Whatchu Want Cupid?

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Our short journey stopped as we arrived at the mall. A place where most teen romances begin to blossom, where friends can get away from their families, and where mentally unstable people tend to flock.

I was careful to open the door and step out. I thought about opening the door for Halo and Mikey too, but didn't want to make any unnecessary contact with you-know-who.

"So which store did you want to go to, Halo?" Dino asked once we were all out of the car. Dino had moved over between Halo and I and put his arm around Halo's waist. They were so cute and lovey-dovey. I hated it.

Why can't I have something like that? I glared at the back of Mikey's head. He's the reason that I can't have a hot boyfriend. If he never makes a move on me, then I'll never be able to get over him, and there's no way that I'm going to make the move. Mikey noticed that I wasn't keeping up with everyone else, and he turned around to look for me. He caught me staring a hole into his face and gave me a weird look.

"What's with the evil eyes?" He asked me. He stopped walking so that I could catch up and we would walk together. I only had two options here. One was to keep walking and chat with him, or I could stop walking and run backwards.

"Evil eyes? Oh sorry. I must be, uh, gassy or something." I looked to the pavement, embarrassed. I'm not trying to obsess over him or anything, but he could at least develop a crush on me or something.

"Not really sure I want to hear about that." Mikey smiled oddly. It took a second for me to remember that we were having a conversation about my gas, and not him.

"So I heard from Halo that you have a, and I quote, 'sexy as butt-slaps man' living at your house."

"Butt-slaps?" I asked. I didn't even know what we were talking about. There's no sexy man living at my house, unless they were talking about my dad, which would be so wrong.

"It's Halo slang. I don't normally question it. So who is the sexy guy at your house? A boyfriend?" He didn't seem interested in the way I wished he was. It just sounded like he was trying to make conversation.

"I really don't know who you're talking about..." I was trying to think of when Halo  had even been to my house, besides today to pick me up - oh. "You mean Dylan!" I realized.

"Sure?" Mikey laughed.

"Ah, no. He isn't a boyfriend. Just one of my best friends."

"Oh. Well if he is as gorgeous as Halo made him sound, you might wand to re-think that only friends deal."

"No thanks." I cringed. "He has a kind-of girlfriend anyway, but thanks for your concern." I laughed and stuffed my hands into my pockets. I was fighting the urge to give the guy next to me a good butt-slap.

I decided that my focus has become too interested in Mikey, and I needed to think about other things.

The parking lot was a pretty bad place to look to start a new conversation, but it was better than us talking about my relationships or my need to slap a man's butt.

"I like that color." I pointed to a rusty green car that was coming up on our right. "If my car was that color, it would be so magical."

"Do you know about cars? Like do you repair them?" Mikey asked, interested.

"No way." Although it would be awesome to know a bunch about cars. "Do you?" I asked jokingly.

"Just a bit. I mean I don't repair them for a living, but I have to fix mine up a lot."  Mikey shrugged.

My mouth slowly dropped open. All I could do for the moment was picture Mikey working on a car. Strands of his brown hair falling into his face. His legs covered in holy jeans. A flannel protecting his torso. Maybe he didn't even wear a shirt when he worked on cars. His beautifully toned abs available to be groped upon the the whole world's eyes.

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