"I kissed... YOUR WIFE" Josh Nichols <3

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"It's Friday, Friday, gotta get dow-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Peter smashed her fists into the table. I winced when i imagined her doing that to my face. I'm glad i wasn't on her hit list... then again, maybe i was.

"Ouch Peter." Jenn grimaced at the poor kid who walked by. He had been innocently singing a Rebecca Black hit when some freak, Peter to be exact cussed him out.

"What crawled out of your butt still breathing?" Dylan sipped his Orange juice, totally unaware of the weird stare i was giving him. Where the heck did he get that expression?

"My cousin broke into my car last night and drove to Kansas." Peter growled. That must be her reasoning behind grumpiness.

We all sat silently, trying to say something. How do you reply to that.

"I'm sorry." I eventually said.

Peter just nodded.at me.

The metallic ringing of our school bell broke through our silence. Thank you god for good timing! We all scrambled to grab our bags and run to our first hour. Away from crazy Peter.

"Ill see you at lunch!" Jenn scurried to her first hour, math. Fun fun. Luckily for me, i had journalism for first hour. That way we could plan out our paper for the next morning.

"Welcome all!" I smiled a si entered the room. So far there were only two people in here. My teacher, and sweaty jim. Nobody liked to sit by sweaty jim. Poor thing.

"Welcome Avias." My favorite teacher in the world cooed. She had almost buzz cut short hair with spikes. Big black glasses that made her look stylish. She was a bit over skinny, but nowhere near fat. She was just fluffy. "I have to ask. How is your investigation going?"

Oh wow. My investigation... Well... Said investigation was now terminated. I couldn't very well do a hate crime report when there was no hatred going on. I was hoping that camp gay-away would be a horrible place where homos got thrown in trashcans, and the adult figures hit you over the head with bricks or something. Sadly it was a nice place.

Too nice for me to say anything about it.

That left one detail out of place...

For my end-of-course exam we had to write a huge paper with a story that meant something to you. Now that my brilliant plan was done with I didn't have any idea what I would do.

"Well Mrs.Geena I seem to have hit wall on my investigation." I admitted. I needed to think of a new idea quickly.

"What do you mean?" She made herself comfortable atop her desk. She rarely wore her shoes during class time. Just socks.

"That my gay abuse idea didn't work out. I need to think of a new idea."

"I see. Well you know you have time, right? Don't stress about it."

"Thanks Mrs. Geena." I smiled.

That whole hour was spent looking at new ideas. I didn't want to get behind on this project. I was going to graduate with honors, dang it. I was going to get an A on this project with praise for my brilliant article. People from Spain would want my autograph. Maybe I would be accepted into Maine's school for professional writers. That had been my dream growing up. To live in the frigid land of Maine. Going to the town on weekends and looking at the lighthouses. How amazing would that be?

"Keep dreaming Avias DeNolian." A voice underneath my table whispered.

My eyes went wide in shock. It was one of those horror movie moments. You know when you're at home and something makes a weird noise, and you think its a murderer so you go really still. Like you were frozen to the floor. That's how I felt.

I looked below me after a second to see a boy curled up under my computer table. He was staring at me with yellow eyes. Like a freaking cat. Holy Jesus how did he fit under there?

"Um what?" I asked, stunned.

"I said keep dreaming. I will be valedictorian of our class!" He started shouting like Satan or something. All of the sudden he lunged forwards and started crawling out from under the table. I had to stand up so he didn't hit my crotch.

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