Admitting It

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You stared into PJs eyes while he waited for and explanation.
You sighed after a long time to think it all over before you tell him everything.

"Okay, so it all started when we all went to the restricted library together and on our way there we saw my friend Greg. When I told my other friend Calvin about it he asked me what we were doing out there after curfew and when I couldn't come up with an excuse Phil just blurted out they we were dating for no apparent reason. And I guess Calvin told someone and news spreads now we're dating." You said really fast, but slowing down and mumbling the last part.

He was quiet for a few seconds, just starring at you.
Then all of a sudden he leant in and quickly kissed you on the lips.
When he pulled away your eyes widened in amazement and confusion. He was blushing, as were you.

"I-i um...I kind of had a crush on you anyway..." He said softly.
You smiled at his sweetness, your face was still pink from the sudden Kiss earlier.

"PJ, are you saying you are actually happy that we're dating now?" You asked mockingly.
He smiled and blushed even redder.
"Ya...." He mumbled.
"Awww, PJ! THATS SO CUTE! Why haven't you said anything?" You asked him.
"I was nervous I guess. And I only thought you would like me as a friend." He replied.

You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him back.
When you looked at his face he was smiling wider then ever.
"I promise I'll be the best boyfriend ever. You won't regret using me as your excuse." He laughed after he said the last part.

He walked you to your last class hand I'm hand.

When you got to your Defence Against the Dark Arts class PJ waved goodbye to you and you walked in.

You walk over to the back to Louise and Zoe who were sitting with Dan and Phil.
Dan gave you a weird look.
You weakly smiled, but he turned his head to avoid any more eye contact.
It made you sad that Dan was acting so strange. What did you do?

Maybe it had something to do with you being with PJ? But that can't be, Dan doesn't like you that way, right?

You turn to Phil who smiled at you as you sat down.
You smiled back but said nothing.
Louise and Zoe exchanged concerned looks, you could tell they knew something was up and expected to hear questions about it after class.


Class seemed to go on forever, all you could do was try and avoid looking in Dan's direction.

When the bell rang you watched as Dan and Phil walked off to wherever, Phil said bye to you as he walked away with Dan.

You got up and started walking out too, but someone grabbed your arm and pulled you back down into your seat.
"OH NO, don't you leave yet. We want answers." Said Louise.
You look at your two best friends and winder if you should tell them how you feel about everything.

"Come on (y/n), we know some things wrong." Said Zoe.
You sigh.
"Okay. Please don't tell anyone though. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, especially PJ's." You said.

"Oh no. What's up with you and PJ?" Asked Zoe.
The truth is....
I still really like Dan." You admitted.

They both gasped. "But why are you with PJ then?" Asked Louise.
"Because i didn't want to tell him I don't feel the same, it would break his heart. And he is to sweet for that." You replied.

They both nodded. But you still had one good question left. "So, what do I do?"
You asked.

They both looked at each other with sad faces, you knew you weren't going to get a good answer.
"We don't know." They replied at the same time.

You felt your heart sink. Its not that bad, PJ is a good guy. There is no need to fuss over having him as a boyfriend. This is a good thing. You thought.
In fact, its a great thing. It won't be hard getting over Dan anyway, right?

"We're sorry we can't help (y/n), if there was something we could do we would." Said Zoe.
"Its okay guys. I'll make the most out of it. PJ is a great friend, so he will be a great boyfriend." You concluded.

They both smiled.
When you stood up from your chair they engulfed you into a big hug.
You laughed and hugged them back.

You all walked out of the classroom together and made your way outside.
Dan and Phil were sitting under a tree with Joe and another guy you didn't know.
"Who's that?" You asked Zoe while gesturing over to the blond Hufflepuff boy sitting hand in hand with Joe.

"Oh, that's my brothers boyfriend, Caspar." She said with a smile.
"He is like another brother to me."

You watched as Caspar and Joe laughed and giggled while they talked to each other, then Caspar gave Joe a little kiss on the cheek.

"Aww, there so cute together." You said.
"Ya I know, there adorable." She said.
"But a lot of people give them so much hate for being a gay couple." Said Louise.
"That's not right. They love each other, why do other people have to hate on them for it?" You complained.

"Ya. I know, but there so really nothing we can do about it besides ignore it. But there happy and usually don't care about what other people think." Said Zoe.

"That's so sweet, good for them." You said.
Right when you said that, Dan looked up and saw you from afar. Phil looked up to see what Dan was looking at.
Dan just looked back down but Phil yelled, "HI GUYS!!" Joe and Caspar also looked up and saw you all.
Joe waved you all over, "GUYS!! HEY, COME SIT WITH US!!"

"WE'RE COMING!" Zoe yelled back.
"Come on guys. You don't have to talk to Dan of you don't want to (y/n)." She said.

"Its not like he wants to talk to me anyway." You mumbled.

Louise grabbed you and Zoe's hands and led you over.
When you three got there you all sat down. Zoe sat next to her brother, you and Louise sat across from everybody.

"I know Zoe and Louise already know him, but (y/n) this is my boyfriend Caspar." Said Joe.
"Hi!" Caspar waved happily with a huge smile.
"Hello." You said back.

Everybody talked and laughed the rest of the day except you and Dan.
You both still talked, but not to each other. And whenever you would look at him by accident he would just look away quickly.

When night came everyone walked back to their dorms.

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