jakob imagine - goodbye

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Jakob imagine – goodbye

your P.O.V

I scrolled and scrolled, each tweet getting more hurtful as I went down. The hate only got worse the longer me and Jake dated. We were only a dating a little under a year but didn't tell the fans until a few months after as we wanted to see if we were serious and if we would work out.

Jake was always so busy, he didn't notice how bad the hate has got. I didn't tell him though, I didn't want him worrying about me when he had more important things to be worrying about.

The truth was, it did bother me. Every time I read a comment that told me I'm not good enough to be with Jake or that I'm ugly, fat, a bitch, it made me even more insecure than I already was. I was never the popular girl.

I was never the girl boys liked or the girl that people called beautiful or pretty but with Jake it was different. He was the only person that had ever called me beautiful, the only person to make me smile, make me feel special.

Which is why it made it so hard for me to let him go.

I scrolled through the endless amount of mentions on my twitter account.

"You don't deserve him"

"Jake can do so much better than you"

"He's only with you because he feels sorry for you"

"Bitch you're ugly, Jake is mine"

I locked my phone and threw it down on the bed. I sighed while wiping away the tears which had slowly formed in my eyes and began to slide down my cheeks. I stood up and walked to the closet at the end of the hall, turning on the light in the process.

I pulled out my case and took it back to mine and Jake's room. I didn't want to do this, but I felt like I had no other choice.

I started opening all the drawers, taking out my clothes and packing them in my case. Jake was out with the boys and wouldn't be back until later, or so I thought. Once I had packed all the clothes I needed I made my way downstairs ready to leave.

Suddenly, the front door opened revealing Jakob. I stood there frozen, stuck, not knowing what to say or do. Jake looked up at me

"Hey Babe, you okay?" He asked smiling, that's when he looked down next to me and noticed the case that was sitting. His face dropped and he looked back at me confused.

"Where are you going babe?" He asked, his voice sounding shaky as if he was nervous for my answer.

I didn't know what to do, I put my head down and tried so hard not to cry.

"No... No, no, no" Jake said while quickly coming near me, wrapping his huge arms around me and started crying.

"Please baby... If I've done something, say what it is and we can fix it, whatever it is I'm sorry, just please don't leave me, I love you, I can't live without you" He pleaded, tears streaming down his face, squeezing me tightly.

"It's not you Jake, it's your fans, the longer we are together the worse the hate is getting, and I can't take it anymore, it would be better for both of us if I just left" I said shakily, failing to stay strong and not cry...

"Please don't do this... I can tell them to stop, I can make them stop" Jake said trying to convince me to reconsider my decision.

"No Jake... It won't change anything, I'll still get hate, it will keep getting worse and worse and if I can't take it now I won't be able to cope then, I don't want to keep feeling miserable about myself and have you always worrying about me " I said with tears streaming down my face. I took hold of my case and slowly removed Jakes arms from around me. I walked to the front door and opened it.

"But I love you Y/N" I heard Jake say from behind me, I could hear in his voice he was crying.

"I love you too Jake, goodbye" I said, wiping the fresh tears away from my eyes, closing the door behind me and walking away from the only boy that made me feel special, made me feel wanted, and made me feel loved.

// the end! Hope you enjoyed it! xx

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