Chapter Twenty Seven

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Michael was coming home today. I was going to the airport to pick him up and bring him back to his parent's house.

They weren't busy, I just really missed him and wanted to see him as soon as I could. I really needed one of his hugs after all of this drama went down.

I put on my favorite flannel, which was his, and some leggings and boots. I put my hair into a ponytail and actually spent some time on my makeup. I wanted to look good, for once.

I still had a few free hours to spare before I had to go, so I decided I'd make a YouTube video. I just didn't know what of.

"@Eli5SOS: hey guys!! give me an idea of what you guys would like me to make a YouTube video on!"

Tons and tons of people said a story time on how I met Michael. But honestly, I didn't want to give that out. It was like our little secret.

Plus, I'm an idiot for not noticing sooner. Or so everybody tells me. Thanks.

A few people said a "Baking with Eli" segment would be funny.

I decided that that would be what I made my video on. I made sure to retweet and favorite the tweets and give them credit for the idea. I was bored, and viewers needs are weird. So I grabbed my keys, and drove to the store. Matt was at work, so I had nobody to bake with.

On the way there, my truck started sounding a little funky. I figured it was nothing, but I decided to check it out once I got to the store anyways.

I put the hood up, and nothing looked out of the ordinary. Then again, I don't know cars that well. I checked the oil, and it seemed a little low, so I figured I'd just get some while I was here.

I walked in the store and started for the baking isle. I had 2 things I was going to try: glow in the dark cake pops and cookies with Michael's face on it. The last one was my idea, of course. I grabbed some cookie mix and cake mix since ain't nobody got time to make things from scratch, and some icing and good coloring.

Hey, if worst comes to worst I'll just eat the dough.

I almost forgot to get the oil, but I didn't, so go me. I quickly checked out and got back to my truck, and put the oil in it. On the way home, the noise kinda stopped, so I figured that's what it was.

I got home and set up my camera. Filming by myself was so awkward. I got all of the baking stuff out, and was ready to fail.

"Hey guys, welcome back and today I'm going to be failing at baking things. Let's get started!"


"So the eyeball cake pops are kinda crumbled and turned out brown, but honestly, the cookies are kinda hot, right?"

I looked at the cookie, realizing that all I did was draw a smiley face with green eyes and stubble.

"Just kidding, this doesn't even look like him, and I used all the icing on the cake pops. Rest in piece. But hey, they taste great!" I said, biting into the cookie, and almost puking.

"Okay, I used the wrong ingredients, definitely. But at least the cake pops taste good, only because I drowned them in icing. Anyways, thanks for watching me almost burn my house down. Bye!" I said, and turned off the camera.

I still had an hour free, so I decided to edit the video and leave it to upload while I was on my way to the airport.

Once I was done editing, it was time to go. I picked up my phone to message Michael.

Text Message to Mikey ❤️
I'm leaving to pick you up now! I can't wait to see you baby. I love you!

It takes a good 30 minutes to get to the airport he was at, and I know he hadn't landed yet, so he couldn't respond. I grabbed my keys and headed off to the airport.

I can't wait. I know I just saw him not that long ago, but I miss him so much. His laugh and smile just aren't the same when they're on a phone screen. It's so much better in person.

My stomach was upset, but I figured that was just because I'm anxious to see him.

I was listening to twenty one pilots on the radio, that always calms me down. 

Then it got worse. It got hard to breathe. I was almost there, getting off the exit. I could make it.

I started getting dizzy. I got closer and closer to the airport, about to turn into the pick-up center.

I'm worried. I'm nervous. I'm anxious.

My vision was blurred, I was seeing triple. The last thing I saw was a semi truck headed the opposite way as I turned, but I don't know what direction. I was choking, my throat closing up as I watched the same semi 3 times grow closer to my passenger side.

Everything went dark.

"This can't be how I die-"

haha bang bang into the room amiright

well well well well how's that for a cliché plot twist. just yer typical fanfiction here right?

lol, when have you guys ever known me to be typical? get ready for the upcoming chapters cause momma's got absolutely no chill

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