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Day one - 1:24pm

"First negative of a road trip: traffic" Calum said as we met up at a service station. The hour and half that it should've taken us to get to here had pretty much doubled because of the traffic.

"I hate driving in traffic" Luke said.

"I think we should swap drivers" Luke agreed with Ashton.

"I'll drive" I said and they nodded.

"Me too" Calum said.

"Who's going with who? I'm fed up of being with the same people" Michael said.

"Thanks" Ashton and I replied.

"Don't listen to the top 40"

"Like you weren't joining in when Little Mix came on" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going with Mia and Calum" Michael said.

"I am not sitting in a car for two hours with these two arguing" Ash gestured to me and Luke.

"Like I want to be in the same car as her" Luke said.

"Can we get food before we go?" I asked, ignoring Luke's comment.

"There's a McDonalds here" Michael said.

"Let's get food" I said, dragging Mike with me. Everyone else followed after us.


"Hold my fries" I told Luke. He decided he wanted to sit in the front with me for some reason.

"No, they're yours"

"And I'm driving. Hold them"

"Luke, just hold her fries" Ashton said. I saw him roll his eyes through the mirror.

"Fine" Luke took the carton from me. "Can I have some?"

"Should've got your own"

"Tough shit" He said before eating one.

"Is your aim in life to piss me off?"

"No, but it adds some fun along the way"

"Guys, can we make this journey bearable for all of us please" Ashton said.

"I'm trying" Luke said.

"Try harder" I retorted, quickly glancing at him.

"Watch it, you'll put us in the ditch" Luke said.

"Shut up"

"You're such a shit driver"

"Says you"

"And when was the last time we were in a car together and I drove?"

"When we went to the cinema with Calum and Mia because they insisted that we went with them. You literally swerved into the other lane"

"Sorry that a truck was parked on our side of the road"

"That's why you stop then go when you can"

"Stop looking at me. We're going to die"

"Shut up"

"Stop saying that"

"How did I think I could manage two weeks with you?"

"Exactly what I was thinking"

"Well this is fun" Ashton muttered.

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