Done Avoiding Him

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Louise, Zoe, Joe, Caspar and PJ sat at the tree in a circle around you and Simon.

You were sitting in Simons lap while cleaning a bloody wound on his head.
You were both swarmed. with hundreds of questions from the others.
They all spoke at once and you didn't understand anything they were saying.

Louise finally spike louder amongst the others and said, "OKAY EVERYONE CALM DOWN!"
Everyone went silent.
"Basically what we want to know is, what the heck was going on there?!?!"
She concluded.

You looked back at Simon, "You first, you were the one fighting blue eyes back there."
He sighed.
"Okay. 'Blue eyes' is a guy named Harry who has never really liked me.
Before we came to Hogwarts we both lived in a muggle neighborhood.
He lived across the street from me and we are both halfbloods, but we didn't know that until we just so happened to see each other in the halls as we walked by. And let's just say, some things were said and a punch was throne then next thing you know there was a full crowd around us and we were fighting."
He explained.

Everyone nodded and mumbled words of understandings.
"Now how about you (y/n), what urged you to go and step into that mess?" Asked PJ.

You thought about it for a minute. You really didn't have a good explanation because you really didn't know why.

"Um...well. I knew him so, why not help him? I guess it was just the right thing to do." You replied.

Simon glanced at you as you reached for the patches. You put one on his head over the wound.
"Anything else? Nothing broken? No sprained ankles or anything?" You asked him.
"Um, no. Thank you." He mumbled.
"No problem." You replied.

You hopped off of Simons lap and plopped onto PJ's. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder.

You could see Zoe starring at you and PJ out of the corner of your eye, you could tell she was silently fangirling.
PJ didn't seem to notice.

"So. Why do you and Harry hate each other?" PJ asked Simon.
"Ya, why?" Chimed in Joe who was being held by Caspar the same way PJ was holding you.

Simon made himself comfy because he assumed there would be more questions after this.
"Well.... When we were kids we didn't hate each other. In fact, we were best friends.... I remember when I first moved in that house across from his, I was only 9 years old. I had moved states, I was in a new place, new school, and had no friends.
Until Harry saw me moving boxes into my house and decided to come over and help. We had a lot of things in common.
And he taught me how to talk to girls.
We both liked football.
And everything was great...."

He stopped and took a deep breath before continuing.
"....that is, until one day. I was 13 and I fell in love with this girl.
His girlfriend.
I wasn't going to make a move or anything on her because i knew she was his girl. But that day when the three if us were hanging out, Harry went to the bathroom. Me and her were alone.
She said a few thing about how I would probably be a better boyfriend then Harry and any girl would be lucky to have me.
I just nodded my head and didn't say anything. And all of a sudden, she kissed me. I didn't kiss her back because I was so shocked.
But Harry walked in and saw her kissing me and thought I was the one who made the move.
Of course when Harry yelled at me the girl didn't defend me and tell the truth.
Harry broke up with her for 'not telling me to stop' and we ended our friendship.
Ever since then Harry just hated me for everything I did, whether it was wrong or not." He finished.

"Man, that sucks. A lot. Loosening your best friend because of a girl." Said Caspar.
Everyone nodded and mumbled agreements.

"So, who was the girl?" Asked Louise.
"She doesn't go here, she's just a muggle. You wouldn't know her." He replied.
"Oh right, halfblood. You lived in a muggle neighborhood." She concluded.

Simone looked at his wristwatch.
"Hey guys, I'm going to head back to the dorm now. Its getting late and I don't want to be out past curfew." He said.

"Bye Simon!" You said as he got up.
"See ya man." Said PJ.
"Bye!" Said Joe and Caspar at the same time.
"Goodnight." Said Zoe.
"BYE!!" Louise yelled.
Simon giggled as he turned around and walked backwards while he waved at everyone.

"He's pretty cool." Said PJ.
Everyone agreed.
"Guys. It actually is getting late. Why don't we all start heading to our dorms too?" Said Zoe.
"Ya, sounds good." You said for everyone.

You stood up off of PJ's lap then turned around to help him up.
"Why, thank you." He said as he grabbed the hand you held out for him.
When he got to his feet he brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back of it like a price would to a princess.

You giggled at his little 'prince rollplay' thing he did.
He smiled widely and his big blue eyes glimmered.
"Awww you two are SO CUTE!!" Said Louise.

"Ya, but I bet we're cuter!" Shouted Caspar.
Joe glanced at Caspar in confusion.
"Caspar wha?-" Caspar cut Joe off by picking him up and holding him bridle style.
"OH MY GOSH CASPAR!!" Joe giggled.

You giggled as you watched Joe and Caspar beak out into a laughing fit.
Caspar then carried Joe to who knows where.

You, PJ, Zoe, and Louise stood there and watched Caspar carry Joe away.
When they walked out of sight all of you went "Awwweee!" In unison.
"They really are relation ship goals." Said Louise.


You and PJ walked the halls together back to your dorms hand in hand.
Zoe and Louise decided to walk off and leave the two of you to walk together alone.

As you were walking you felt PJ's eyes on you.
You turned your head to see him starring at you.
"What?" You giggled.
He took a few last seconds to stare at you before saying "nothing" and looking forward again.
You looked forward again but still felt him starting at you, this time you ignored it.

When you got to the Slytherin common room door you turned back to PJ.
"Goodnight." You said softly.
He squeezed your hand lightly before letting go.
"Sweet dreams." He said.
He kissed your forehead and walked off to the Gryffindor common room.

You opened the door and walked in.
There were still a few students awake because you got there a few minutes before curfew.
Dan was one of the people still awake.

As you walked pat him you knew he was starring at you.

You remembered he told you he liked you back then just disappeared.
You still haven't gotten to tell him how you felt.
You could do it now. But it felt wrong.
You just got back from your boyfriend, PJ.
You really did like PJ, just not the way he liked you.
Your heart ached when you thought of that.

It felt bad to just act like all of that never happened. But that's really all you could do for now.
But ignoring him was something you didn't want to do.
You wanted to at least still be friends with him.
So you decided you were done avoiding him.

You stopped in front of the girls dorm.
You turned around and looked at Dan who was still starting at you.

"Goodnight Dan." You said.
He was silent.
He looked at the ground.
You turned back around slowly.
You put your hand on the doorknob and opened the door.....

"Goodnight (y/n)."

You glanced over your shoulder to see Dan smiling.
You felt your heart skip a beat.
You smiled back and walked into the girls dorm.
You closed the door behind you and made your way to your bed.

(A/N): When i say "football" mean soccer, they call it football in England with is where he's from. If you watch him or any other British YouTuber then you would know. If i mention football again then I most likely mean soccer.

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