Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- Vic's POV

*two weeks later*

"Mike, I hate flying." I look at my brother, we just made up yesterday. I pop a piece of gum into my mouth as the plane starts running.

"We ask you to put all electronics away and turn them off as we take off." This is gonna be a long flight. I turn off my iPhone and iPod and slide them into the pouch. I feel the plane start to move.

"Oh god." I go to grab Mikes hand for a sense of comfort.

"Why are you so afraid of planes, bro?" Mike takes my hand.

"Because, you know what happened to our great uncle."

"That was years and years ago, Vic. It's very uncommon for planes to crash in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."

"I know, but what if..?" I feel the color come out of my face as the plane lifts off and up into the sky. I violently chew the gum in my mouth.

"Hey guys, we're feeling a bit left out." Jaime kicks the back of my seat. I turn around.

"Jaime! You know I hate flying!"

"Yeah, we all know that." Tony chimes in.

"The plane has successfully taken off. You may now continue use of electronics." We hear over the loudspeaker.

"Mike, could ya hand me my iPod? Mike? Mike?" I look at him and realize he fell asleep. Ugh. I reach for my iPod, turn on pantera, and soon enough I fall asleep.

"We will experience some turbulence. Please do not worry as this is normal shortly before landing," I wake up to violent shaking.

"Mike, mike, mike!!" I shake him even though he's perfectly awake. "Whats happening?!" I nearly scream out of terror.

"It's normal turbulence. Calm down, Vic." About twenty minute later, once the shaking stops, there's another announcement.

"The plane is getting ready to land. Please turn off all cellular devices, and do not panic."

"Oh god." I shove my earbuds in my ears and crank pantera. I shove more gum in my mouth and try to breathe.

Once the plane lands and we get off, we get our bags. As we walk to the exit, two girls approach us.

"Omg Sophie, I told you that they were Pierce the Veil." Says a girl who's about my height, and wearing a Pierce the Veil shirt.

"Holy shit Elisa, you were right." I'm guessing that's Sophie.

"Hi girls." I wave to them as we walk up to them to have a conversation.

"Oh my god! You guys are real!" Elisa hugs Jaime immediately. "I love you" she says. Sophie hugs Tony. Elisa takes a step back and hugs all of us, one at a time. Sophie's still hugging Tony. He can't say he doesn't like the attention she's giving him.




- Tonys POV-

"You're the reason I'm still alive. I love you" a girl, who's about 5'4" doesn't let go hugging me. I smile, and hug her back.

"Stay strong. You're beautiful." I whisper back to her. She lets go.

"I want you to have something," She takes a small box out of her bag. I open it. Inside, is a letter. I open it and read it. I feel small tears coming to my eyes as I read. "Look under the paper." She says. I pull the small paper out of the bottom of the box and see two blades, cemented in a square. On the back of the thick square, written in sharpie is, "I've stopped cutting because of you. Thank you. -Sophie" I hug her again when I feel Mike tugging at my shoulder.

"C'mon dude, we gotta go."

"Sorry, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Sophie. I love you." I kissed her hand.

"I love you too." She says while happy crying.

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