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(A/n): IMPORTANT!!! This takes place during the chapter, Inside the Chest, while everyone was freaking out while PJ was in the trance.

So this one is going to be a little short compared to the other ones. But I still hope you enjoy.

Calvin's point of view...

PJ went into some kind of trance cult thing and everyone started freaking out.

I have to admit, it was some pretty freaky shit.

But I felt like maybe it wasn't really my business because I wasn't close to PJ like everyone else is.

I looked around the library and realized that this was a pretty cool place.
Time to explore.

As I walked the halls of bookshelves I kept track of where I was going inside my head, if I got lost they would kill me.

I walked a little longer and saw nothing interesting.
Until I saw something covered by a blanket.
Now THAT was interesting.

I walked up and took off the blanket.

It was a mirror.

That's it? I thought.
A dusty old mirror?

Then I saw it.
In the mirror was Greg.
But how?
Then I saw myself.

"Everything's okay Calvin. Nothing bad is going to happen to me, your friend."
Greg said.
I turned around to look into his eyes.
But he wasn't there.
When I looked back into the mirror I still saw his reflection though.

"Greg?......is that really you?" I asked him.
"Of course its me, why wouldn't it be?
I'm here do be what you've always wanted, your best friend.
Someone to be there for you when nobody else is.
To be by your side through thick and thin.
Isn't that what friends do?"

I was take back by this.
Is this what I really want?
It is.
I realized.
All I've ever wanted is a true friend.

I started to hear some commotion coming from where the others were.
I take one last glance at the mirror, then I hesitantly walk away.

I walk back to the others and see that PJ was back to normal.

"I know what these are..." PJ says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question.

They all turn around to look at me.
They must have forgotten I was here because I was gone so long.

But that doesn't matter.

What was that mirror?
Was that really Greg?
Did I imagine the whole thing?
Should I be worried or scared?

I started to question everything.
I didn't know what to do, who to tell, and who to trust anymore.

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