I walk up to my locker and I hear Luke clear his throat behind me. "Can I have a ride?" He asks timidly as I slam my locker shut unintentionally. Hr flinches and rubs his hands together.

"You didn't show up yesterday and it poured." I say.

"I know, I got detention." He says and rubs his hands together. "So what do you say?"

"Yeah, give me a second." I grumble as I see Calum walking toward me. His hood is on and his hands are shoved in his pockets. From a distant, he looks as if he is perfectly fine. As he nears, I can see the constant bags under his eyes and the bruise in his face.

"Uh...if you're not feeling like being around people, I can get another ride." Luke says and I shake my head.

"Nah, it's fine. I have to deal with my mess and then I'll be there."

"Need any help?" He asks, I say no and he nods. I cross my arms and wait for Calum to stop in front of me. He steps close to me and sets his hands on my folded arms and looks down at me with his doe eyes. The same eyes I'm beginning to fall victim to time and time again.

"Go out with me." He says. It's not a question, but it's not a solid statement. There is so much fear and self-consciousness there. "Please, don't say anything other than yes." He says

"I thought-"

"Don't say anything other than yes." He says again. "I'm sorry, I just.....I-I want to start today over. I didn't mean it when I said I didn't trust you. I was....I was angry and you were there." He says and he doesn't look at me. "I want you, I want you so bad, but I don't want you to be too close, if that makes any sense to you, because it doesn't to me." He looks up at me and the breath is knocked from me. Damn those eyes. "I want you to be mine, so go out with me." His grip on me looses and I am afraid he will change his mind and let me go.

"Yes." I say quickly and his hands remain. He sighs in relief and lets his head fall down on my shoulder. "I've gotta go, I'm giving Luke a ride home." I say and he jolts up.

"You are?" He asks.

"Yeah, he doesn't like the rain to mess up his perfect hair." I say and he gives me a small smile. "Come over later, and try using the front door." I say and he chuckles. He leans down and kisses me softly. I kiss back, not caring who sees it.

"I might." He says and walks off. I look down the hallway and see Michael standing there with a devastated look in his face. A look like I've betrayed him.

"So how was your day?" He asks me and fiddles with his seatbelt.

I laugh nervously. "It was actually really bad." Aside from the fact that I gained a boyfriend, which may or may not be good, it's been very bad. I had him run away from me all day and made me feel like utter shit, and last second he patched things up quicker than I would have thought possible.

"How so?"

"Well, people are just idiots and I hate them." I say and he agrees.

"Yeah, they tend to be that way. That's why animals are better." He says and I agree. "You know, Carpenter, I live next door. I'm always free if you ever want to talk about it." He says.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear drama." I say and shake my head.

"Of course I do, I like feeling like Dr. Phil or Oprah." He says and I laugh

"I can see that," I say and he smiles proudly, "you being a black woman older than time and also being a fat, white, bald guy."

"I'm glad you can, because I certainly can't." He says and laughs.

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