Ethan imagine - glee musical

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Your P.O.V
'Okay next!' someone shouted
I headed on stage and looked out to see 3 people at the front
'Okay name?'
'Im y/n'
'Awesome! Not seen you round before you new?'
'Erm yeah I joined a few days ago' 'Okay, what will you be singing?' he asked 'I will be singing Human by Christina Perri' I said
'Okay good luck y/n' he said
I nodded and cleared my throat and started to sing
When I finished I heard them applaud 'Well that was great y/n!' 'Thank you' I smiled
'Welcome to glee club' he said
'Really? Thank you!' I said and walked out 'Did you get in?' Brooke asked me
'Yes' I smiled 'Great! Now you can join me and the boys!'
I smiled 'yeah! Anyways I better get going. See you tomorrow' I said
'See you tomorrow in glee club' she winked and I walked out and got inside my mums car 'How was it?'
'It was good, I signed up to glee club' I said
'Really? That brings me back to my days at school'
I rolled my eyes 'not this again'
'Hey these are memories! If I didn't join glee club me and your dad would never have met. And that means we would never of-'
'Okay I get it' I said 'You never know you might find your prince charming in glee club'
I rolled my eyes 'I highly doubt I will'
'You never know kiddo' she said and drove us home
The next day I headed to glee club and I walked in to see there was only a few people here
I sat down and waited
'Urm excuse me. You're in my seat' girl said
'Oh im sorry ill-'
'Good bye' she said and shoved me out the chair
I walked away over to the other side and sat down 'Hey girl! First day at glee club!' Brooke said 'Yeah' I mumbled
'Wants wrong?'
'Who's that?' I asked pointing over to the girl
She rolled her eyes 'Some bitch who thinks she deserves every solo. Her name Is Amber she's a female dick. Why what happened?'
'Nothing, I was in her seat or something'
She rolled her eyes 'I would love to just punch her in the face sometimes. She tried to get on Chris once I went crazy'
I laughed 'I wish I saw it'
'You don't trust me'
I looked around to see there was only a few of us 'Is this it?' I asked
'No there's more but they always turn up late because of soccer practice'
The teacher walked in 'hello guys! As you can all see we have a new person y/n?'
I smiled and waved at everyone 'She has a good voice and will fit in right away! So what we need to do is talk about the new musical we are doing which is grease!' he said
'I love grease' 'You should go for it! You could totally pull off sandy' she said
'I don't think so, im new I'll let someone else take over'
'What like miss plastic over there?'
I was going to reply but my attention went to the boy that walked in 'Sorry im late' he said and looked over to me and smiled
I smiled back
He walked over and sat next to amber 'I wouldn't if I were you' I heard
I looked over to Brooke and frowned 'What do you mean?'
'You and him? Staring contest you just had going there I wouldn't. Its ambers boyfriend and you have already faced what she's capable of'
'There was no staring competition it was a friendly smile'
'That's where it starts' she said
'You're over exaggerating' I said 'Okay so as you all know we have a musical coming up and we have decided on grease! We already have a Danny so if Ethan could stand up' He said
The guy from earlier stood up and smiled 'Okay so all we need is a sandy, and well I think I already have the perfect idea on who it should be' He said
'Okay, I appreciate your honesty. I knew you was going to pick me I mean who wouldn't right? I would be the perfect sandy and I will do it' amber said
I mentally rolled my eyes 'Urm im sorry amber but I think you have had enough solos I was actually thinking about maybe Y/n?' he said looking at me
My eyes widened...
'What me?' ''yes! Your audition yesterday has really stuck in my head and I think you would be perfect for the part' He said 'Are you kidding?! You're asking the new girl? Yuk' Amber said
'So what do you say y/n?' 'Urm....'
'She will!' Brooke said 'Brooke!' I muttered 'You will thank me later' she said 'Okay great! The list goes up later' he said 'You're going to regret this' Amber said and walked past
She is going to kill me... After glee club I decided to go to the auditorium
I walked in and heard someone singing and noticed it was Ethan
I quickly hid behind one of the chairs and watched
He was singing torn and I could tell it meant something to him because of the way he was singing it
My leg started to cramp and I cursed under my breath
The music stopped and I looked up to see him looking my way 'Y/n?' 'Oh Urm hey' I said
'What are you doing here?' 'Urm... nothing really. Just giving myself a tour' I said 'Was you listening?'
