Chapter 42-End

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Vic's POV

I awake, covered in sweat.
"No! Jenna!" I start to cry. "What were you supposed to do!?!? What were you supposed to do!?!?!?" I begin to scream and flail.

"Victor, VICTOR." A man in a white lab coat straps my arms down. "She's dead, remember?"

"WHAT!?" I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Just five minutes ago I was in the hospital with her!" I try to break away from the straps, with no success. "Who are you anyway!?"

"My name is Doctor Hofstadter, and I'm here to help you. Jenna, is dead. You killed her over a year ago, along with your brother Mike." He begins to strap my legs down. "After your girlfriend Welly had a miscarriage, you went berserk and killed your brother and ex-girlfriend. It happened 14 months ago, and you started living here the day after it happened. You called 911 yourself and confessed to it!"

"N-n-no, this can't be happening! Why, Vic why? Wait- Doctor Hofstadter, you treated my girlfriend after she got stabbed!! Just yesterday!! Why is this happening? I didn't do anything!!"

"YOU stabbed her, Victor. That's why you're here." He handed me a small cup with pills in it, and water. "Here, take your medication."

"NO!" I blow the cup out of his hands. "Im not taking shit, you know why!? I'm not sick! I didn't kill her! I was with her five minutes ago!! I'm not crazy!!"

"Victor, if you don't cooperate, we're gonna have to take drastic measures."

"But I just fucking-no-I was just with her-she's not dead-let me out of here!! I'm not fucking crazy!! I was just with he-" I feel a stabbing sensation in my a and begin to get dizzy and lightheaded. "I....was.....just.....with...........her........" I lose consciousness.

Doctor Hofstadter POV
"Boss, what are we supposed to do with him?" I ask my manager. "He keeps waking up like this and we can't do anything to stop him"

My manager whispers, "I think we're gonna have to kill him. Does he have any family? We can just tell them it's a freak accident."

"But why would we kill him?"

"He hasn't made any progress in 14 months."

"How would we kill him?"

"Smother him."

"Are you gonna do it?"

"Oh, no no no no no. I only give the orders around here. You're gonna have to give him his death sentence."

I sigh. "Oh, okay. Are you sure?"

"Do it or you're fired." Boss man makes the "I'm watching you" gesture and slowly backs away.

"Ah, shit." I walk back over to Victor. Am I really gonna do this? I can't possibly do it! But boss is gonna fire me if I don't! I need this job badly!! I lower my tone to a whisper; "Okay Vic, I really don't wanna do this but it'll end your suffering, alright?" I take a pillow from the bed next to him. My hands become shaky as I put the pillow on his face. "I'm gonna start pushing now, okay? You'll feel better after you go, I promise." I push on his face, and feel him shake under me. I push even harder before he even attempts to escape. His movement becomes more spontaneous, he really can't breathe now. His movement slows, as does his heartbeat, and he finally stops moving.

I just killed a man.

(A/N: oh my god it's finally over!!! as of now there won't be a sequel, and I honestly had no idea how to end this, so I hope this was an insane ending. Thanks for reading this trainwreck of a story, it's finally over!!)

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