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You starred wide eyed at the man in front of you who claimed to be the headmaster.
He had blonde hair and a bit of scruff on his chin.
His blue eyes blared at the two of you, but it wasn't anger.
He was starring in confusion.

"W-we came because there is something bad happening." Dan said.
Headmaster Felix gave him a look of thinking, then his eyes darted to the open tank.

"Did someone let out Slippy?" He asked.
"Slippy?" You repeated.
"That's the frogs name?" Dan asked.
"So someone did let him out!" He exclaimed.
"SLIPPY!!" He started calling out for the frog.

You and Dan exchanged glances.
You could tell you were both thinking.the same thing.
This guys nutts.
You leaned in towards Dan and whispered, "Do you really think this guy is our headmaster?" You asked him.
Dan shrugged.
"I don't know, he can't possible be. He's to weird." He replied.

Headmaster Felix scrambled around the Took

looking for Slippy the frog.
The frog jumped out from behind a chair, he squealed a little and reached out for the frog in mid air.
Slippy slipped just past his hands and flew through the air for a good 5 seconds.

The doors opened once more and a brown haired girl with a little pink hat and a matching vest on walked in at the perfect time. Slippy landed perfectly in her arms that shot up when she saw him flying toward her.

"Um....I caught it?" She said.
You assumed it was the girl that was with him in the library, she had the same voice.
The headmaster chanted.

He gently took Slippy from Marzia's hands and put him back into the tank.
He picked up the tank lid and quickly put it back on.
He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his short blonde hair.
Then he turned back to you and Dan who froze in fear again.

"Now tell me again, why have you come here and let my frog loose?" He asked in a serious tone.
"Well headmaster-" "Call me Felix." He interrupted you.
"U-uh....Felix....you see...we think someone here....a student...is using dark magic." You struggled to get all of that out.
The tension in the room was quite awkward.

"WHAT?! YOU THINK!!" He exclaimed.
"You can here because YOU THINK someone is using dark magic?"
"Well. We aren't necessarily sure. We haven't seen it up close and personal, but we have witnesses." You replied.
He groaned.

"Take me to the witnesses and let me hear their stories myself....NO BETTER YET, take me to this person who is using dark magic."
Your face got flustered.
"W-we d-don't known where he's a-at..." You mumbled.
"THEN LETS FIND HIM!" Exclaimed Felix, he threw his hands up in the air.

You looked over to Dan who was just as flustered as you.
"O-okay..." You replied finally.

"Come on Marzia!" He said as he jokingly looped arms with her and skipped out of the office.
You and Dan, again, exchanged glances.
Was this guy bipolar or something?


You and Dan were told to lead the way to Greg, but the thing is....you had no clue where Greg was at all.
"Where are we supposed to go look for him?" Dan whispered to you.
"I don't know!" You exclaimed.

Just then someone walked around the corner.

"Hey why are you not in class?!" Said headmaster Felix.
Your eyes widened when Greg's stare directed to you.
"Uhhh....Felix...." You mumbled.

"What." He replied.
"That's him." You stated.

The headmasters head shot back toward Greg who was looking as confused and innocent as ever.
"What did I do?" He asked in a childish tone.
Felix laughed.
He walked up to Greg and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Its all okay, i just have a few questions for you." He said to Greg.
"Okay..." He replied.

"I know this is going to sound a little crazy, but are you using dark magic?" He asked.
Why did he ask like that? It was so strait forward, no interrogation or nothing!
You thought.

"No of course not, that's crazy!" He exclaimed.
"These two claim you do though, can you explain why they would think such a thing?" Said the Felix.

Greg looked you in the eyes. You could see the hate in them.
"Well you see.... They and their friends, they have been bullying me." Said Greg.
"WHAT?!?! NO WE HAVENT!!" You yelled.

"Oh have they?" Replied the headmaster.
"Ya, I used to be their friend but one day they just suddenly turned on me when their friend Calvin said he liked me better." His lies flowed out of his mouth so perfectly, even you would have fallen for it if you didn't already know the truth.

"I see." Mumbled Felix.
He took his hand off of Greg's shoulder.
"Well. It seems we have confirmed this while situation. The two of you are expelled." He said bluntly.
"WHAT??!?!" Both you and Dan yelled at the same time.

"You bullied another student and came all the way to me just to lie. I won't tolerate that in my school." He said.
"And you don't seem to have good evidence about your little theory."

All of a sudden Calvin came running around the corner.
"HA! I FOUND YOU!!" He pointed to Greg.
Greg's eyes went wide and his face went pale.

"No that's not true! He is just another person who bullies me!" Wined Greg.
"And who are you?" Felix asked.

"My name is Calvin!" He replied.
"Calvin? As in the one who said he liked you better?" The headmaster questioned to Greg.

Greg looked from Felix, to Calvin, to you, then back to the Felix.

Then he made a run for it.
"GET HIM!!!" You shouted.

So you, Dan, Calvin, Headmaster Felix, and Marzia bolted after Greg.

(A/n): I will be referring to Felix as "Felix," "the headmaster," or "headmaster Felix" throughout the rest of the story, just in case anyone gets confused.

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