jakob imagine - 2AM

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Jakob imagine

Your P.O.V

It was about 2 o'clock in the morning when you were woken up by your cell phone ringing. You grabbed your phone to see who the hell was calling you this early in the morning. A smile crept across your face as you saw a picture of your boyfriend with the contact name "Jakob <3" on the screen. You sat up in bed and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" you asked, waiting for a reply.

"Hello?" responded a deep voice on the other line.

"Jakob what do you want?" you asked,he better have a good reason for waking me up you thought.

"Go outside to your terrace." he said.

"Why?" I asked getting out of bed.

"Because you won't regret it." Jakob vaguely answered.

"Okay, I'll go out to the terrace." you said as you walked out of your room and to the terrace.

"Great." Jakob said happily before hanging up.

You walked out to the terrace only to see Jakob standing there with a stupid smile on his face.

"Oh hey there." he grinned cheekily.

"Oh hi there." you said greeting him with a hug.

"Ready?" he asked, only to receive a confused look from you. However, before you could ask what he was talking about he led you to the edge of the terrace to reveal a ladder.

"I hope you're ready." Jakob said as he stepped over and began to climb down.

"Jakob! I'm in my pajamas!" you whined.

"I can't go out like this!"

"Look at me!" Jakob replied pointing at his own clothes,

"I'm in my pajamas too!" he yelled continuing to climb down.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll play along with your little adventure." you sighed as you stepped onto the ladder following after Jakob.

"Yay!" you heard him squeal from bellow. As you reached the bottom Jakob held onto your waist protectively as you stepped off the ladder.

"Thanks babe." you said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"No problem baby" he said now running towards the park.

"Jakob!" you laughed as you chased after him to the lake in the park.

Jakob grabbed up before you could reach the lake.

"Close your eyes." he whispered taking your hand in his.

"Alright, but promise me you won't push me in the lake." you joked.

"Damn it! My whole plan is ruined!" Jakob whined jokingly.

"But really, close your eyes."

"Okay, they're closed." you announced.

"No peeking!" Jakob warned.

"I won't peek!" you promised.

"Alright, follow me. I'll tell you when you can open your eyes." Jakob instructed.

"Got it." you agreed nodding your head.

Jakob stopped walking and calmly said, "Open your eyes."

You took a deep breath, taking in the beautiful sight before you. There was a blanket set up a short distance from the lake. A basket was sitting in the middle of the blanket and the whole scene was lit up by one single lamp-post that was set up along the walkway.

"It's....gorgeous." you uttered.

"Come on!" Jakob said pulling you toward the blanket.

"I tried to make us a fancy soup. But I messed up and brought cereal." he confessed as he opened the basket.

You giggled and said,

"Well that's wonderful because I'm not eating any soup, no matter how fancy it is, at 2 o'clock in the morning."

"Perfect!" Jakob smiled as he pulled out two bowls and a box of cereal. He poured a bowl for you and a bowl for himself.

"Your cereal ma'am." Jakob said handing you a bowl.

"Why thank you kind sir." you smiled as you took the bowl from him.

You two sat there and talked until 4 o'clock. At which you both headed back to your place and climbed back up the ladder. You opened the door to the inside waiting for Jakob to follow you in.

"Come on." you finally said after he didn't follow you inside.

"I can't." Jakob frowned.

"Why not?" you asked disappointed.

"Well.." he glanced at his watch, "in two hours the boys expect to find me sleeping in my bed." he confessed. You started laughing at how adorable he was.

"Then you should get going." you playfully scolded.

"I know. Bye baby." Jakob sighed.

"Bye Jakob." you said right before Jakob grabbed you and crashed his lips against yours.

"I love you." Jakob whispered.

"I love you too. But promise me I'll see you later." you said firmly.

"I promise." Jakob said as he started to climb back down the ladder.

He's insane...you thought as you walked back into your room. Just as you lay down your phone rings. It's a text from Jakob;

Jakob: Hope you had fun :) xx

You smiled and replied;

No I had a terrible time :P kidding! NOW GO HOME STYLES! love you.

I read the last text and smiled just before I fell asleep.

The end /// love you all! Goodnight

P.S tell me what I should write about xx

btw i had all these imagines written from the other owner and just found them in my folder! ahahha these 3 arnt mine btw xx 

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