Ethan imagine, new years eve - personal for Mia

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Ethan and Mia

your parents were arguing again...

This time it's not stopping and you're sick of their sour words and hurtful actions. You locked yourself in your room, tears streaming down your face.

You called your best friend Ethan and cried to him.

"What's wrong mia?" He asks softly.

"My parents" you sob.

He talks to you and gets your mind off your parents. "I don't want to spend New years eve with them" you say.

"Check your email" Ethan says suddenly.

You open your inbox and open the email sent from Ethan, you gasp.

"We can officially meet" he says. You cry again, this time tears of joy.

"You bought me a plane ticket?" I ask

"You can stay however long you want." Ethan replies

"My mom got the guest room all ready."


"Start packing sweetheart." You pack and make your way to the airport, barely saying goodbye to your parents.

You hop on the plane and fall asleep for the entire flight.

When you wake up, you are flying over a blue ocean, about to land. You smile and sit up.

The airport was huge and you had to ask for directions, when you step out of the terminal, you see a red haired boy walking towards you.

You drop your bags and run up to Ethan.

"Etho" you jump in his arms and bury your face in his neck.

"Hey mia." You feel him bend down and pick up your suitcase, with you still in his arms.

He carries you out to the car and sits inside with you, telling the driver his address. You and Etho talked non stop.

His parents were so welcoming. Ethan took you to his granny flat in his yard. You both played video games and sang stupid songs.

You were exhausted and close your eyes.

You felt Ethan lift you up and carry you to bed.

When he laid you down you grabbed his hand.

"Lay with me?" Etho grinned and laid next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.

"I've waited too long for this moment" he whispered in your hair.

You look up at him and he's smiling to himself, his eyes closed.

You look at his lips and you didn't know what happened in that moment, but what you do remember is falling in love with this boy after fireworks ignited in your stomach as your lips touched

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