Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- Vic's POV

I still can't get over how much I've been through. As I get on the plane back to Cali, I see that there's wifi. yess! I open up oovoo and notice that my longtime friend, Jenna was online. I opened the IM window and typed

Vic: Hey Jenna! Imu! How's everything going!?

I wait anxiously for a reply. a few minutes later,which felt like hours, I hear my laptop go off. My heart skips a beat as I read her reply.

Jenna: omg hi! I miss you so much! I heard everything that happened, Jaime told me. You know, you're lucky to have him as a friend. He's really trustworthy. I'm really sorry to hear what happened with Welly. I never really liked her, had a bad feeling. Hey, listen. Vic, I need to tell you something; but if you need to talk, I'm here for you always, just call me. But anyways, throughout the years, I've developed a tiny thing for you. I told Jaime, and I'm glad you're coming back today. I have a show in San Diego tomorrow, so I'll see you then. I'm still here right now, ugh I haven't seen you in ages!

I take a deep breath as I type,

Vic: yeah, same. how could I not like such a cute and perfect girl though! I'm pretty good with the welly thing, I just don't want anything to do with her. and she should stay away from my friends bc I need them to carry me(I made a funny ha) through this tough time, I'm closer with them than she is, and I'm now realizing she's a lil whore. I got a question. have you heard anything about mike? like what he's gonna do to see and be with HIS child?

It seems like Jenna's away from her computer. I'm about to give up hope and sign off when

Jenna: awh you're so sweet, stop it :$

I'm not sure to be honest, from what Jaime told me, when Welly comes to Cali to see him, he's gonna, um I forgot hold on

I can wait all the time in the world for Jenna.

Jenna: I just called Whak. haha I had no idea that him and Mike were friends until last month. apparently they're tight. You're not gonna like this. dude, he's gonna fucking propose to welly, bc all of a sudden he's fucking in love with her. yeah okay fucktard, you got her pregnant bc of a one fucking night stand which you've had 4918282 of them and oh, now she fucking matters bc you fucking got her pregnant. ugh some people.

I feel myself shaking. No. I cannot cry right now. I notice tears welling up in my eyes when I feel a caring hand on my shoulder. I turn around, and see a girl. She looks about 16, with brown hair and brown eyes. I casually glance at her outfit and see she's wearing a Sleeping with Sirens shirt with black leggings.

"Oh my god, Vic, are you okay?"

"No, not really." There's something about this girl that makes me feel like I can trust her, and that she won't spread rumors about me on the internet.

"I heard about the whole Welly thing, I'm so sorry to hear about that. It must really hurt deep inside." She goes to hug me, I accept the embrace and next thing I know, we have a conversation for about fifteen minutes. I find out that her name's Amber, and that her mom went through a similar thing that I did before she had her. She goes to get up and as she stands up, she gives me the most caring expression someone's given me in a long time. I feel myself start to sob and hug her. I try to calm down, but it fails terribly.

"I have to go, but before I do, listen. You'll go through tough times, but for every tough time, there's a good thing that happens. Everything will end up fine, I promise. Vic, you're the reason I'm alive today, and I'm damn thankful for that. I hate to see you upset. I want, more than anything for you to be happy again. I love you." Her bracelet slides out of place as she puts a strand of hair behind her ear. I can't help but notice a couple self harm scars. I grab her arm almost immediately, and kiss it where the scars are. I hold her hand.

"Listen darling, please don't ever take a sharp object to your skin. Please don't hurt yourself again. You're better than that, and you sure as hell are beautiful." I pause, and look deep into her eyes. "Darling, you'll be okay." As soon as I say that, she bursts into tears.

"Vic, you're the reason I'm strong. I-I-I-I love you so much!" She wipes the tears away from her eyes and takes off her bracelet. I can't tell what it says. She hands it to me. I analyze it. It's white, and has the words "darling, you'll be okay" painted on. "I'm okay now, thank you. Keep the bracelet. I hope it reminds you that your fans love you more than anything and how you've saved so many lives." her phone beeps, and she quickly checks it. "well I've really got to go now. it was nice talking to my hero." Before she leaves, I have to do one more thing.

"Wait a sec." I whip out a scrap piece of paper and a sharpie and write, "Amber, you're stronger than you know. I love you, darling." and I sign it. I give it to her, and she hugs me once more. "Thank you so much for talking to me." I say once more. I love my fans.

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