~Chapter 32~

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-Battle of the Taken: Fire

(Krystal's POV)

I did eat much at breakfast. I didn't like the thought of having to fight my friends. But everything was moving fast. Before I knew it, we were being push into a shuttle to take us to the arena. Then I was being punched out of the shuttle with a million cameras on me. Then Alex and Elena were fighting only for Elena to be badly hurt. She ended up losing and Alex didn't look like he cared he hurt her.

Me and Seven were chosen to go second. Elena my best friend just had a sword plunged through her by one of the closets people to her. I don't even know if she's ok. But I will do this for her. Even though I don't want to hurt Seven. But I have to.

Summer declares the start of the fight and I am already launching balls of lave. He deflects and dodges them. Time to bring it up a notch. I quickly but carefully do the Three Phoenix spell and have the birds attack right away. But Seven used a Turn spell and turned my own birds against me. But I quickly took back my control over them, and made them explode into a Rain of Fire over Seven. It hurt him, but not enough.

"Man your mean today." Seven said.

"I actually want to win." I snap.

"Who says I don't want to win?" He retorts.

"I never said you didn't want to win. Sooooo, I don't know who your talking about." I snap back.

Seven got revenge with a Fire Rope. He hit the rope against my ankles so hard that the rope spun around them, tying them together. Now that he had a grip around my feet he pulled the rope causing me to fall. Not only that but the rope was fire so it burned me too. He then tried to set off FireWorks above me. Which is literally fireworks made of fire. It burned and hurt me so bad. So I decided it's time for play time to be over with. I shot two Fire Arrows his way that had a Fire Rope attached. So when he wasn't paying attention he tripped and fell over. I quickly made a Fire Dragon with full power and shot it in his direction before he could get up. He flew backwards and hit the glass dome of the arena. It hurt him enough that I can most likely win this.

Seven quickly creates a Three Phoenix, but I make Fire Wings and flip over them. I tuck and roll with a shield and throw multiple Fires Balls at Seven. He managed to dodge the Fire Balls but lost control over the birds. So I take control and destroy the birds. I use the shield to protect myself from the fire that came raining down after they exploded.

Seven runs at me and does a double back flip, into a flying head scissor take down. I fall into the sand with a lot of force. I scurry to my feet, just in time to see Seven, throw a punch my way. I managed to deflect his punch just in time. Then he tried to elbow me, but I grab his elbow and flip him over. He falls to the ground with a thud and a cloud of sand fills the air around him.

Because of the cloud of sand I didn't see Seven until he tried to swing kick me in the face. But when I caught his leg, he used his other leg to kick me and I fell to the ground. I fell on my back really hard, which knocked the wind out of me. I try to regain air and strength as quickly as possible. Meanwhile Seven try's to make a Fire Weapon, I make make Fire Butterflies to distract him. They won't hurt him, but they are a nuisance and will keep bothering him till they burn out.

Seven struggles trying to shoo them away, but has no luck. I run over to the other side of the arena and pick up a Fire Sword that was on the ground. I run at Seven with it and hit him in the head with the handle part and he falls to the ground unconscious. I was not about to drive a sword through him. I still have a heart to know that he is my best friend.

There was a ring of the bell indicating the end of the match. I watch as Seven's unconscious body was taken out of the arena. I went completely blank after that.

What have I done....

(Krystal's Dad's POV)

I watched the match carefully the whole time.

I wanted my daughter to win. But at the same time I didn't want her to be hurt anymore. She has to fight her friends to keep her powers. That's cruciality. My wife sat next to me trying to keep me from breaking the TV.

When I saw Krystal with the sword in her hands I knew she had to make a choice. Plunge the sword right through him. Or knock him out. Either one would have worked. But one is more permanent than the other. She chose not to hurt her friend anymore that she already did.

Using the handle on the sword, she knocked him out. The bell rung. She won. She stood there, staring blankly at her friend that was being taken away.

She did the right thing. That's all the counts....

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