jakob imagine, birthday - personal for georgia

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Jakob and Georgia imagine

georgias POV

My leg bounced up and down nervously as we waited for the rest of the passengers to board the plane. I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning but I couldn't say no when Jakob had begged me the entire time he was visiting me. I had worked everything out with my parents and family to spend my birthday with them when I got back. I should have been less nervous but I couldn't get myself to be calm, mainly because this was the first time I was going to be meeting Jakob's family. I mean Jakob had met my side of the family already so I guess it was only fair to meet his. "Everything is going to be fine love", Jakob assured me. "How do you know? What if they hate me?", I asked in a panic. "Trust me they won't", he rubbed my thigh tenderly.

We didn't have a chance to say another thing, the captain tuned on the fastened seat belt sign. We quickly did so as the flight attendant went over the flying procedure. This is it, in the matter of about eight hours I was going to be meeting Jakob's side of the family. Not to mention I was also going to be spending the holidays with them. I heard the engine roar and the plane jerk, letting me know that the plane was going down the runway preparing for take off. A few minuets more and we were taking off. "Hey love , Jakob called out to me about ten minutes into the flight. "Yes", I looked over at him. "Get some rest, I'll wake you when we're in London", he offered. "Alright, good night Jakob", I smiled and cuddled to his side. "Goodnight angel".

I woke up I didn't know how long after we had taken off, but I could feel Jakob gently shaking me and removing hair from my face. I stretched as best as I could since my muscles were tired from sitting this long. I actually couldn't wait to get in a bed and sleep some more, I know I should have been excited to be in London since I hadn't been anywhere close to here. However, all I could think about was how tired I was and how much I wanted to be in bed right now. "How long till we land", I asked Jakob. "Ten minutes", he smiled at me.

Like he promised, ten minutes later we were descending lower and lower till I could make out the airport form my window. I quickly shut it and prepared myself for landing. The airplane bounced slightly but we landed smoothly, all we had to do was wait for the plane to come to a complete stop. Jakob grabbed my hand once it was safe to exit. His hand held mind tightly as we went through the air port and collected our bags and headed out to the car that's was waiting for us. I heard Jakob curse under his breath once he saw the paparazzi, but we did our best to ignore them and get into his car. "You ok", Jakob asked once we were safe. "Yes, but I can't see from all the flashing lights", I giggled and rubbed my eyes. "Sorry about that", he said sheepishly. "It's ok love, not your fault. Now drive me to your home, I'm tired and in need of a bed", I said jokingly.

Jakob pointed out all the important places along the way, it amazed me how passionate he became about this place. I found it cute though, him wanting me to go to all the places he liked. It also add the drive go by really fast, because before I knew it Jakob pulled into a driveway and put the car in park. "We're here".

It took me a minute to figure out where I was when my eyes fluttered open the next morning. Once I saw Jakob's tattooed arm around my body pulling me closer to him, immediately relaxed. Snuggling back into him more, I began to drift off once again until I felt his hands begin to wonder. I knew he was up and I knew that cheeky bastard was enjoying the fact that I was too tired to stop him. "Morning", I finally spoke up when I felt Jakob's hands reach the hem of my shirt. "How long have you been up?", Jakob asked as he placed a kiss on my neck. "Long enough to feel you molest me in my sleep", I giggled. "Can't help it, you look so delectable as you sleep", he growled in my ear. I turn over and smile at him. "happy birthday love", he leant down and kissed me. "We better get up, I know my family is probably waiting for u so you can tear through their presents", he chuckled. "Do you think they're going to like me?", I asked feeling a bit nervous. "They'll love you", he kissed me once again before he got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the morning ahead.

Once he was done, I got up and did the same thing, freshening up for the morning and making sure I put a bra on. Once I was set I met Jakob in the room again and together we descended down the stairs into the joyous and loud living room where his family awaited us like Jakob said. "Yay their awake now we can start", Mikalia cheered.

Immediately gifts were handed to me and so I began the job of tearing through the paper to find the amazing things that hide under the paper.

Jakob's POV "I'm glad you found a keeper this time", my mum said to me as I helped her in the kitchen.

I looked over at you as you chatted with my sister about God knows what, Mikalia sat perched on you lap playing with the ends of your hair. I shook my head aside ever Daisy's voice telling you that you had princess hair. I knew my family would love you because you were too sweet and kind to give up on. My mum knew how hard it was for me to keep a steady girlfriend after my last one, I found it nearly impossible to keep one. I always found something wrong but mostly because I feared it was doomed from the beginning. With you it was different and I knew it from the first date I took you on. My family's approval only sealed the deal even more. "Me too mum, I'm finally happy with my life", I smiled at her. "I'm glad Jakob, I'm so happy for you. Thank you for bringing her home, you wouldn't shut up about her but now I see why. She's absolutely lovely and beautiful. "I think so too mum and I can tell you this. You'll seeing a lot more of her, I promise you that. "I'm glad to hear it love and I can't wait", she smiled as she brought more dishes to the table for supper.

I knew my family would love you, you just had to be your sweet self.

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