As pull up into the drive way, I see Jasper sitting in the front yard with a girl, who I see frequently, but she had never been to the house before, I only see her with him at school, or the arcade, or downtown playing Uno inside the stores. I get out and walk over to them. Jasper and Dee both look up and I see that Jasper has a small creature in his hands.

"Jas, do you have a rat?" I ask him.

"No, this is Castiel. He is a guinea pig." He says and holds the thing up to me and I back away.

"I'm good. Why are you home so early?" I ask him from a distance.

"Because I want to be here, Molly. I live here, I want to be here." He grumbles.

"That's bullshit, Jas, no you don't." I cross my arms. He shrugs and his friend looks at me.

"He is upset because Stacey doesn't like him." She says. She is a pretty girl. She has blue eyes and dark hair, she wears a black and silver beanie on her head and glasses. She gives me a look and I immediately know that she likes him, but he likes this Stacey.

"Dee! No it's not." He exclaims and throws a handful of grass at her. She only laughs and swats the pieces away.

"Yes, it is. He doesn't need that chick anyway, she has sixty-seven protons." She says proudly. I'm just confused. The science jokes are what make her his friend.

"Because I'm a nobody and no one likes me." He says and falls back on the grass.

''I like you, you're pretty cool for a liz-" Dee says and he sits up and throws another handful of grass at her.

"What in the world is with you all and calling me a lizard? Do I really look like a lizard?""

"Lizards are cool, though." She says and smiles.

"Yeah. You're alright. I guess I can't complain about that. I will only accept it if I can be a plumed basilisk'' He says and I go inside while shaking my head. They sit outside with the rat thing and argue about which lizards are the coolest.

I take my shoes off and walk to the kitchen. I set my bag on the countertop and the house phone rings. I groan and quickly walk to the living room.

"Hello?" I say and I hear laughter in the other end.

"Hey, Molls, I'm with Jill and Andrew, and I won't be over, do you think you can copy down the math answers for me tonight and give them to me tomorrow?" Michael asks.

"Whoa, we had a lot of questions, Mikey. All of them?" I ask and walk back to the kitchen and setting out all the stuff for the cupcakes. He needs them for a project, and can't make them, so we were going to make them together so he could learn.

"Yeah." He says and I try not to sound aggravated as I talk to him.

"So, we aren't going to be doing cupcakes?" I ask and sigh.

"Nah." He says plainly. "Think you could do that, too? I'll get them from you tomorrow morning." He says.

"Yeah, sure, I'll just do it all. Need me to feed you grapes in the morning, too." I say and lean on the counter. 

"Oh, come on, Molls, don't be that way please?"

"Fine. What are friends for." I mumble and he doesn't catch the tone in my voice.

"Right, thanks."

"You aren't mad at me, are you, Mikey?" I ask him and draw my eyebrows together. I set out everything I will need for the cupcakes and I hear him sigh.

"No, I'm not mad, but I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? We are kinda busy." He says and I shut my eyes.

"Yeah." I say and hang up. I just set the phone on the counter and get to work.

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