'i- guess so. I didn't mean to sorry' 'No its okay, I was just messing around a bit' he said
'It was good, you have a very nice voice. I didn't know you could play the piano' I said
'Thank you and yes I learnt it a while ago' he smiled 'want to join me?'
'Urm sure' I said and I headed to the stage 'I can teach you how to play' he said
'Wont your girlfriend be annoyed?' I aid 'She isn't here, she's got some practise. Besides we are going to be in the play together we need to get to know each other right?'
'True' I said
I sat down next to him 'Right so give me a song' he said
'Urm, your song - elton john' I said
He nodded and started to play it
'You see what im doing?' he said
I nodded
'Okay so placed your hands here' he said and took mine in his and put them on the keys
I smiled at him and pressed down making the first note
'Then you do this' he said and changed the key and kept guiding me
'Okay? You try' he said
I nodded and did the keys again
'See! Getting the hang of it already' he said
'You make it look a lot easier' I laughed
'You will get it eventually' he said
'So you like glee club?' he asked
I nodded 'I've always loved to sing and I love the TV show so why not' I said
'Oh no my sisters always make me watch glee' he laughed
'No way' I laughed 'I'll admit it's not that bad, but don't tell anyone it could ruin my reputation'
'Your secret is safe' I said 'Why thank you' he laughed
I smiled at him and I didn't realise we was staring at each other until a man came out
'Sorry kid's auditorium is closed for lunch' he said
I cleared my throat and looked away
'Okay, see you around Ethan' I said and got up and left for lunch
Later on Mr Shue put the list up and we all walked over and read who got the main parts
Danny - Ethan Karpathy
Danny understudy - Jakob Delgado
Sandy - Y/n
Sandy understudy - Amber Turner
Rizzo - Brook
Kenickie -  Chris Lanzon
'Oh my god! You got the part!' Brooke said and hugged me
'I can't believe it' 'What the hell is this?!' amber said and ripped down the list 'An understudy?? What the hell is one of those?' she said
'It means you have to shadow y/n just in case anything happens and she can't perform on the night. Then you step in and play sandy' Jakob said
'I still don't get why I didn't get sandy, I mean im better than Man features over here' she said looking at me
'Amber don't be rude' Ethan said
'You're sticking up for her? Whose boyfriend are you Ethan?' 'Amber... im just saying. It's just a musical at least you got the understudy'
She rolled her eyes 'you are hopeless' she said and walked away 'Urm im sorry about her' Ethan said
'It's okay, I don't mind I can understand she's upset'
He nodded 'Well congrats. I guess I will be seeing you at rehearsals' he said
'Yeah, see you then'
He smiled and walked away 'I so knew you 2 have something!'
'Brooke we don't' I groaned
'You do admit it'
'He's cute yes, but he has a girlfriend I wouldn't do that'
'You do know the fact you are sandy and he's Danny you both have to kiss'
'Kiss? We have to kiss?'
'Yes that's what happens' she laughed 'Well that's not going to be hard, I don't have feelings for him' I said
'Yet' she whispered
The following day I headed to rehearsals and saw Ethan and amber arguing 'So you're going to go through with it?! You have to kiss another girl Ethan!' She shouted
'It's just a musical... just be grateful the musical isn't fifty shades of grey' 'Do you think this is funny? Ethan im your girlfriend.'
'Yes I know amber but this is just a musical, it doesn't mean im going to jump into bed with her you need to trust me'
'Of course I trust you baby... I just don't trust her' she said and looked over to me
I rolled my eyes and walked over to everyone else
'Okay here is the script' the teacher said and handed it out 'if you could just try and learn it as soon as you can that would be great. The songs are the main thing so try and practise them as well. Now where is Ethan?'
'Im here' he said and walked over 'sorry'
'Okay great, if you and y/n could just meet up a few times outside of school times then you can practise yes?'
