Jakob/Mikaila imagine - haunted house

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Your P.O.V (for all of it)
Mikaila and I were close friends even though she was 2 years older than me. We decide to go for a walk in the forest, while we were walking Mikaila stopped out of nowhere and said 'is that a house y/n?!' 'Um yeh I think it is... wanna go cheek it out?'
I said 'yeh lets go hope it's not haunted hahaha' 'yeh I hope so' I replied.
We made our way to the house and we stopped right in front of it, I got a shiver up my spine while looking at it 'wow this is wired' I said quietly 'what is?' 'I got a shiver up my spine, but don't worry...'
'I feel wired coming into a house, it feels like were snooping around' I said 'were not were investigating haha' she said 'okay lets go in' Mikaila walked in and I was right behind her.

'I wonder what happened to this place, glass everywhere, broken tables/chairs... wow this is freaky' 'yeh it is' I reply. We walked around the house for about 5-10 minutes, we were on the bottom floor until we heard a scream coming from upstairs. Mikaila and I just froze and looked at each other. 'What the hell was that!' I said
'A scream. It comes from upstairs... I though no one lived here....' I said to Mikaila 'that's what I thought, I think we should go see what it is' Mikaila said. 'I don't know Mikaila, I'm scared'
'Well I'm going to go up and see what that scream was because someone could be in danger. You can stay down her by yourself if you want' Mikaila said 'um no its okay I'm going to come with you because I think we should stick together in case something happens' I said 'okay'

We made our way up the wide, scary stairs. When we got to the top I said 'which way do we go? Left or right?' 'Right?' 'Okay lead the way' I had a bad feeling about going right but I went anyway. We started walking down the hall until we herd the same scream again coming from the door in front of us. 'The scream is coming from that door....' I said softly.
The door where the scream was coming from was a little bit open. 'I'm going to go look inside' Mikaila said. 'Okay, be careful... please I'll be behind you'
Mikaila walked up to the door and looked through it... 'AHH OMG, WHAT IS SHE DOING THERE...?' Mikaila screams and falls backwards onto the floor from being scared. 'Omg Mikaila are you okay what happened?!' I asked really worried 'this girl just popped up in my face and told me that we have to leave her house of we will....' she starts tearing up
'We will what Mikaila? What?' I ask 'die....' Mikaila said. 'OMG, we have to get out of her NOW!!' I started to tear up as well. 'Okay let's go down stairs and leave;' I said getting up and helping Mikaila up as well. When we got up we heard laughter. Mikaila froze and looked at me 'were going now and not coming back' I told Mikaila
I took Mikaila's hand and ran down the stairs, we made it to the door and I tried open it but it was locked. 'The doors locked! Who on earth locked the door?!' I said I tried pushing it with my hands but it was useless. 'I think there is a back door, Lets go' Mikaila said. 'Okay let's go'. We were walking fast but quietly, but as we were walking we heard the floor creek like someone was walking behind us...

I looked behind us and saw a girl looking straight at us. I tapped Mikaila's shoulder and told her not to make a sound because someone was following us. When Mikaila turned around slowly she wisped to me saying 'th-that's the girl that told us to leave or we will di-die' she sounded scared.
While Mikaila was shocked something caught my eye a knife. 'Mikaila I see a knife, I'm going to get the knife over there for protection' I said quietly 'okay don't be loud and don't let her see you get it' she replied
I made my way to the knife slowly, I grabbed the knife and held it close to me. I made my way back to Mikaila slowly. While I went back I saw the clock and it said 4:30pm, wow we have been her for only 30 minutes. So much has happened in 30 minutes.
Mikaila and I looked at each other and we both thought the same thing 'time to leave now. I nodded and she nodded back. We ran to the door, but I feel down while I was running, I looked back and saw the girl chasing after us two. The girl jumped on me and she tried to bite me. Mikaila was trying to get her of me but she couldn't.

'HELP ME!! PLEASEE!' I scream. I try to get the knife but I couldn't. Out of nowhere there were 5 more people, 4 boys and 1 girl. 'MIKAILA LOOK OUT! BEHIND YOU!' she turns around and screams
The girl got of me and I eventually got up with Mikaila's help and all 6 of the people surrounded Mikaila and I in a circle and I manage to get the knife in my hand. I decided to run at the closest person to me and punch them. I did that but I went straight through the guy.  Omg they are ghosts! 'We need to leave now!!' I scream
We couldn't get to the back door because 5 of the people were there. So we decided to run to the closest room and hide. We ran to the room and shut the door behind us and slid down. I started to cry because I was scared and she said 'y/n it's okay, everything will be alright I promise '
I need to tell Mikaila now... I have to because I need to tell her she's my closet friend.

'Mikaila I need to tell you something, I know it's a bad time/place but you're my best friend and I need to tell you' I said to her 'y/n what is it?' 'I really like your brother...' I said honestly 'Jakob? My brother Jakob? She said shocked 'yeh I do' I said quietly 'y/n' she said 'Jakob really likes you as well... a lot' she said with a smile 'w-what r u serious or joking with me?' I said
'I promise to you... he doesn't stop talking about you y/n this y/n that' she started to laugh at the end 'really, I'm going to tell him when we get out of here' I say smiling to myself. 'Good for you y/n he will be really happy' Mikaila said
'Um Mikaila look there' I pointed to a window 'are you thinking what I'm thinking y/n? 'if you're thinking to leave through the window then yes' 'okay go get that chair and push it against the door so they can't get in' 'okay let's do thins!'
I went to get the chair and put it at the door quietly. We walked slowly to the window and went out of it slowly. Mikaila and I went outside quietly and made it. Until Mikaila stepped on a stick and the girl came outside and came running outside. Mikaila and I ran for our life's and went back to our car and got in and locked it. She came to the door and told us 'leave this place and never return' 'yes, yes, yes we will please leave us alone!' we both screamed/yelled.

We started the car and Mikaila took off and started talking 'I can't believe we made it, we need to get back to our houses... I think you should stay at my house because its 10pm and I don't want you be by yourself at this time.' Mikaila said 'okay I will, can I call my parents to let them know I'm staying the night? I asked 'yes, of course'.
Then Mikaila made things a little bit awaked 'so, how long have you liked Jakob for?' 'Omg, seriously Mikaila?' I blushed 'yes I am?! Come on' she playfully hit me.   'Fine, I've liked him for about a year' I blushed. 'Oollala, someone is blushing y/n' 'were home y/n time to tell jakoo how u feel' she said and pushed me a bit.
We got inside and we decided not to tell anyone what happened at the forest. 'Jakob can I please talk to you?' I asked Jakob. I saw Mikaila in the corner of my eye and had a smirk on her face. 'What's up y/n?' Jakob asked me. 'I need to tell you something, Jakob I really like you' I look down. Jakob didn't say anything.

'I knew I shouldn't have said anything' I started to walk out. 'Y/N' Jakob says. I turned around and my lips were on his, they moved in perfect sync. I felt fireworks when that happened, we came apart and he said 'I really like you too' he said and kissed me again
'Jakob I love you' I said, he pulled away and said 'I love you too' 'y/n?' 'Yeh' I said 'be my girlfriend?' 'I would love to' we kissed again.
Jakob and I held hands and walked down the stairs and Mikaila said 'oh looks like something is happening between you too' she gives a smile 'yeh we are y/n is my girlfriend and I love her to pieces' and he kissed me 'aww this is soo cute guys' Mikaila says. 'y/n Jakob look at me' we turned around and heard a photo been taken from Mikaila. I blushed and hid my head into Jakobs's neck.
Did u guys like it??? x
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