Chapter 17

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Dani's POV

I looked at Jordan guiltily and I could tell he sensed something. "What's wrong, Dani?" His face was painted with worry and curiosity.

"I...I want to tell you something."I said biting my lip nervously, but he swatted my hand away. He hated iit when I did that.

"Stop that before you chew off your face and just tell me." He chuckled slightly.

"I... I think I kinda, may like Luke."

His tried out a whole bunch of looks and glares before he just stood up and turned his back to me. When he turned back around, he looked mad. "That's not a good idea." he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Look, I know you don't like him, but he's really not that bad of a guy."

"Yeah, right."

"He really isn't! I swear!"

"Yes, he is! He's an arrogant, cussing, cocky jerk! He'll either hurt you, or change you and I don't want that to happen."

"It won't."

"No offense, Dani, but I don't think he likes you. If he knows that you like him, it'll make it extremely awkward between the two of you."

"I wasn't going to tell him! I just wanted you to know."

"Why?! Did you think I was going to be all happy for you?!"

"No, but I didn't expect you to act like this!"

"I'm trying to help you! Don't like him!"

"Stop lecturing me, I'm not 5! I can take care of myself!"

"No, you can't, Dani! I'm trying to help you."

"I can't? Really? I'm glad you care about me, but don't act like I'm some little child and your my older brother."

"I am though. I am your brother, and you're my sister."

"I don't need someone to look out for me!"

"Fine then!" he said throwing his hands in the air.  "Maybe I was just trying to help you because that's what friends do, but don't worry, I won't anymore!"

"I didn't say I didn't want you to help me, I just don't want you blowing up on me! I never should have told you!!"

His face grew softer after I said that, but he still glared at me, something he had never done before. "Yes, you should have. Because that's what friends do and we are supposedly friends."


"You're not acting like one."

"Well, excuse me! Forget it. Why don't you just go grab your sad little guitar and sing some depressing song about how your life sucks 'cuz some girl doesn't notice you."

I knew it was wrong when I said it, but I was pissed! He was making me mad and I just sorta said the first thing that came to me. By the look on his face, I could tell I hit a nerve. He turned away from me, and when he looked back, he looked more vicious than I'd ever seen him before.

"You're so completely and utterly STUPID!" That "sad little song"? It wasn't for some random girl that doesn't notice me, Dani! It was for you!!

I was terrified. All of a sudden, Jordan seemed as if he grew 5 inches and towered over me. His words dripped with venom as he exploded on me, literrally exploded. He had me backed into a corner, as I looked him up in his eyes. Behind the anger, his eyes betrayed that he was hurt.

"It doesn't matter anymore though, because you seemed to have moved on to a new guy you can spill your guts to." His face was pained. "Just do me a favor, Danielle. Don't suck the life out of him like you did me." With that, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving me to crumble to the ground in a hopeless heap and cry my eyes out.

He's my Bestfriend, but do I like him?Where stories live. Discover now