I guess the thing you could say about this guy was that he may be in that crowd where the guys are all buff in a Letterman jacket and carrying four girls in their arms while somehow spinning a basketball on all their fingers. He only had one of those things down. He was buff. He had on a black cutoff with had seen too many days with grease and dirt and black jeans, jacket discarded, it hung loosely in his fingers. As he scowled at the smaller boy in front of him as if he were annoyed with what he was saying to him. And of course, it's Ashton Irwin, so I had to look for a moment, but then I had to step in, because no one is mean to Jasper.

"Hello, I don't think so." I stand in front of Jasper. The smaller boy crosses his arms and looks up at the bigger boy as I stand in between them like I was going to make a big difference.

"What?" He frowns a me and looks down at me.

"Don't be a dick to Jasper." I say and cross my arms. I see Jas sink behind me but I don't think anything about.

"What?!" He says. "He knocked my shit out of my hands. He has to apologize. I didn't do anything to this little reptile."

For a moment, I am stunned, Jas would never have the balls to do something like that, but Ashton's face is so serious, I believe him. "Really, Jas?" I say and pull the fourteen year old in front of me. "Apologize." I say.

"But he and his friends are assholes, who says he doesn't deserve it? I'm not apologizing to anyone." Jasper crosses his arms and glares at the guy who is taller than he is by a long way.

"Now. I was just rude for nothing and we both could get beat up." I whisper the last part and Jasper smiles a little against his will.

"I'm the nicest of the assholes you could meet. Why not do it to one of them?" Ashton frowns at Jasper and then looks at me and smiles as Jasper says sorry.

"Thank you, Molly." He says and stomps away, leaving me surprised he knows my name.

I look at Jasper and he gives me a sheepish smile. "He is so much bigger than you. And me! Are you trying to get beat up?" I jab him in the arms and cross my arms.

"I don't care anymore, I don't need your help, Molly." Jasper says and stomps away just like the other boy did. I shake and walk to the lunch room and sit by myself. I see that Michael finally decided to come to school when he is walking over. The fact that he is just getting here makes me even more mad than what I was. Have all the guys in my life gone bat shit insane?

"Hi, Molls." He says. "Did you do the thingy for me?" He asks and smiles.

"Yep." I say and hand him the half done paper. "Cupcakes are in the classroom."

"This isn't finished." He says and frowns.

"I know." I say nothing more and his frown deepens.

"Are you mad at me, Molls?" He asks with confusion.

"Of course not, I done my own homework first and I kinda fell asleep. I was tired." I say and shrug.

''This isn't your handwriting." He says and points the last problem. "Whose is that?" He asks skeptically.

"Uncle Jake's." I say smoothly and he raises an eyebrow after folding the paper in half and sticking it in his back pocket.

"You're a really bad liar, and I recognize this handwriting. He was at your house? God, Molly, do you want to end up like that Myers girl?" He says and covers half his face with his hands as he sits.

"Wow, I am not going to end up like her, you ass. That's an awful thing to think about me," I was more than a little hurt at his assumption and didn't bother with hiding it. Angel Myers was a girl who slept with a guy and rumors spread around the school very fast. She disappeared off the face of the earth a year or two ago after being accused of being pregnant and having  multiple STDs. "He returned a notebook, he didn't fuck me." I say harshly and he looks at me through his fingers before he lowers his hands and places them on the table while leaning closer. His face holds surprised look before it changes.

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