Jakob imagine - drug dealer

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Jakob imagine
Part 1 - Jakob's P.O.V
I brought the lit cigarette to my lips and took a puff of the toxic stick and let the tobacco fill my lungs. I thanked my luck that I brought my thick jacket it's me so I could go on this run. I was meeting my boys at our usual spot so that we could talk about business. I was walking through the busy streets of London when I saw her, she walked out of the coffee shop looking like angel out of heaven. Whither cute dark red skirt, her white shirt, and that brown coat that hugged her body and let me see her figure more clearly. Her legs were covered in thick black tights and knee high brown boots. I kept walking so I didn't look like a compete weirdo as I continued to stare at that angel. I had no idea who she was or what her name was but in that moment I knew I had to make her mine. At all costs, I decided it was time for drastic measures or she wouldn't leave my mind. "Shit I'm so sorry", I said in panic as I "accidentally" bumped into her. "No its ok it was my fault, my phone rang and I wasn't paying attention", she brushed off her skirt and pouted at her lost coffee that had hit the floor in our collision. "Here let me buy you another..." I looked at her lost. Like I needed her name to continue. "Oh, sorry where are my manners. Y/n Y/l/n", she smiled and stuck out her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jakob", I shook it. "No last name", she looked at me amused. "Oh there is, but I don't like to give it out to strangers", I winked at her.

Once she had a fresh coffee in her hands we parted ways, me with her number and name. I smiled in victory because I knew that I was going to be finding out a whole lot about her in just a few hours.
Part 2-

I didn't walk too much farther when I saw the familiar old building come into view, I sucked the last puffs of my cigarette into my lungs and stomped it out before hustling into the old ware house. The men that were already there working all looked at me in awe as I made my way through the dusty halls. I didn't pay no mind to them, I was already used to it. The stares and the awe that I had, once I pushed the huge oak doors of the main room I hurriedly took off my coat and say in my chair. Resting my feet on my desk, I snatched the thick stack of paperwork from the corner and started to sift through them. It wasn't too long after that my door was pushed open and in came my two favourite people. "Hey boss we have good news", Ethan chirped taking a sip of his beer. "Well let's hear it", I took my feet off my desk and sat up. Giving him my full attention. "We went to our drop point yesterday and met some really interested investors. Greg them a call", he handed me the business card of one of the potential clients.

Business men, of course. The two biggest clients we had were business men or someone in corporate. That life got stressful so many of them had to look to other alternatives to calm themselves down. That's where we come in, we sold recreation stress relievers. Or in better terms, drugs. I wasn't any drug dealer. I was the best, so good the cops wouldn't even dare to stop me. "Anyway, give them a call and see what's up", Ethan suggested. "Hey Etho, I stopped him from leaving my office."Yeah boss", he turned to face me. "Take this to Todd and have him run it through our system, I want to find out as much information as I possibly can", I instructed handing him the tiny slip of paper with her name and number. Hoping I would find out exactly what I wanted. "Right away sir". // like it so far?
Part 3 - Your P.O.V
I hustled though the streets to get to my house, I really needed a car I swear but as of right now I couldn't afford one. I was close though, however I had to work several jobs to even get by. I carried the giant stack of paperwork in my arms as I finally saw my small home come into sight. I let out a big sigh and climbed the two small steps that lead me to the front door. I tried to juggle the papers as I pulled out my keys from my pocket, it was going good till I lost my handling and the papers splatted on the floor. Shit. With a grunt I knelt down to pick them up, that was until I saw a silver envelop laying tucked under my welcome mat. I plucked it from under the mat and turned it in my hands. Who was this from? Gathering the rest of my things I headed inside to figure out what was going on. "Y/n you there", my sister Lara yelled out. "I'm here L", I yelled back placing the stack of papers on the side table and shrugged off my coat hanging it up along with my scarf. "Hey, how was work", she asked coming over to me. "Busy as usual, I'm glad I'm home though", I sighed fiddling with the silver envelope in my hand. "What's that", Lara pointed to the envelope in my hand. "I dunno I found it under the welcome mat", I shrugged. "Well I got to go to work so I'll see you later ok", Lara gave me a hug and headed out to go to her job.

