Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Welly's POV

** 2 hours later **

The pain is unbearable. as I yell out in pain, I see Vic walk in next to a nurse.

"Welly, oh my god Welly, you're in labor! How long has it been?"

"9 months and one week of pregnancy, 8 months and two weeks of it without you."

"Oh, I missed you." Vic kisses my cheek.

"Welly, do you want an epidural to relieve some of the pain?" my nurse asks me.

"Yes puh-lease. I feel horrible!"

"It's only been three hours." the nurse starts to hook up the epidural. The OB walks in about two hours later.

"Okay, Your contractions have been good, so let's see if you've dilated enough to be ready to deliver,' the OB kneels down, looking under my hospital gown. "Looking good. Ready to push Welly? Or do you want to sit a few minutes. We gotta get this baby out in the next hour though."

"I'm ready. Victor we may not be getting along but you are the baby's father. hold my hand."

"Okay, touch your chin to your chest, and push for ten." I begin to push. "One, two, three, push push push! Five, six, seven, keep pushing! Eight, nine ten." I scream. "okay, push again. one, two, three, four, the heads coming! Five, six, seven, eig-" I scream bloody murder as I feel it coming out of me. "It's a girl!" the OB says loudly as the nurses clean her. I start hysterical crying. Vic starts crying. One of the nurses give me my baby to hold.

"What should we name her?" I look at Vic. As he's about to speak, Mike walks in.

"Congratulations guys!"

"Memphis. That's what her name should be." Vic smiles at my name suggestion.

"Yeah. Memphis. I love that name."

"Okay Vic, you pick the middle name.'

"No. I think Mike should. He's been there for you more than I have."

"Uh, okay." Mike seems confused, but he goes along with it. "Memphis' middle name should be...Shayla, that's always been one of my favorite female names."

"I like that." Vic and I say, almost at the same time.

"Okay. Her name is Memphis Shayla Fuentes."

"Wanna hold her daddy?" I look adoringly at Vic.

"Of course." Vic holds her, with the most care and affection I've ever seen him show.

Maybe I was wrong about this after all.

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