'Sure!' he smiled 'Okay great. Now let's get started' he said
After a full day of rehearsals it was now time to go home 'Wait' I heard
I turned around to see Ethan. 'Hey' I said 'Hey, I was thinking maybe we could meet up every Friday? I know there's only 3 weeks until show night but I think these sessions will help'
'Sure that's great'
'Okay awesome, I'll pick you up on Friday then'
'Okay' I smiled 'Here is my number, just text me your address later'
'Okay, see you around' I said and walked over to my mum's car
'How was glee club' she winked
'Mum... I've told you before. Im not getting with anyone in glee club'
'Why? I mean it's pretty romantic isn't it? Flirting over duets and singing to one another' she said. I rolled my eyes
'Yes it is cute but im not you and dad okay? I will find the perfect guy when it happens'
'Fine' she said 'so how was rehearsals?'
'It was good, im going round the guy's house tomorrow if that's okay' I said 'Is he in your glee club?'
'Im just wondering' she said
'Yes he is, and no he isn't my type' 'Suit yourself honey' she said and drove us home
The next day I text Ethan my address and said he was going to be here at 5 'Okay so you're going round his house just to rehearse right?' my dad said
'Good! No sex, kissing or groping'
'Urgh dad stop! You're worst that mum' 'I wouldn't go that far' he mumbled
The door went and I answered it to see it was Ethan
'Hey! Right im off out bye' I shouted and closed the door and we headed to Ethan's' car (pretend he can drive)
On the way to his we was talking about the show and having a laugh and Ethan was actually quite funny 'So you learnt any more of the piano?' he asked
'Well I tried but failed miserably' I laughed
'Right well welcome to the Karpathy  household' he said
I followed him to the door and his mum greeted us in 'You must be y/n! Ethan told us about you' she smiled
'He has?'
'Yes, better than hearing about amber' His sister muttered
'Ignore them come on' Ethan said and we headed to his room
'Don't they like amber?' I asked
'Well she can be a bit hot headed sometimes' he said
'Oh right' I said 'But enough about her... so what do you want to practise first?'
'The songs?' 'Sure' 'Im okay to be here though right? Your girlfriend isn't going to murder me tomorrow for it'
He laughed 'What she doesn't know won't hurt her'
I nodded and we started to practise
After going through all the songs and a few of the scenes we decided to take a break
'I think we are getting there' he said
'Im scared already' I said 'Same, but It will be fine' he said 'I feel bad, I feel like im taking you away from your girlfriend' I said
'Whys that' he laughed
'Well im playing sandy and I have to kiss you... im not her biggest fan but that can't be easy for her' I said
'It will be fine honest, amber is strong'
I nodded 'Besides the kiss is a quick peck so it's not like we have to make out on stage'
'I guess that's true' I said 'Its fine come on lets run through some more scenes' he said
I nodded and we carried on practising until it was time for me to go home
The following week we started to practise on the stage 'Right okay kissing scene!' the teacher said
I looked over at amber who was giving me a death glare
I sighed and walked up on stage 'Okay action!' (Btw i just made up this scene)
'Sandy there's something I've been meaning to tell you' ethan said 'What is it Danny?'
'Well I Urm, I guess I just really like you sandy and I want us to be more than just friends' he said 'Really? Oh Danny I would love to!' I said 'Now kiss!' The teacher shouted
I looked at Ethan and nodded
He came closer and slowly placed hi slips on mine
It was only meant to be a peck but I couldn't pull away
He brought his hand up to my cheek and deepened the kiss 'Okay and cut!' the teacher shouted
I quickly pulled away and looked at Ethan and I think I wasn't the only one who felt the sparks
'That was great guys! Looks realistic! Okay take 5' Mr shue said
I nodded and walked off stage
Ethans P.O.V
I watched her walk off and was shocked at the feelings I got when we kissed
'Ethan?' I turned around to see amber
'Oh hey' I said
'What was that?' she said
'N-nothing just a kiss. I told you its rehearsals' I said
She nodded 'Right come on I told the guys we would meet them for break'
I nodded and followed her out
We sat down at the benches and I stayed quiet whilst amber spoke to them 'Baby isn't that right' she said
'Sorry what?'
'Im telling these guys about my plan' she said
'What plan?'
