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(A/n): IMPORTANT!!! This takes place after the chapter, The Truth, during some time that I skipped. So like its basically a filler chapter between The Truth and Calvin.

Tyler's point of view...

I was walking the halls thinking to myself about all that has happened, I finally got (y/n) and Dan together.
I kind of secretly knew that there was something up with the two of them.

They were seriously my otp, I knew (y/n) and PJ were dating but I couldn't help but ship her with Dan they were so perfect for each other.

I walked into my first class, History of Magic.
I sat in my usual spot by myself.
In that class I had nobody to talk to.

The professor walked into the class with another Ravenclaw boy.
They stopped in front of the classroom.

"Class say hello to our new student Mr. Sivan." Said the professor.
Nobody said anything.
I looked around at the unamused class.
Nobody said hello, so it was up to me to lighten the mood "HIYA!!" I blurted.

The boy smiled.
And boy was his smile amazing.
He had bright blue eyes and wonderful brown hair that looked so fluffy.

The professor gave me a dirty look and I could see a few other students hating on me also, but you know,
Gotta love the haters right?

"Okay sit down please Mr. Sivan." The professor instructed.
He nodded and walked off to find a place to sit.

When he walked by quietly I waved my hands frantically. "HERE!! SIT HERE!!!" I whisper-yelled to him while motioning to the spot next to me.
He smiled his amazing smile yet again and sat next to me.

"Hi! My name is Tyler Oakley!" I said.
"My name is Troye, Troye Sivan." He replied.

"TYLER! Please don't distract the new student!" The professor snapped.
I had to hold back a laugh.
I heard Troye giggle a little next to me.

The professor continues the lesson.
"We should hang out after classes." Said Troye.
I smiled, forgetting the fact we just got snapped at.
"That sounds great." I said.

So all I could do the rest of the day was wait anxiously until classes were over.
Unfortunately we didn't have any other classes together, just the first one.
But when all the classes were over we met up outside by the tree all of my friends hand out at that I told him about.

When I got there I saw him waiting and talking with Joe and Caspar.
He glanced over and saw me then smiled.
"Oh here he is now! I'll see you guys." He said as he walked over to me.

Joe and Casper waved at me.
I smiled and waved back at my friends.
Then they pointed to Troye and gave me a thumbs up, Caspar made a heart with his hands while Joe mouthed "Good luck!."
I blushed like crazy.
Did they think i liked Troye?
I mean maybe I do, but I don't think he is gay like me.

Troye came up to me and saw my flustered face.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I glanced back over to Caspar and Joe who were still sending me thumbs ups.
I quickly looked back at Troye and replied, "uh...ya I'm fine."

He gave me a concerned look then just shrugged it off.


We walked the halls and talked about things together.
There wasn't really much we could so considering we had to stay on the campus.
But it was fun anyway, I liked learning things about Troye, he was pretty interesting.

And something that I realized that I sure didn't really want to admit was that.....
I think I really do like Troye.
But I sure wasn't going to tell Caspar and Joe that! They would go crazy.

The halls started to get crowded.
This was around the time that everyone started walking the halls freely and hanging out with their friends.

Suddenly a guy walked up to the two of us.
He had a bun and it looked like he was warring makeup, but i knew it was a guy.Troye seemed to know him.
He eyed me up and down.
Troye sent him a dirty look.
"Hey Troye, so who's this?" He asked.
Troye huffed.
Then the unexpected happened.

Troye pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek.
I thought.

"Trevor, this is my boyfriend Tyler." He said it so casually.
My face felt hot, I bet it was redder then a tomato.
The guy Troye called Trevor stared at us a little taken back, I could tell he wasn't expecting that either.
"Oh wow. Okay, cool. Nice to meet you Tyler." He replied.

I just nodded, I didn't want to say anything because I knew if I tried it would come out high pitched and squeakier then usual because he had me so shook.

Trevor said he had to go to the library to do something, so that left me and Troye alone again...

It was silent for a while.
Then I finally spoke up once I regained my breath.

My face still felt hot, I know I was still a little shaken up. But I had go say something.

He glanced over at me.
"Ya, boyfriend." He replied.
"Since when?" I asked jokingly.
"Well, I like you. And I figured you like me, so...."
"And what makes you think I like you?"

His face got red.
"Wh-wha? Y-you dont-"
"Troye I'm joking with you!" I exclaimed.
He took a deep breath and smiled.
"You had me worried there." He said.

"So its official hu?" I asked him.
"Ya, I guess so." He replied.

We stood there just looking into each others eyes.
I was going to say something, but he cut me off with a kiss. And this time, on the lips.

I was shocked at first.
But once I realized what was happening, I kissed back.
And BOY was he a good kisser.

When we parted he actually said it,
"I love you."
Already? I thought, he loves me already?

I didn't think twice before replying,
"I love you too."

He interlocked his fingers with mine and we continued walking down the halls together.

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