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"Hey, where's Luke?" I asked as I sat down at our lunch table where Mia, Cal and Michael were sat.

"He had to speak to his mum about something" Calum told me. Liz was a math teacher at our school.

"You missing lover boy?" Michael teased.

"I just haven't seen him today, that's all"

"So, you and Luke are pretty serious?"

"Why are you guys so hung up on mine and Luke's relationship?" I questioned as I took a bite from my pasta.

"It's just" Mia paused. "Strange"


"Because" Calum stopped. "We don't know, it's just not right. It doesn't feel right"

"Guys, it's our relationship and it's working perfectly for us. Just support us" I told them before putting my lunch back in my bag and leaving the table. As I left the cafeteria Luke was walking towards the entrance.

"Hey" He said stopping in front of me.


"What's up? You don't seem too happy"

"Mia, Cal and Mike were asking me questions about us again. It's just getting annoying, you know?"

"I get it. Why can't they just be supportive?"

"That's what I said before I came out here"

"Want to go sit outside and eat?" I nodded and we walked outside to where there were a few picnic benches. There was no one else out here luckily.

"So, what did your mum want?" I changed the topic.

"She wanted to remind me to invite you to my brother's. In the October week off, he's invited everyone down to his vacation house as he calls it. It's a beach house"

"Are all your family going then?"

"No, just Jack, Celeste, Ben and us. I think Ben might be taking one of his friends as well so he's not alone half the time" I nodded. "So, will you come with me?" I nodded again. He smiled, his nervousness disappearing. "Good, I really wanted you there. Sometimes my brothers get a little too much"

"We need to get away anyway"

"We literally just got back"

"It'll be fun though. And I kind of want to do something without the other guys, they're on our backs so much lately"

"Don't worry about them"

"It's just annoying when they're constantly on our backs"

"Just forget about it. We'll just carry on as normal and they should too"

"What's your family doing for Christmas this year?"

"It's October. We don't discuss Christmas until November. Do you know?"

"We've got family coming over, I think"

"You don't sound too happy about it"

"My family can just be annoying that's all"

"Family definitely gets too much sometimes"


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