~Chapter 9~

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(Elena's POV- Day of Finals)

Oh. My. Nervousness.

You thought I was going to say goodness. No, nervousness is the best way to describe how I am feeling. It is the day of Finals. I am in my dorm room at the moment pacing back and forth trying to convince myself to eat, as my pancakes grew colder by the second. All that was heard outside my dorm room door were girls running back and forth in the hallway trying to gather themselves for today's test. I can also hear people practicing some of the harder spells to get them perfected. Where is Alex or even better, Krystal and May when you need them? They knew how to comfort me best. Sorry Aiden and Seven.

Just then I hear a knock on my door. I opened it to see a somewhat scared and very nervous Alex, Seven, Aiden, May and Krystal. They rush in grabbing my bag and books, then proceed to push me out of my dorm room and outside the dorm block. They start heading towards the park field. We don't talk, we just walk. Everywhere you look there are people running around. The one day you will see the school in a mad house, is Finals day. Wouldn't be surprised, this does kind of determine your future. Whether you except it or not.

Once we make it to a spot, we all set our bags down and hit the books. With only three hours till the test we have to do as much as possible. Soon after we start working with our partners. Even though we won't be doing the test together, they can still help each other to correct our mistakes. So me and Alex are right now trying to correct our Water Blade spell. One of the hardest spells to do. I look over to see Krystal and Seven working on their Triple Phoenix spell. I back up knowing it can go completely wrong. Me and Alex prepare ourselves to stop the birds if they can't control them. I can only hope Krystal has practiced this spell from the first time she tried to attempt it.


We were all in the park field. We had a break for a week, so we didn't have classes and can wonder around the school. Krystal was reading a Fire Spell book, when her eyes widened. She has been attempting spells all day. And now she was attempting one of the hardest ones.

The Triple Phoenix.

"Krystal I don't think it's a good idea." Seven says looking at the spell book.

"I will be fine. Don't worry." She says likes its nothing.

"Say that to the Fire Sword that almost hit Aiden." May says pointing at a still shaken Aiden.

"Ya, sorry about that by the way." She says smiling a little, awkwardly scratching her neck.

"I COULD HAVE DIED!" Aiden screams.

"BUT YOU DIDN'T, RIGHT?!" Krystal motions her hands as to say Aiden's still alive and standing. Thankfully.

"I agree, I don't think it is a good idea." I say a little worried of who that spell could possibly hit, if done wrong.

"You shouldn't do this spell. What if someone gets hurt?" Alex says/asks.

"Last spell, I promise." She says looking at us for approval.

We all give her an unwanted, and hesitated nodded before we all step far back from Krystal. Not knowing what this spell does, she still says the spell and moves her hands. Three huge birds of fire are created in front of us. Krystal, not knowing how to control the birds is instantly sacred for us.

The phoenixes start to chase us all but Krystal seeing as she made them. May and Aiden grow a huge Root Wall but the birds just burn it down. Me and Alex create a huge Water Wall and Seven keeps running knowing he can't stop them with fire. The wall burns out the birds seeing as they were only made of fire. We sigh in relief and give Krystal a look that says 'YOU COULD'VE KILLED US!' She gives us all an apologetic look as to say 'sorry'.

We didn't talk to her for the rest of the week all upset at the fact we all almost died. Aiden twice, in the same day.

~End of Flashback~

Krystal does the spell. Only this time she can control the birds. Seven does the spell and controls his birds aswell. Now with six huge phoenixes in the field, everyone is staring. Krystal and Seven loved the attention so they had the birds create beautiful flames and lines in the sky above. Once they were done, they made the birds that were just made of fire, disappear by having them explode into fireworks of fire that burned out before it could get close to anyone. Everyone clapped and cheered for a moment before going back to rushing around.

We all spent the rest of our time practicing and giving advice to one another. Then the Head Master ordered everyone to the auditorium. We all made our way there sitting in our classes section. Everyone went quite as the Head Master walking on stage.

"Now, we all know what today is. It is Finals for those of you who have been living under a rock this whole time. Now this is a little short notice and I understand the test will commence in the matter of five minutes. I also understand that this is the first year we are doing this. But, your Finals this year are different. For the performance part of the test you will have to work with your given partner. And yes, it will be the partner you have now. Since The Company has always had people work together and not alone, the board and I decided the performance should also consist of teamwork. You will be given multiple challenges to over come together instead of it just being you executing spells properly all day. Although that will still be on the performance part, you and your partner will also be working together on the written part of the test. Teamwork is key this year. And there will be no 'buts', 'ands', and 'what if's. Just get along and do the test." He says in a stern and very serious voice. He walks off stage after dismissing everyone to the test.

We all get two minutes to walk to our side of the school. Me and Alex part ways with Krystal and Seven, and May and Aiden to our different sides of the school. Me and Alex enter the water building and head to the test room we will be in.


Me and Alex had just finished the written part now Hybrid guards (guards that have all three powers) surround us as they take us to the big white room with blinding lights to take the performance part. They shove us into the room and slam the big metal door locking it. I look above us to see the big glass window with people staring at us. All they say is 'begin' before the worst monsters you can possibly encounter start to appear.

All that runs through my head is...

Oh no.

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