The Fight

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You ran down the halls searching for Dan. He was nowhere in sight and you had to Talk to him immediately.

You were so focused on finding Dan you didn't notice you ran past Zoe who was as confused as ever.

She ran to catch up to you and stopped you to question.
"Um, where are you headed in such a hurry?" She asked you.
"Nowhere, well not really. Have you seen Dan anywhere?" You asked.

"No....why?" She questioned.
"Ugh, long story. Calvin said some shit about me and called you and your brother mudbloods whatever that is.... and Dan didn't like it I guess so he stood up for me, which was very shocking considering how much I thought he hated me but really all this time-"
She cut you off before you could tell her everything.
"Wait....he called me and Joe what?!"

"Uh...a mudblood I think? I don't know what that is though." You replied.
She suddenly got really thence and you noticed tears forming in her eyes.

"How rude! I thought people had stopped calling us that." She started fully crying and you realized finding Dan could wait, one of your best friends needed your comforting right now.

You guided her to the girls bathroom and she fixed her makeup in the mirror.
"So what does mudblood mean?" You asked her.
She sighed and turned to you.
"Mudblood is another term for muggleborn. But its much ruder. Its used in an insult." She said.

"So you and Joe are muggleborn, why is that bad? I'm muggleborn too." You stated.
"Its embarrassing honestly. When people call us that. And its not like we can help it either."

Just then Joe rushed into the bathroom with Louise and Caspar.
"That's what I said!" Said Louise.
"I know but I heard from someone that they saw you crying and said you went in here with (y/n). What's wrong?" He asked.

"That Calvin guy, he called us mudbloods." She mumbled.
Joes soft worried expression changed to a furious and outraged one.
"What?! How dare he!" He scoffed.
"Boy is he gonna hear from me!" He was about to storm off before Caspar grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Joe come on. Please don't go and get yourself into a fight. I hate wen you do that. Besides, he's not worth it." Said Caspar.
Joe stood still for a minute, then he calmed and you could see his tense muscles relax again.
Caspar let go of Joes arm slowly.
When Joe was fully calm Caspar held his hand to keep him mellow.

"I'm never talking to Calvin again. Its mostly Greg's fault. I shouldn't have trusted Greg after everything everyone has said about him." You said.

"Why don't we finally go and question this 'Greg' dude once and for all. So you can finally set things strait with him." Stated Louise.
"Nah. If what all these people say about him is true, and I'm pretty sure it is, then I don't want to get on his bad side." You replied.

A girl walked into the bathroom and spotted Caspar and Joe.
She looked at them wide eyed and froze in place.
"Um....we can explain?" Caspar reasoned.
She just backed up and slowly walked out of the bathroom.

"Uh oh. Maybe we should head out before she tells a professor." You said.
They all agreed and all of you walked out into the halls.

Louise side hugged Zoe. "Are you sure your okay?" She asked her.
Zoe nodded.

As the five of you walked down the hall you came upon a large group.of students huddled around something.
You heard noises that sounded like a fight.

All of you went to investigate.
The closer you got to the crowd the louder it got.
You made your way to the crowd and tried to shove your way to the front.
You lost your friends in the crowd but finally made your way to the very front where you saw two boys fighting.

One you've seen before with blonde hair and he is a Gryffindor. He was underneath another who had Blonde hair as well and blazing blue eyes, he was a Hufflepuff.
The one you've seen before you remembered him from your first day when you were about to get sorted into your house. His name was Simon, Simon Minter.

You've never seen the other one before but he was beating the crap out of Simon.

You didn't really know what you were thinking when you did it but something urged you to walk up to them and shout, "HEY!!"
The blue eyed Hufflepuff stopped punching Simon and looked up at you.
He looked you up and down then smirked. "Hey beautiful, names Harry."
You rolled your eyes in disgust.

"Let him go." You stated firmly.
Harry looked back at Simon, then back at you.
"Why should I?" He boasted.
"Because if you don't, you'll be answering from me." You replied.

Everyone in the crowd started murmuring. You saw out of the corner of your eye Louise, Zoe, Joe, Caspar and even PJ in the front of the crowd starring at you wide eyed.

Harry shoved Simon all the way to the ground and stood up to face you.
He was much taller then you but you reminded strait faced, even though you were really terrified and didn't know why you were doing this.

"And what makes you think you could​ take me down?" He said while looking down at you.
He got really close to your face so you shoved him. He fell and everyone started laughing.

He scrambled to his feet. He took a swing at you but somehow you doged it. He stumbled forward while missing you.
Laughter was heard across the halls.

Right when he got ahold of your wrist a professor stepped into the crowd and yelled at the two of you.
Harry froze.
You snatched your wrist out of his hand.
He looked around the crowd frantically as you heard some people still giggling.

The professor pointed to you, Simon, and Harry and said, "Detention! I expect to see you there after classes tomorrow!"
The three of you nodded sheepishly.
She gave you the stink eye and walked away.

The crowd slowly departed.
Harry gave you a death glare and headed off too.
You held walked up to Simon who was still on the ground and held out your hand to him.

He looked up at you confusingly and hesitantly took your hand.
You helped him up.

"My name is (y/n)." You said.

"Why did you help me?" He asked.
You looked around and saw your friends waiting for you to come to them and explain.

"To be honest, i don't know."
God, this weekend was crazy.You thought.
Zoe mouthed to you 'come on!'
You nodded and turned back to Simon.
"Hey, why don't you come with me and my friends. We can talk about it at our favorite hang out spot. I can also clean and wrap your wounds." Yous said to him.

He smiled and nodded.
"That sounds great." He replied.
You grabbed his hand and led him to the group.

You introduced him. "Everybody, this is Simon."

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