She rolled her eyes 'To get me on that stage to play sandy'
'How are you going to do that? Y/n is sandy'
'Yes for now. But we all know an understudy is someone who takes over if she doesn't turn up. So I just have to get rid of her'
'Amber that's silly. She got this part fairly'
'Why do you keep sticking up for her?' she said
'I don't but I think your being really dramatic over this. She'splaying sandy what's wrong with that?'
'She's trying to steal you away from me!'
'No she isn't amber just stop with the games' I said
'Don't you want me to be sandy?' she asked
Not really no. 'I wouldn't mind, but amber y/n got the part just let it go' I said and got up and walked inside
Your P.O.V (Skipping a bit)
It was now the day before the show and thankfully we haven't had to kiss again since that day
I still went round Ethan's house on the Friday but it was a little awkward knowing what I felt during the kiss we shared but I tried not to make it obvious
Now it was the day before the show and we was rehearsing as much as we could 'Okay final scene guys!' Mr Shue shouted
I ran into the back and put the Black outfit on 'Girl you look amazing' Brooke said
'Does this make me look fat?'
'Are you kidding? You have a figure to die for! Now show Ethan what he's missing' she winked
I laughed and walked out and saw Ethan looking and he smiled over to me
I smiled back and walked out and started to sing the song
After rehearsals was finished I walked backstage to get changed
'Watch your back' I turned around to see amber
'Look I know you feel like I'm taking Ethan away from you but I don't want him' I said
'Yeah well stay away from him okay? You made a mistake taking this part away from me and I won't let you get away with it' she said and walked away 'What was that?' Brooke asked
'Nothing' I said and carried on getting changed
The next day I walked into the school and headed to the auditorium to set up ready for the show later on 'Okay guys! As you know show time is in less than 6 hours! So if we can just set up backstage and make sure everything is ready and then we could do a run through of a few scenes we need to and make sure it's perfect.'
We all nodded and got to work 'Urm ey' I heard
I turned around to see amber 'Urm hey?'
'Look I want to apologise for what I said and I hope you can forgive me' she said
'Urm okay sure' I said 'Great, could you help me with a few boxes at the storage room?'
'Sure' I said and walked over to the storage room 'Just those down there' she said
I nodded and walked in and grabbed one of the boxes
I turned around and she closed the door
'Wait what?' I walked over and tried the handle but it was locked 'That bitch!' I said
I banged on the door and shouted help over and over but there was no luck
I looked round the room to see if there was anyway of escaping but there was nothing 
Ethan's P.O.V
'Right okay let's start practising the last scene again. Where is my sandy?' Mr Shue shouted
'Here!' I looked over to see amber
'Where's y/n?' I asked
'I don't know. Apparently she's gone home sick so it's me' she said
'What? Is she okay?'
'She's fine babe... let's just get on with the scene' she said
I nodded but I couldn't help but feel there was something wrong especially because I know what amber is capable of
I walked over to her friend Brooke
'Where's y/n?'
'I don't know... but I can't help but think it has to do with your girlfriend. She was fine earlier no way did she go home ill' she said 'im going to call her'
She dialled her number and I could hear someone's ring tone
I walked over to see y/ns phone
'Great' Brooke said
'Im going to go look for her' I said
'Babe I need to practise!' amber shouted
'Not yet' I said and walked away 'Y/n?' I shouted
I ran to the choir room but she wasn't in there and I looked in every classroom
I sighed and walked back to the auditorium until I heard a banging
'Hello?' I shouted
'Ethan?! Help me!' I could tell it was y/n
'Y/n? Where are you?' 'In the store room!' she shouted
I walked over to it and opened the door to see she was on the floor
'What happened? Did you get locked in?'
She looked annoyed 'your fucking girlfriend!'
'Your girlfriend locked me in here! She wants sandy that badly she locked me in! She's nuts Ethan!'
'Okay calm down' I said 'Calm down? She's crazy!'
'Let me sort it' I said and I walked to the stage and saw she was on stage practising her lines
'Oh hell no' Y/n said and walked over to amber
Your P.O.V
'Get that off now!' I said 'Sorry?'
