Chapter 39

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Vic's POV

"Wake up dude!" the familiar voice of my brother comes over me. I open my eyes, and realize it wasn't some horrific nightmare.

My loving girlfriend, Jenna McDougall, on the floor, with a knife plunged through her chest.

"Why are you just standing there mouth agape? Call the fucking cops!!"

I grab my phone and dial 911

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?"

"M-m-m-my girlfriend is DEAD!! S-s-sh-sh-she knife chest dead!"

"Take a deep breath sir. What happened to your girlfriend?"

"I-I-I-don't know. I went to my room to grab something and I come back down and there's a fucking knife in her chest!!!" Tears well up in my eyes.

"Okay sir- we are currently tracking your call. We will be there in a few minutes. Do you want me to stay on the line until the police and ambulance come?"

"Y-y-y-y-y-yes, that would be nice" I can barely see through my tears.

Jenna's POV

Darkness, nothingness.

Vic's POV


I really lost her this time.

I start to cry.

I sob.

I bawl.

My life is meaningless.

There is no purpose to anything.

I can't believe this. Who did this? Did she do it? Did someone else do it? Is this my fault?

Before I get too caught up in my thoughts, the ambulance arrives.


Whoa an update!! It's short as crap but whoooo cares. It's finally an update!!! Idk I have the worst allergies right now and I can barely breathe so idk.

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