~Chapter 2~

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-Anna Brook, Delaware

(Elena's POV- Four Days Later)

It's been a long four days but it is finally time. We are all packed, and now it is time to take the long drive from New York to Delaware. I can't wait to see the new house. I thought I would have been use to this part, but it is always exciting to see the new house. Anyways, I have put a lot of thought into what my new school might be like and what I plan to do. I think it is just going to be all fancy, self absorbed, rude, inconsiderate, selfish, brats for students. And I am forced to go to school with them everyday until I move again.

Oh, wait I forgot I won't be moving, so until I leave the school then. I will just be the quite one. Simple as that, no one ever said anything about having to say a word to any of these people, and that is very easy for me. I once went a whole month with out saying a word to my parents, and I didn't realize it until my mom said something about it. Then she didn't believe me when I said 'I REALLY didn't notice I didn't say anything to you.' Then she went on about how she thought it was about the move to Texas that we recently made. I'm weird like that, never knew why.

After hours of driving we finally made it to Anna Brook, Delaware. The house was beautiful. It had a huge lawn, a stone pathway to a porch with big pillars on either side of it. The house was made out of sand-like colored bricks and big windows, with a pool, and balcony. One of my parents better picks in houses.

The drive was not good for my butt. Sitting down is both good and bad. Good for your legs and feet after standing for a long period of time, bad for your butt because there is such a thing as sitting too long. Then it hurts your butt. So we ended up taking a lot of pit stops just so my parents didn't have to keep hearing me complain about how my butt hurts. But other than that I spent most of my time playing games on my phone and sleeping.

-One Week Later-

So I ended up spending my birthday the same way I always do. Unpacking boxes and being in a new neighborhood. It took about a week for us to unpack all of the boxes and try to not to get lost in the new house. No joke, this always happens to me when ever I move to a new house. I get lost...IN MY OWN HOUSE! I tried to find the bathroom starting at my room and went in a complete circle and ended up back at my room and didn't find the bathroom. Also I had to get use to not sleeping in my bed at New York, so a few sleepless nights as usual, nothing new there. My parents went on a shopping spree to get everything they needed for the house, like always. So for me, well I just, had my headphones in trying to find my way around the neighborhood.

For the most part.....

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