'That outfit! Get it off!' I shouted
'What's going on?' Mr Shue said
'She locked me in the store room just so she can a part in the musical!' I said 'Is this true?' Mr Shue said
'No! She clearly hasn't taken any pills today' amber said 'Get the outfit off its mine! Im playing sandy'
'Whatever' amber said and walked to the dressing room
I followed her 'what did I ever do to you?' 'What?'
'You have done nothing but hate me the minute I joined glee club' I said 'You stole my boyfriend' she said
'No I didn't! He is still your boyfriend!'
'Well he doesn't like you so back off' she said 'He knew about this plan and he didn't stop me so he clearly doesn't give any thought about you. So quit whilst you're ahead' she said
'He knew?'
'Yep' she smiled and walked away
'Okay enough of the drama guys! Let's all get ready ShowTime in 20!' he shouted
I walked over and put the first outfit on and did my hair and makeup
'Good luck out there!' Brooke said and hugged me 'And you! Your perfect for the Rizzo part' I laughed
'Why thank you' she winked 'see you out there' she said and walked away
I took one more look in the mirror and sighed 'Hey! Just a little bit of good luck before the big show' Ethan said.
I nodded 'Are you okay?'
'Im fine' I said bluntly 'Have I done something?' he said
'Well I don't know, maybe ask your girlfriend'
'No you tell me' he said 'if I've done something I'd like you to tell me so I can sort it out'
'Did you know?'
'Know what?' he asked
'Her crazy plan to become sandy'
He stayed silent and looked at me 'it wasn't like that'
'Oh really... and you didn't try to stop her?' 
'I didn't think she was going to do it! I mean come on I didn't expect her to be like that'
I shook my head 'Im stupid'
'Come on you can't be angry with me over it, I didn't know she was going to do it! All she said was she had a plan to get rid of you so she could be sandy. I told her it was crazy and you deserved your place as sandy I didn't know she had anything like that planned'
Before I could say anything i heard my mum 'Oh there she is!'
'Oh no' I muttered
Me and Ethan looked over at my mum and dad 'Oh my! Is this the guy playing Danny?' she said 'Um yes mum this is Ethan' 'Oh it's finally nice to meet you! She doesn't shut up about you' she laughed 'Mum....'
'Oh really' Ethan smirked at me 'Well I can't wait to see you 2 out there! Did y/n ever tell you how I and her dad met?'
'Not this again... Dad help me' 'Sorry kiddo im not getting involved'
I rolled my eyes
'How did you 2 meet?' Ethan asked
'Glee club! It was so cute. I was the dorky kid with glasses and he was on the football team and we sung a duet together and ever since then we just had this crazy connection!' 'That's cute' Ethan said 'It is' my mum winked 'so you two?'
'Mum! We are friends'
She rolled her eyes 'Guys show time!' 'Right we have to go good luck' my mum said and kissed my head 'Nice meeting you' she said and left 'Sorry about her, she has this crazy idea of me meeting my prince charming in glee club' I said
He smiled 'You never know' he said looking at me 'Urm well I better get going. See you out there'
I nodded and he walked away
I heard the music showing it was show time
(skipping the show)
After the last scene everyone cheered
I smiled over to Ethan and he took my hand and we bowed 'Thank you everyone for coming to watch our musical! I hope you all enjoyed. These children put their all into it and I hope everyone had a great time so thank you for coming!'
I and Ethan headed backstage
'We did it!' he said and picked me up 'Woo' I said
He put me down and smiled at me
He brought his hand to my cheek and placed his lips on mine
I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back
He pulled away
He was going to say something until we was interrupted
'Babe well done' Amber said and she walked over and kissed him 'Urm thank you' he said
'I'll leave you to it' I said and walked over to Brooke
'Hey well done out there' she said
'Thanks, you did great too'
'What's wrong? I know that face'
'It's nothing' I said 'Tell me' she said
I explained everything and she shook her head 'knew this was going to happen' 'It's nothing, im fine it's not like I liked him right?'
