The New Couple

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Billie led you down the halls. You followed patiently as she took her time walking.

"We're here." She said.
The two of you were standing in front of the library.
"Um, the library?" You questioned.
"Its where I like to spend my free time, and its nice and quiet. Nobody usually bugs me in here." She replied.

She led you to the very back where there was a small couch. She sat down, then she looked up at you and patted the spot next to her.
You sat down and asked again, "okay so what's the deal with Greg?"

She sighed and rubbed her forehead like she had a headache already.
She looked back at you.
"So, Greg and I had been together for a month exactly. One day he just said out of nowhere he wanted to show me something. I went along with it, but I didn't know what i was in for....
He took me to a tower in the school that nobody ever goes to. He got out some kind of book and his wand. But the book gave me weird vibes. It was like i could already feel the dark magic radiating off of it."
You remembered the book you found in the restricted library and started to wonder if it was like the book she said Greg had.

She continued, "He opened it and set it on the ground in front of him. I was strait up confused but he told me not to ask questions. Then he started chanting a spell I have never heard of. His wand in the air and his loud changing made me thing maybe he was just a dork who liked to rollplay. But then the book started to move. As I started to step back the words on the page lit up in a dark purple. Then smoke came out of the book and his wand was turning black. Right then I understood that he wasn't supposed to be doing that, so I made a run for it. The next day I broke up with him." She paused, starring off like she was having a flashback.

"Wow...." Was all you could say.
"Ya..." Was what she replied.

"Be careful...if I were you I would avoid him all together. But he might get suspicious if you just stop talking to him out of nowhere." She stated.
She got up and walked away before you could respond.
You didn't follow her.
You had heard enough.

You got up and headed back to the bathroom where Louise was waiting for you.

As you were walking you ran into Tyler. "(Y/N)! How did it go? Did you get all of the information you needed?" He asked.
"Ya, and I'm not really happy with the information I got... I have to be more cautious now." You said.
"Oh?" He replied. You one she didn't know what you were talking about, but you didn't want to explain everything at the moment.

When you got to the bathroom Louise and you quickly got back into your normal robes.
You said bye to your friends as you hurried back to your dorm to see if anyone noticed you were gone.

When you opened the door to the Slytherin common room you peeked in and looked around.

You tiptoed in when you saw nobody was there, then closed the door cautiously behind you.
"Hello?!" Someone randomly said, you jumped in surprise.
You turn to see a guy you recognized from the first day you came here.
He was the guy with the green hair who was behind you in like for sorting.

"OHMYGOSH I DIDNT SEE YOU, YOU SCARED ME SO MUCH!!" You exclaimed with your hand over your heart.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He said.
"Its okay..."
"Hey I think I recognize you, I have seen you a few times around here. I'm Sean, what's your name?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm (y/n). I have noticed you around here some times too."
"Cool! Um if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing out so late?" He questioned.
"O-oh....nothing....i-i um....was studying. In the library." You lied.
He made a face that said he didn't really fully believe you but said "okay cool. Well, I'll see you around (y/n)!" He waved as he walked into the boys dorm.

You walked quietly into the girls dorm and got into your pajamas then went to bed. You fell asleep quickly, today was exhausting and you were extremely tired.


Morning came quick.
You didn't have a dream.
It seemed like a quiet day.
You assumed it would be a normal day without something weird or dramatic happening, you needed a break from that.

You got out of bed and got ready for the day.

All of your classes went by normally, nothing happened. So far it was a nice day like you wanted.

Then lunch came.....

When you got your food you looked around for your friends.
When you spotted Dan and Phil sitting at a table you walked over and sat down across from Phil who was next to Dan.
"Hey (y/n)!" They both said at the same time. "Hi guys." You replied.

Then Chris and PJ came over and sat down. PJ sat down next to you and Chris at next to him on his other side.
You all ate and chatted for a few minutes until Louise walked over with Zoe.
"AWWW the two lovers are sitting next to each other. They look so cute together!"
Louise exclaimed.
You and Phil's eyes widened as everyone else had confused expressions, including PJ.
"What? Who?" Asked PJ.

"Oh you don't have to hide it. Everyone already knows you and (y/n) are dating." Said Zoe.
He turned to you. Your face was red and he could tell something was up. So he just went with it.
"Oh ya. I didn't know the secret spread so fast. I guess its not an secret anymore, right (y/n)?" He said.
"Ya....i guess so." You replied.

"Well good luck to the new couple." Said Zoe. They walled away to go sit with some people you didn't know.
You looked at Dan who was a little pale in the face. He looked almost sickly.

When he glanced up and you two made slight eye contact you turned pale too and quickly looked down.
The you looked over at Chris who was starring you down angrily for some reason. You looked back down at the table and decided not to even look back up to see PJ's expression.

The rest of the lunch was quiet, nobody said a word.

When it ended, everyone kind of just walked away to their next class instead of walking in a group as usual.
PJ suddenly pulled you to the side and finally asked, "okay, can I please maybe get an explanation?"
You sighed and mentally prepared for his response after you were about to tell him everything.

He stood there waiting for an answer.

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