Once I was alone, I padded to my room and flicked the light in my room so I could open the envelope. Slipping out of my pencil skirt and my button down silk shirt I slipped on a big t-shirt. After throwing my hair into a top knot, I climbed on my bed and brought the envelope into my lap and fiddle with it again. Taking a deep breath I broke the seal and read the short letter that was typed out. *you don't know me, but I know you. I was mesmerized by you beauty the second you walked out of the coffee shop in your dark red skirt. I'll be watching you, I maybe watching you now. You'll never know, see you soon princess* - J x

I tucked the letter in between my mattress and the frame, who was J and more importantly why was he watching me.
Part 4 - Jakob's P.O.V
I watched her as she walked throughout the city, she looked more stunning today. Wearing a black dress with white roses printed on it, the sides had little cuts in it. I rode up her thighs further and further as she walked the streets, her dark red pumps would make any guy weak. She was an absolute stunner as she walked out of the fabric stored and pulled her black coat around her body. Sliding down the visor of my helmet, I looked over my shoulder for traffic and carefully pulled out. Making sure I went as slow as possible so I could follow her every move, I wanted to make sure I kept a close eye on this beauty as she wove in and out of the busy streets of London. She popped into her favourite coffee shop and waited in line for her drink. Once she had it she went to the window and perched herself on the stool. With one look behind me I swooped into the parking lot and parked my bike. Taking off my helmet I ran a hand through my hair and put it into a bun and with my helmet I walked into the coffee shop as well. Once I had whatever drink I first laid my eyes on, I went in for the kill. "Excuse me miss is this seat taken", I asked causing her to look up from her book. "Oh no, go ahead", she smiled and scooted her purse over so I could have room. "Thank you", I smiled at her and climbed onto the stool. "I'm Jakob by the way", I stuck my hand out to her. "Y/n", she smiled beautifully and stuck her hand out to shake mine. "Lovely name", I complimented her causing her to blush. "So are you new here, cause I've been going here for years and oven ever seen you here before", she asked looking at me. "Wanted to try something different, I'm not really a coffee drinker but I've decided to give it a chance", I shrugged. "Oh and what made you change your mind", she teased back obviously not taking my word as truth. "You". // feedback
Part 5 -Your P.O.V
My smiled disappeared when I heard his answer, I could feel my blood run cold at the way his eyes were looking at me. What did he mean by that, how could I change his mind about coffee. He had no idea who I was, I mean had he ever seen before this. I stared back at him while I tried to squeeze my brain for the answer of this beautiful stranger. He was the one who bumped into me a few days ago, I was so pissed I dropped my coffee but he bought me a new one. But how could I change his mind about coffee, I mean what could I have possibly done that day to change his mind. "You ok darling", he asked placing his hand on mine. "How could I change your mind if you don't know me", I breathed looking up into his eyes. "I know more than you think beautiful", he smirked at me. "Like what. Tell me something you know about me that no one else would", I challenged him smirking in the inside. "You're allergic to cherries", he whispered in my ear.

I let out an audible gasp, I scooted away from him. I mean it wasn't big new but I never told anyone I was allergic to cherries mainly because I was ashamed but the fact he knew both blew my mind and scared me at the same time. I scooted away from him and finally stood up from my seat. "Where you going love, we were having a nice conversation", I could hear him teasing me as he did. "I'm leaving", I said bravely knowing I wasn't going to ever see or hear from him again. "Alright love, we'll have to do this another time", he got up as well. "In your dreams", I scoffed as he pulled me into his arms. He leant down and whispered in my ear. "Don't test me love, I know where you live and I'll always be watching", my eyes went wide and my goose bumps arose on my skin. It was him, he was the one that wrote the letter. It was J.
Part 6 -
I looked up at him through my lashes and gulped, with shaken hands I reached for my purse and grabbed it. Slinging it over my shoulder I made a quick exit and tried to get lost in he crowd hoping he would never find me again. I shook my head and laughed at that thought, of course he would find me again he fucking knew where I lived. Shit. It hit me, he knew where I lived. I was never going to be safe again. I had no idea who he was and how he got my information, either way I was never going to shake him. He was going to follow me no matter what. The thought brought my body temperature down and chilled me to the bones. Wrapping my arms around myself to bring warmth to me I fought against the crowd trying to get to work. That was until someone grabbed my elbow and pulled me into an alley and pinned me to the wall behind me. "I'm not going to hurt you ok", I heard his voice but I didn't dare look up. "Ok", I said barley above a whisper. "God you're so beautiful, I knew I had to have you or even see you again after we bumped into each other's shoulders spilt your coffee", he rested his forehead on mine. "That was you", I finally looked up into his eyes. "It was. One look into your pretty eyes and I couldn't get you out of my head. I had to find you, I'm not a patient man. So instead of waiting for fate to bring us together again, I decided to find you myself", he took a step closer and pressed his body to mine. "How did you do that", I asked curiously how he was able to find my information from just my phone number.

