I shut the door to my truck and sigh. I pull my hood over my head and head into the old and faded school building as the rain continues to pours down. I wish Michael had been here to drive instead of me. The whole ride was a mess.

The first thing I notice, the thing everyone notices, is all the groups or cliques, whatever you want to call them. You can't have a school without them. The rebels and rejects stand in front of the school under the awning away from the rain, my neighbor Luke is standing among them and he slightly nods and smiles as I enter. I knew they were all as high as a kite under there, I could faintly smell it. He wore a black hoodie with so many holes in it that it looked like he took right off a homeless man.

Standing inside the doors, the nerds, the dorks, and anyone who may have any shred of a future, Jasper, only a freshmen, has found his place here. He wears a marvel hoodie and his glasses are on the bridge of his nose as he talks to his best friend Dee, who looks as if she belongs with Luke. Her dark clothing made her stand out, but she was there for Jasper and she was more like them than anyone would guess.

Standing by the lockers are the jocks, all talking about the latest game and the hottest girl, a guy named Ashton looks over at me for a split second before he turns away again. He straightens of his jacket and returns to his conversation, facing away from me completely. I had no problem with this. Ashton wasn't rude at all, but he did like to pretend me and the other three boys weren't real. He avoided us like the plague unless it was unavoidable.

The popular girls can be seen slipping into the bathroom to fix their makeup, also where you'll find the scum of the school.

Then you have the rest who are sitting at the bottom of the window at the end of the hall, Michael is here. He waves at me and I give a small smile. These kids didn't really have to belong to any group, if they wanted they could just pick one and stick in it. They got along with everyone.

I sigh and look down, I belong to none of these, so I sit in the safe room until the first bell every morning. I'm not the only one who does. In fact, Calum does, and a few other people Not even together. we all sit as spread out as possible. The people who fall into no clique with absolutely no likeable qualities or if you were just a straight up dick could be found in this room. 

I have no problem with any of these groups, I just didn't fit in, but there was one person I couldn't stand. Reese Denver, the perfect example of fake. Quiffed blonde hair and a bad attitude. Perfect grades and teachers adore him. But the rest of us know what he is really like, a demon in disguise. The master manipulator. He was cruel to anyone anytime he gets the chance. He shoves me slightly as I walk down the hallway and straightens his ancient letterman jacket. I scowl and keep going.

Today, I walk into the red and white room and I notice that Calum sits in his usual spot, but he has papers and books spread out in front of him. I pay little attention to this and move on, he wasn't problem until French. I sit by myself and put in my ear buds and stare off into space, pretending to be anywhere but where I was. I often liked to pretend I was alone in the world, no other humans left alive. That's how it felt most times anyway. I felt ignored and in the way, so my world would be a much better place if it were only me. I liked to imagine my mom was there, calling to me from my childhood home. I'd run in and she'd hug me. I could still remember how she smelled and what her laugh sounded like-

I jump and look up when something slams into my table. I look up and see Calum standing there with his stack of books, a disgruntled look on his face. I take out both earbuds raise an eyebrow. "Yes?" I snap at him. 

"How long did he want us to spend on the weekends?" He asks and his voice is raspy and near a whisper. I thought he was going to ask and leave, but he sat down and I wanted to flip the table.

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