jakob/chris haunted house tour gone wrong SEQUEL

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Sequel – your P.O.V

10 years later

Jakob has decided to take you to Paris for the weekend. I'm in the on suite bathroom getting ready and Jakob is in the other bathroom getting ready. Jakob is talking to himself in the mirror practicing what he was going to say to you. I didn't know what was happening.

I applied my eyeshadow, mascara, blush, lipstick and carefully applying liquid eyeliner. I looked in the mirror, blew a kiss and smiled at yourself. I did a half turn so you could see your butt. I quickly slipped on your dress that stopped half way on your thighs and was strapless, Jakob had brought you the dress and you just loved it. I had the perfect earrings to go with it and accessories.

I wanted to feel sexy! You put on your Louboutin's (shoes) and strutted around the bathroom like a pro. Jakob knocks on the door

"Babe are you ready!?" he asks straightening his tie.

"No, No! Not yet!" I say.

I quickly get the hair straightener and only straighten some parts of your hair. Like the ends of it and your fringe if you have one. I quickly put some gloss on your lips and open the door. Jakob was standing right outside. He looked at you and smiled.

"Stunning as always". I kiss him on the cheek and Jakob grabs you and begins to kiss you.

"Your lips taste like strawberries" Jakob says.

"Thank you sweet boy!" I say back to him. And head for the door. Jakob is holding your hand out of the hotel, there is a car parked out the front ready for us.

Paparazzi and fans were flashing their cameras and all that, but Jakob protected you and got you quickly to the car. I get in the car and Jakob slides into the seat. The driver takes you to the location in the city of Paris. We are driving along the streets of Paris.

Jakob takes your hand and I look at him and smile. We both lean in for a kiss and I lean over to rest my head on his shoulder. We reach the 5 star restaurant, Jakob grabs your hand and both of you bolt out of the car into the restaurant.

"Mr Delgado, right this way" a voice said.

The waiter directed you upstairs and out onto the balcony. Candles had been lit, we had a beautiful view of the Eiffel tower. Someone took a photo of us both holding hands with the Eiffel tower right in the background. Jakob pulled out your seat for you and pushed it in and gave you a kiss on the cheek. I looked at Jakob who seemed a little bit nervous.

"It's okay Jakob. We have been a heaps of dates before, and they have all been amazing" you say stroking his hand with your thumb.

"I know, I know. I just want to spoil you".

"Well Jakob, you do too much of that! No more!" Jakob just laughed at that and said "Not after one more thing". 

 Your P.O.V

You look at Jakob and say "Uh Jakob Delgado, what did you get!?"

Jakob gets off his chair, you look at him shockingly and he kneels down on one knee.

"Well, little miss, before you say anything or do anything I want to say something. I always wanted the perfect time to do this, and I think now is the perfect time. You always put up with my ridiculous humour, my immaturity, and messiness, you don't care how loud I am, and you love me for me. You're just so perfect. You completely understand me, you make me complete. You are my other half and I'm proud to say, to the world that you are mine. So, (Y/N), will you please marry me!?"

Tears drip off your face. He stands up and you stand up and nod. He slides the ring on your finger and you give him a hug and kiss his cheek a few times. "Yes, just in case you needed to hear it. Yes I would love to!" you say with excitement.

You are still giving him kisses smothering him and just holding him. He pops champagne and you both sit outside and look up at the stars and the beautifully lit Eiffel tower. Your night was so perfect. I and Jakob clink glasses and Jakob quickly gives Chris a call.

"Hey Chris, guess what mate" Jakob says.

"She said yes!?" Chris guesses. "Yes Mate she did!"

"Dude! That's so awesome! Dibs on best man!" "Of course Chris."

You look at Jakob and you couldn't stop smiling and looking at your beautiful ring. "Oh I love you so much (Y/N)". "I love you too Jakob. You are amazing". Jakob Mum calls in "Hi Mum!" "Hi Jakey! So how did it go!?" "Well Mum, she said yes!" "Oh God! Yay! I'm so happy! My future Daughter-In-Law! Congratulations beautiful boy. You deserve happiness" "Thanks Mum. I love you!" "Love you (Jakobs mums name)!" "Love you too (Y/N)!"

The wedding went fantastic, Chris was the best man, Ethan was the groomsman and Lara was the bridesmaid.

We partied all night and then we went back to my place, some magic happened if you know what I mean.

2-3 weeks later I felt sick and like having morning sickness and I took a pregnancy test and it came back POSITIVE!!


'BABE! WHATS WRONG!' he came in his boxers I started laughing

'Look' and I showed him the pregnancy test

'Omg are your pregnant?!' he asked happily

'YES!' I said

'OMG YAY WERE GOING TO BECOME A FAMILY!' he screamed out picking my up and twirling me around.

'I told you on the haunted tour thing that we will end up together forever' he said while kissing me and then kissing my belly

'I know baby' I say // the end!!!!!! Did u like it????!!!! Xxxxxx

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