I held my breath and he sent a melting smirk my way, I couldn't keep my eyes off his enticing features. It wasn't till he got closer to my face that I actually held my breath, I closed my eyes thinking that he was going to kiss me or something. That was until I felt his lips brush my ear. "That's for me to know and you to find out", he placed a kiss just below my ear. "See you soon sweetheart".
Part 7 -
I hadn't seen Jakob in weeks, I had no idea if he was still watching me or if he even remembered me. I sighed and rested my head on my desk, I had just finished a bunch of work that my boss had assigned me to do. I looked out the window and saw that the once bright sky was already dark. I groaned thinking about me having to walk alone in the dark for about ten blocks. Cleaning everything up, I packed my bag and slung it over my shoulder so I could head out. I sighed when I felt the cold air hit my face, making a dangerous shiver run down my spine. I wrapped my coat tighter around my body and started the long walk home, I definitely prayed that I would arrive safely home. I held my breath as I past the bars and the clubs that littered this block, I closed my eyes praying nothing would happen. I felt a tug and I was pressed against a wall. "Aren't you a pretty thing", I felt his alcohol scented breath fill my senses. "Please let me go", I looked up into his cold grey eyes. "Oh I recognize you. You're Jakob's pet", he smirked tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "No I'm not", I said confidently. I wasn't Jakob's anything, I didn't even know him. "Oh I beg to differ honey, and I'm going to enjoy my ruining him", he smirked and tugged on my coat. "Stop!!" I screamed out and flailed my arms at him sending my purse flying someone where in the dark alley. "Hold still bitch", I felt a firm slap on my cheek. My head whipped to the side and I could feel the blood trickle down my lip and into my mouth.

I felt him tug at the buttons on my top and I gave up, knowing this guys was way too strong for me to fight off. He was about to reach for the zipper of my skirt when he was throw off of me and kicked repeatedly. I tried to hold up my shredded top to cover myself in some way. It wasn't till the guy that rescued me turned around that I knew who it was. "Are you ok sweetheart", Jakob came rushing up to me. "I am", I shook as he cupped my face. "Come one let's get you home".
Part 8 -
I couldn't look at him as he cleaned my cuts and made sure that I was decently covered. He was so gentle with me but I still had no clue who he was, where did he come from and why did at guy call me his pet. It was all so confusing but I tried not to let it twist my mind. Once he was done he gathered everything and out stuff away and there away the trash leaving me there to pick on the sleeves of the sweater he gave me. I didn't know what to do with myself as he finished putting everything away. "Are you thirsty or hungry", he asked. "No thank you", I said honesty. "Are you ok", Jakob sat next to me and looked at me with concerned eyes. "What do you do", I asked bravely. "What", Jakob looked at me as if I had insulted him. "What do you do Jakob? That guy that attacked me called me your pet. What does that mean? I need to tell me what you do", I looked up at him. "Shit Y/n I don't know if I can tell you", he stood up from where he sat and paced back and forth. "You have to Jakob, you know where I live and everything about me. My life was put in danger because of this. Tell me", I demanded "I run a gang, as in a gang leader. I drive a bike and all. Killing and making money is what I do", he confessed standing up and staring at me. "Exactly how do you make money", I gulped feeling fear seep into my pores and chill me to the bone. "Now that my love is a but to personal for me, that I can't tell you. Too personal. But you have to know I won't hurt you", he looked at me carefully. "How do I know", I asked still feeling scared. "You have to trust me". I stared at him for a while, could I trust him. I don't know, he ran a gang for Christi sakes. I mean if he wanted to hurt me he could have already, maybe I should take his word for it. I needed time to think about this, I gathered my purse and slung it over my shoulder looking at him. "I want to hunk about it for a bit, can you take me home please", I said causing him to sigh. "Ok".
Last Part –
6 Months Later
I sat perched on his lap as he talked to the boys about the business they were going to have to conduct. I decided to give Jakob a chance just as long as he told me what he did, I was shocked to say the least but in the end I supported him. I quit my job because Jakob wanted me to, he knew once he introduced me to his world people were going to follow me. So here I was perched on his lap, my body covered by an expensive designer dress. The boys discussed with him the plan to overtake another gang not too far from here. I was trying to pay attention but I was too distracted by the feel of Jakob's hands on my bare thighs. I snuck a peek at him, he looked delicious with his long curly brown hair. His green eyes that were concentrated on the words coming out of the boy's mouth. The way he pinched his pink plump lips and leaned lazily on the chair he was sitting on turned me on as well. I swear he was a danger to me, but I didn't care. He did nothing but loved me. That was more than I could say about the other guys I was involved with. "Alright, come back in the morning and give me a full report on the plan Ethan", Jakob nodded to the boys.

They all said their goodbyes and left the room we were in, once the door had shut I turned to look at Jakob from over my shoulder. He was already looking at me with that same panty dropping smirk. "Can I help you Mr. Delgado", I betted my lashes at him. "Who knew my innocent girl would turn into the queen of the gangs in England", he traced my are thigh. "Are you somewhat insinuating that you are some sort of king", I humour end him. "Oh yes love, and you are my queen". // THE END!!!! Did u guys like? Xxxxxx

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