Guys can be assholes, I know this. I've seen it, read it, and heard about it.

But, Michael, he had never been that way towards me. Like, ever. I thought that maybe I may have overreacted at first, maybe slightly. And I convinced myself of that. Well, that is until I walk into the school this morning and see him standing in his usual spot. I feel myself growing angry at him all over again, and by the look in his face, he can clearly tell.

I decide not to talk to him and walk clear away from him. He follows behind me and I quickly walk down the hall. I see Calum and I walk up to him. "Act like you have to talk to me."

"I do, so it's not hard." He says and I hear Michael behind me.

"Can I talk to you, Molls?"

''No. I'm busy." I say and Calum frowns and steps closer to me, but I step past him and they both follow me.

"Seriously." Michael stresses the word.

"I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to Calum, he wasn't an asshole." I say and I can feel him shut down.

"Remember that." He says and I peek over my shoulder. He is still standing there and I think be may be even more furious than I am. He has a deadly look in his eye and it scares me. He slowly backs up and then turns on his heel, marching down the hall.

"What was that about, what did he do to you?" Calum asks me and we walk into the safe room. I sigh and shake my head.

"He was a bit of a douche last night, I guess." I say and his frown deepens. "He wasn't himself, he was acting weird when I went to get him and I didn't like it."

"When you say weird. Do you mean...?" He gives me a look and I nod. "Wow, he is a douche, then. You didn't take him home afterwards, did you?" He asks me.

"No. I left him. I was mad at him." I say. "He has never tried anything on me before, so I was freaked out, too." I huff and shake my head. "I'm already done with today, you have no idea."
His fingers dig into my sides and he pushes me against the wall in the secluded spot in the library. His tongue fights with my mine and when he pulls away I am left breathless and not from the kissing, just from him in general. "You are supposes to be studying." I say in an airy tone.

"You are supposed to be tutoring me." He says and pecks my lips again. "Hey, Molly, how do you say fuck me in French?" He says in a raspy voice and I feel my stomach twist. His hands go to the button of my jeans. I kiss him back and I don't fully realize what he wants until he has the button undone.

"Wait, wait. N-not, uh, not now." I say and I feel my face heat.

"Why not?" He says. I hear my named being called and I panic slightly.

"Uh, that's why." I say and quickly walk around the corner to see Jasper standing there with his bag. "Hey, hi. What?" I say, truing to seem as calm as possible.

"Uh, what are you doing back there?" He asks and raises an eyebrow at me. Calum walks around the corner with his arms crossed and his scowl back. I hadn't seen it for a few days.

"Looking for a book. The language ones are back there." I say calmly. I'd always been decent at lying, and even if I can't lie, Jasper is very naive.

"Oh, cool, I guess. We are getting checked out." He says and begins walking away. "Hurry."

I sigh and walk over to the table with all my stuff spread across it. I separate mine from his and he just as sits in the chair and looks up at me with his chocolate eyes. "Are you
a virgin, Molly?" He asks me with an earnest expression.

"Uh, maybe." I say and quickly stuff my things in my bag. Trying, to quickly change the subject, I move on. "Gonna survive without me?" I ask him and he grows a small smirk. He stands and leans over the table kissing me softly and then walking away to back.

"I think I can mange." He says and disappears around the corner.

With my skateboard in my arms and the small bundle of nerves in my chest, I get in my uncle's car. He is still dressed in his suit from work and he smiles at the both of us. "Guess what?" He says. "I got promoted!"

"That's great! Now can we get a dog?" Jasper asks about the problem he has been having, not owning a pet. "Dad, please, now you can afford to get one and provide it with all the dog stuff. Like toys, food, clothes, extra toys....."

"Says who?" He asks with an raised eyebrow and Jasper looks disappointed. "I'll think about it." My uncle says and my cousin smiles.

"I have a question, why come get us at the end of the day?" I ask him. I am thankful he did, though.

"Well, we are going shopping. We are going to a party tonight at the office and you are both going." He says.

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