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"I missed Sydney"

"Me too"

"I get why you didn't want to move to Brisbane" Luke said.

"It's just so great here"

"So how are we going to tell our parents?"

"Do you think they'll think we're rushing into things?

"Probably but we have been together for 5 years pretty much"

"4 years, 11 months"

"So basically 5" I rolled my eyes.

"They should take it well. I mean they were the ones who always pushed for us to get together" I carried on with the conversation.

"I hope they do"

"I'm sure they will" I replied as we pulled in his parent's drive.

"It feels like ages since we came here"

"It was Easter. It's been 3 months"

"You ready to go and tell them?"

"Let's go" We both got out of the car and went inside the unlocked house. Our parents were sat around the table in the kitchen.

"You're home!" Liz exclaimed as we walked through the door. We all exchanged hugs before sitting down.

"You guys look nervous, what's up?"

"We have something to tell you" I said. Luke took my hand in his.

"You guys are making me nervous" Andy said. I glanced over at Luke.

"Well, there's a few things" Luke started. "One, we're moving into an apartment in Sydney together"

"That's fantastic! We'll be able to see you more often again" My mum said. "What else?"

"We're getting a puppy" I added.

"Awh, that's cute. That's all you had to tell us?" Liz asked.

"Oh, and we're engaged but that's all" Luke said nonchalantly.

"You're what?" Liz asked, not believing us. We nodded and everyone hugged us again.

"Show me the ring" Mum said. I showed her my hand. "I'm impressed, Lucas"

"Maddie picked it"

"How come?"

"Luke just asked me one night. It wasn't anything overly grand. Just us talking one night. We went and got rings a couple of weeks later"


"Luke got one too" Luke held up his hand, showing the plain silver band. Mine was the same except with a small square diamond on top.

"I'm so happy for you guys" Liz said.

"Thank you"

"How long have you guys been together now?"

"4 years and 11 months"

"Nicely remembered, Lewi" Andrew said. Luke smirked as I nudged him.

"Fuck you" I said quietly to which Luke leant down and pecked my lips.

"Love you too" He said, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.

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