You peeked your head out the window and saw a cage.
When you brought the cage in you saw Lucifer batting at the owl.

You swatted Lucifer away gently and put the owl in its cage. You examined the owl and its majestic white feathers.
"I think I'll name you, Snow White. But I'll call you Snow for short." You stated. The owl seemed to not care.

The letter said you had to be at the train station by tomorrow. You grabbed a small suitcase you had hidden behind your dresser and a backpack.

You packed quickly and then his your stuff again. You put a blanket over your owls cage that you set on too of the night stand and turned off the lights.

You were so excited to get out of this place.
Thinking of how you'll finally be free of your terrible parents made you happy and it was hard to sleep.
But eventually you drifted off.

The next morning you quickly got up and got your stuff together before your parents woke. You sneaked out of the house and walked out.

Before walking to the buss stop you took one last look at your old home. You had lived there for your whole life, and yet you weren't gonna miss it one little bit.

You continued your walking.

At the bus stop you only had to wait about 5 minutes and the bus came.
When you got on it was surprisingly full. You looked for a place to sit but could only find one spot next to a girl with blond hair the ends were dyed a bright pink.

"Um, is anybody sitting here?" You asked her.
She looked up at you and smiled, there was a small gap between her teeth. "Oh no, you can sit here if you want though!" She responded.
"Thank you." You said as you took your seat next to her.

You put in your ear buds that were plugged into the phone you were supposed your parents had gotten you a few years ago. They said they wanted you to have one in case they needed you and you were somewhere else like the store or something.
You played your favorite song and sat there peacefully the whole ride to the train station.

When the bus came to a stop at the station you got off along with a few other people including the girl you sat with.

You got all of your stuff and hopped off the bus. You looked around for platform 9 3/4, which is where the letter told you to go.

You didn't see it anywhere or any sign that said where to go. You saw a man with a conductors hat on and decided to ask him.

"Um, sir? Where would platform 9 3/4 be?" You asked.
"What? 9 3/4? That doesn't even exist. Why would that make sense?" He said.
"But...Uhh...." You decided to give up because he was now just ignoring you.

"Are you here for the train to Hogwarts too?" You turned around and saw the girl with the pink hair again.
"O-oh.....ya, yes I am. Do you happen to actually know where its at?" You asked.
She laughed and shook her head.
"No sorry, I'm a first year too." She said.
"But we could find it together if you want." She added.
You smiled, "ya, that would be great!" You responded.
You liked her, she was nice and her smile made you feel ten times happier inside.
"I'm Louise by the way." She said
"I'm (y/n)."

Then off you two went to look for platform 9 3/4 together.

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