The dress I got was simple. He said I couldn't wear jeans, so it's the only dress I'd even think about looking at. A simple black dress, loose fitting and going to my knees. The sleeves are short and it doesn't looking like it would be much of a hassle, so it's an easy choice. Jasper tries to go all out and rent a fancy tux, but my uncle laughed, and then made him get slacks and a white button up, which he wasn't too thrilled about. It's better than the blue  ruffles he wanted.

Uncle Jake, on the other hand, looked absolutely pleased with himself. He has a permanent smile and he seems to be inches taller. He'd been talking about this promotion for weeks. "So, dad, about that dog..." Jasper trails off as he flips up the collar of his shirt and vigorously rubs his hair backwards, striking a funny pose and poking out his lips. "Whatta ya say?" He asks him and my uncle looks utterly done.

"I say that I might just kick your ass if you ask again today." He says politely.
"You like your dress, Molls? Don't need anything else?"

"I need pizza, can we have that?"

"I need that, too." He says and nods his head. "Let's go raid a pizza shop. C'mon, stud muffin" he says to Jasper and rests an arm on his shoulder.

I sit in the big chair and spin myself around in circles. We didn't find pizza, we found McDonald's instead, which isn't that bad. I break a fry in half and throw it at my cousin. It hits him in the eye and he blinks. After five seconds of staring at me and then fry in front him, he aggressively says, "Ow." He gives me an angry look and I can't help but laugh.

"Nice reaction timing." I say.

He holds his eyes and changes the subject to an uncomfortable one. "What were you doing in the library today?" I look toward the restrooms, to see if my uncle is coming out, and to my relief, he isn't. I turn back to him and shrug.

"Studying, Jas, I told you. What else do you do in a library?" I say and he nods his head.

"Dunno. You looked embarrassed and he looked aggravated. And I'm not completely stupid."

"French is a difficult language, and it's as hot in there. No AC or openable windows."

"Ah, that must suck." He says, buying into it. "Are you excited about this party deal?"

"I suppose, I don't do parties much, but since it's at the office, I am hoping it won't be retarded." I say and throw another for at him, which deflects with ninja sound effects and throws a packet of ketchup at me. It hits me in the forehead and falls to the floor. People around us look at us funny but neither of us care.

"Hey, this is not going to be retarded, it'll be amazing." My uncle says from beside me and I jump. "Meet new people, kids your age, maybe not your mental age, but at least they won't be throwing ketchup at each other." He says and we both smile proudly.

I stand off in the corner with Jasper and a man who seems to think he can win over any young heart. Jasper and I exchange glances and I cringe every time he slurps his drink. "Yes, that sounds amazing, but I think we must be going, nice meeting you." Jasper says and pulls me along. The party began at ten, and here it is nearly midnight.

My phone rings and I give a small cheer. "I'll be over in a minute." I tell Jasper and I answer my phone.

"You are not at your house." I hear Calum's raspy voice and I sigh softly.

"I'm stuck at a party, I want to leave." I say and pick at the end of my dress. "Old people are gross." I mumble.

"Aw, poor little love." He laughs at me. "When are you going to be home?"

"As soon as possible, give me an hour. Or less. Oh, and try not to be seen when we get there." I say and hang up. I quicky walk over to my uncle and give him my best puppy eyes. "Can we go home, I'm kinda tired." I say.

"Same. It's been fun, but I'm not a hardcore party guy like you, dad." Jasper says and Uncle Jake nods his head.

"Yeah, me too. Let's get home." He says, agreeing completely.

All the way home, I felt myself dozing off. Maybe I am more tired that I thought. Jasper leans over on my shoulder and falls asleep, and something about the action makes my chest ache. He just looks so much younger when he sleeps, more peaceful. I look up at my uncle from the backseat and he seems tired, too.

At the house, he parks the car and I go to wake up Jasper. "Leave him, I'll take him in." He says and I nod, getting out. He walks over and gently removes my cousin from the backseat, lifting him with ease. Jasper snores softly and I unlock the door for him. I set the keys in the bowl.

"I'm going to my room." I say. "Goodnight." I say. I jog down the stairs to my room and quickly undress with lightning speed and look for more comfortable clothes. I walk to the other side of my room. I open the door and he stands there with a hoodie on and he is shivering slightly. He has a scowl on his lips as he always does and his arms crossed in a pout.

"Took you hours. Fucking cold outside, babe." He says and huffs as he steps inside.

"Did not." I say and walk down the steps in front of him. "What did you need?" I ask him.

"Uh, could I sleep here tonight, with you?" He says in more of tone of informing me that he is, and not really asking.

"I suppose, but why should I let someone who is almost a stranger to me sleep in my room?" I ask him and he scoffs.
"Oh, please. I am not a stranger by this point." He shakes down his hood and walks across my room and kicks off his shoes and sets them neatly at the door of my bed. "Does your uncle check on you in the mornings or night time? I'd rather not get you in trouble, or myself, that would suck for the both of us." He asks and sits on the edge of my bed. He has bags under his beautiful brown eyes and he looks worn out.

"Not usually." I say.

"Good." He says and pulls off his hoodie. "I'm sleeping here." He says and rolls under my blankets and toward the wall. He motions for me to follow and I smile slightly. Everything he does makes my heart beat just a little faster, and that is more than anyone has ever made feel.

I turn off the light and lay down in the bed beside him, facing the ceiling. "What's wrong with you?" I ask him. I could tell something, or someone, was bothering him.

"I don't wanna talk about it, I want to sleep forever." He says.
"Maybe I want to talk." I say.

"Don't talk or I'll leave." He says and scoots closer to me.

"Leave, really?" I ask him and he huffs, opening his eyes and glares at me.

"No, of course not, but I'll be deeply upset and have to ignore you for half of the conversation." He says.

I smile softly and roll on my side and face him. "Goodnight then, Cal." I say.

"Goodnight." He says softly. He pulls me closer to him and in moments I can hear his soft breathing.

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