'Yeah right' she said
I smiled 'I better go to my parents anyways' I said and walked over to them
The next day I headed to glee club and looked over to see Ethan and amber all over each other
I sighed and walked over to Brooke
'Don't look over, he will know it's getting to you' She whispered
'It's not though'
'Yeah and im Jesus' she said
I ignored her comment
'Okay guys! Well done for the musical now we need to think about sectionals' he said
'Okay Mr Shue. Im thinking the solo to me' amber said
'Well I think we should have a sing off between you and y/n' he said 'if she wants?'
'Oh Urm sure' I said
'Great, if you both sing then we can vote'
'Great we can sing my all-time favourite. Story of my life by one direction. Hit it' amber said
The man started to play the song on the piano and she started to sing and I had to admit she was good
I sighed knowing my chances were very little
She finished the last note and everyone clapped
'Y/n your go' I nodded and walked to the front 'I'll be singing 'The first time ever I saw your face'
I nodded to the piano man and he started to play
I cleared my throat and started to sing
I looked over to Ethan and I sung the first chorus and I saw amber notice and give him a weird look
I quickly looked away and carried on the song
When I sung the last note everyone clapped
'Great sing off guys! We will vote tomorrow so everyone think about it!' he said
When it came to the end we left the classroom and I headed for my next class
The next day I headed to my locker to get my books when I saw someone walk up
'Urm hey' I looked to see Ethan
'Hey' I smiled
'About the kiss....' he started
'I know Ethan. You regret it right?'
'No' he said
I frowned 'but amber?'
'Look I know it's wrong, but the first time we kissed on that stage it was different. A different kiss to what I and amber share and I knew I have to do it again without an audience and I was right. It felt the same way it did the first time we kissed. There's something about you y/n I just can't forget'
'But you have a girlfriend....'
'I know' he sighed 'Look meet me at the auditorium at 5' he said and walked away
I headed to glee club and sat down
'Okay guys we have the votes and the winner is... Y/n'
I smiled 'thank you guys'
'Urgh give me a break. First sandy now this?' amber rolledher eyes
'Shut up brat face. She won it fairly' Brooke said
'Don't' Jakob whispered
'It's true, is anyone going to tell her off for trapping my friend in the store room or what?'
'It's been sorted she was given a warning'
'A fucking warning my ass'
'Enough, come on guys. We are one step away from the biggest competition we have ever had to compete in. we need to get on' he said
'Fine' Brooke said
'Okay so everyone im thinking original songs! So everyone get your thinking caps on and come back tomorrow with ideas!' he said
5pm came and I headed to the auditorium to see no one was here yet
I sat at the front of the stage waiting
I started to hear music playing
I looked around to see loads of guys coming onstage and Ethan came into view and started to sing
They started to sing 'Hey soul sister' He walked over to me and got me on stage and carried on signing
When he was finished I hugged him 'that was awesome!'
'So why we meeting?'
'Well if you didn't listen to the lyrics and get it already, I guess I wanted you to come here to ask you on a date' he said
'But amber..?'
'I ended it. She's a cold hearted bitch and im sorry it took me so long to see it' he said
'Its fine' I smiled 'So will you?'
'I'd love to' I smiled
'Great! Let's do it now' he said
He nodded and got a picnic out and laid it out on stage 'Okay' I smiled and started to best the food
We spent the whole time talking and laughing about random stuff
I didn't realise what time it was until the lights went out
'Crap we have to go' he said 'The school closes in 10' he laughed
I helped him pack up and we ran out the school 'that was fun thanks ethan ' I said
'No problem, date number 2?'
'Sure' I smiled and kissed him on the cheek
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips
I smiled and kissed him back and pulled him loser and wrapped my arms around his neck
'Yeah this is totally worth it' he said
'I better go' I said 'Your mums here' he laughed
I turned around to see my mum in the front of the car grinning
'Great im not going to hear the end of this' I said
'It's cute' he said
'It's not. The fact you're in glee she's going to keep this going for weeks'
'You never know we might end up like her and your dad'
'Okay as cute as that sounds, it's only been 20 minutes since you asked me' I laughed 'True' he laughed 'see you tomorrow' he said and pecked my lips
I walked over to my mum's car
'Don't start' I said
'Aww! I knew it!' she beamed
I rolled my eyes and laughed
The enddd !! How did u guys like it ? This was my first imagine ❤️

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