Can't sleep

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Defense against the dark arts was by far your best and most interesting class so you claimed it your favorite.
But you mainly liked it because of one person who was in it.


That day when Louise And Zoe freaked out when he walked in turned out to be amazing.

The teacher had to pair all of you up in groups to do a project and the students all got to choose who would be in their groups.

You, Zoe, and Louise obviously got together.
But the groups had to be groups of 5.
Then Dan waked up with some Ravenclaw guy you haven't seen before and asked to join the group.

You were the most excited and happy girl in the world when Louise said yes.

The other guy had light turquoise colored hair and an amazing smile.
His name was Tyler.

He was nice and had an amazing laugh.
Whenever you said something he would listen, and he told funny jokes even though most of them were a little inappropriate.

You were happy to make a new friend, and to be that close to Dan.
Dan even once talked to you.

"So, are you a pure blood like all of the other Slytherin's?" He asked.
You didn't know what that meant.

Louise chimed in and said "no, I think she's either a half blood or a muggleborn. She doesn't know what a lot of stuff here means."

Zoe explained to you that halfbloods are wizards with one parent a wizard and one parent a normal person. And muggleborns are wizards with two normal parents.

"Oh, then I'm a muggleborn." You said.
They all made a shocked face, you were confused why though.

"What?" You asked.

Tyler held your hand gently as if he were about to tell you your dog died or something.
"You might not want to tell the other Slytherin's that girl." He said.


"All Slytherin's are supposed to be purebloods, they usually​ make fun of muggleborns and are rude to halfbloods." Zoe said.

"Oh....what if someone finds out then? What would I do?" You slightly panicked.

Dan smiled and replied, "don't worry, you have me. I'll make sure nobody will find out. Not all Slytherin's are bad."

You smiled the biggest smile that ever could be and nodded. "T-thank y-you." You stuttered.
He nodded.

Then you all were told by the teacher to shut up and do your work.

Now you are in your dorm.
Its the middle of the night and you can't sleep.
You don't know why you can't sleep.

All the other girls were snoring away but you were kept awake by who knows what.

Just then you heard a faint knock at the dorm door.
You sat up and looked around the room to see if anyone else heard it, but they were all still sleeping.

You heard another knock.
You weren't one of those people who would stupidly get up and answer it, instead you were scared stiff.

One more knock triggered you to get under your bedsheets and wait until it goes away.

It didn't go away though, you heard the door slowly creek open.
You assumed nobody woke up yet because nobody was screaming or anything.

Then you heard someone whisper

You freaked the shit out and started shaking, you held your breath when you heard it walk by your bed.

Then you heard another voice call your name, "(y/n), are you here?"
But this one you recognized.

You uncovered yourself and sat up.

She jumped and let out a little squeak.
"(Y/n)! There you are. You scared me."
He exclaimed while still whispering.

"I scared you?! You came in here all creepy like, I thought you were some kind of person who broke in or something!" You said.

"Sorry!" She said.

You saw the other person who came in with Louise was PJ.
"Hey (y/n)." He waved.
You waved back and then finally asked the question that was buzzing around in your head.
"What are you two doing here?"

Louise grabbed your hand and stood you up.
"Just come with us, we'll explain later."
She led you out of the dorm and the Slytherin common room.
You stopped them in the hall.
"Won't we get in trouble for this?" You asked.

"Not if we don't get caught." Said PJ.
You sighed in annoyance and fave in to their persuasion since you didn't feel like arguing.

They led you down the hall and to a little hidden area where Zoe, Chris, Dan, Phil, Tyler, and a Gryffindor guy you remember was sitting next to Calvin in Charms class.

Zoe waved at you any grabbed the strangers arm then brought him up to you.
"(Y/n) this is my brother Joe, Joe this is my friend (y/n)!" She said as she did hand motions from Joe to you then you to Joe.

"Hi!" He said happily.
"Hey..." You responded.

"Okay now someone please explain." You demanded.

"We discovered a room, well a library, that students aren't allowed in." Zoe said.

"And?" You sighed.

"We're gonna explore it and find out why its restricted." Said Chris.

Your eyes widened when they finished explaining.
"Guys! Why? Were gonna get in so much trouble!" You exclaimed.

"Because its fun and it seems interesting!" Said Louise.

"Please come with us (y/n)." Begged Phil.
You looked behind you and saw PJ doing the puppy dog eyes.
Then you heard Dan say "come on (y/n) please?" Then Joe say "Ya, come on!"

They were all looking at you eagerly waiting for your answer.
You sighed in defeat.
"Fine." You said bluntly.

They all cheered. Then Louise shushed everyone. "If we're loud then we will get caught!" She said.

"Then I'll say 'I told you so' while were on our way to the headmasters office." You sassed.

Tyler chuckled "THIS IS SO EXCITING!" He exclaimed.

"Okay let's go everyone, and quietly."

And off you all went to the restricted library, you hoped this wasn't going to be a division that you were going to regret.

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