I sit at the crappy red table and stare at the crappy nachos and watch my cousin crappily bowl.

"You're too depressed lately sis, it's not healthy to be this unhappy. If these boys are doing this to you, I think you need to get different friends. Why not be friends with a girl?" My uncle asks me and I run my fingers through the end of my ponytail. I sigh and shake my head, knowing he is right, but I can't help it.

"I love them both. I really like one and the other is my best friend." I say. "And I have other friends. I think I can count Luke, our neighbor's son."

"The Hemmings or the Johnsons?" He asks.

"Hemmings, his mom was my math tutor last year." I say and he nods. "But I don't know." I say and look down. "I feel used by both of them right now, to be honest. Don't know which one to believe."

"Tell them that, and don't think I won't kick someones ass. You're a princess and should be treated as such." My uncle says and I give him a weak smile.

"Even in my red and green bowling shirt?" I ask him and he laughs. He looks at the bad, button up shirt and smiles.

"Especially in your red and green bowling shirt." He says. Jasper sits beside me and steals a chip.

"I don't know about you two, I think I look hot in this shirt, the colors totally go together." He says. "It's like blood and baby puke mixed, everyone's favorite." He says and laughs and his dad's grossed out face.

"That's disgusting." Uncle Jake says and shakes his head and gets up to take his turn.

"Have a go at Stacey with that shirt and see how far you get." I say and he scoffs.

"Forget Stacey, I'm taking things slow with Dee." He says and nods.

"What the hell? Taking things slow? At fourteen? I didn't even think that existed anymore. At fourteen, it's awkward groping and half assed dates at the movies." I say and he frowns.

"Not anymore." He says. "I'm a fricking gentlemen. If only there were more as nice as me, eh?" He says and I nod.

"If only." I say, totally agreeing with him.

I watch as they bowl, but my thoughts keep straying to other places and I'd rather they didn't. Jasper's phone lights up and I see three notifications, not that I am meaning to be nosy, but I couldn't help it. One is Dee, and the other is are Calum and Michael. "You bastard." I say to him and he quickly scoops it up.

"I'm only talking to Dee, not those two." He says. "I promise." He says in a serious tone and I nod, praying he isn't lying. I don't want to deal with them.

I feel a cold liquid falling on my shoulder and I gasp and stand, getting ready to murder whoever done it. I turn around and see a guy about my age and two laughing guys behind him. "Shit, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to." He says in a panicked tone. "Here, I have an extra shirt. You can have it." He says and reaches into a bag beside him. He hands me a black shirt and I shake my head.

"No, it's okay, I'll...I'll just..." He keeps holding it out and I sigh, taking it from him. I walk to the bathroom and my uncle and cousin just stare at the guy with bitchy teen girl glares.

I wipe the sticky soda off of me with a wet paper towel and I groan. I throw it away and pick up the shirt and slip it over my head. "Holy shit, this is an awesome shirt." I murmur to myself as I look at the Green Day shirt. It smells like cologne and it's a size or two too big. I walk back out and the guy is waiting by our table.

"I'm really sorry, my friends aren't very good friends." He says. "My name is Abel."

"I'm Molly, and I can understand that. Friends aren't nice, hence the dorky little boy and his kid." I say and point at my uncle and cousin.

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