Chapter Sixteen

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"Oh my gosh, Mikey, your hair looks amazing!" I said, feeling through his hair, which was damp because we just rinsed the dye out.

"Woah, this looks so cool!" He smiled, looking at himself in the mirror.

We did most of the process in the tiny tour bus bathroom, which was hard. I basically stood on the toilet the entire time and Michael sat on the shower edge.

"Come on, let's dry it and I'll style it. This is going to look so cute on you!" I smiled.

"Okay, but then it's your turn." He smirked.

"You think it's gonna look okay on me?" I asked.

"Babe. Everything looks amazing on you." He smiled, kissing me quickly, and grabbing my hand to go in the big room in the back to style his hair.

We let the dye sit overnight, but Michael and I woke up at like, 5 in the morning, so we just completed it then. The problem is, everyone was asleep.

"Close the door, maybe that will help?" I asked.

"Yeah, if they wake up they can deal with it. It's like, 6 now anyways. We have to get off and go into the hotel soon anyways, we'll be getting there shortly." He said.

"Where are we now?" I asked.

"We'll be in Dallas, we have a show tomorrow. Today we can do whatever." He smiled.

"Does that mean we can nap?" I asked.

"After you fix my hair and I dye yours, sure. Oh, and after we take a selfie."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" I asked, playing around with my fingers in my lap.

After seeing that people actually say mean things in real life, and not just hidden behind a screen... I don't know, I just don't know if I'm completely ready for it.

"Eli. I don't care what anybody says about you, you are my kind of perfect. I love you."

"I love you more." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "You need to shave."

"Sorry." He laughed.

I quickly dried his hair with a hairdryer, duh, and styled it a bit by just running my hands through it.

"Wow, can I just have you do this every morning?" He asked.

"Sure." I laughed.

"Your turn. I'm literally just going to slap this dye on your hair and then you can let it sit for like, 30 minutes. It's going to wash out soon anyways." He shrugged.

"Okay." I laughed, and we went into the bathroom.

Michael kept laughing at me because I kept getting chills, he was playing with my hair on the back of my neck, so of course I'm going to be tickled.

"Stop!" He laughed.

"You're doing it!" I whined.

"SHUT UP!" Ashton yelled.

When I say yelled, I mean like, very mean screemo yell. It actually hurt my feelings a bit- I've never heard him sound so rude.

"He's making me sad." I sighed, sliding the bathroom door closed with my foot.

"Don't be sad, just ignore him. That chick he's with is making him act differently. The girl isn't even that mean, but he's just acting weird to show off for her, or something." He shrugged.

"@Eli5SOS: Ashton is being rude, everyone tweet @ him that he's a little cactus boy."

"Eli!" Michael laughed, throwing his head back.

"Everytime he starts acting up, I'm going to tell them to bombard him with things like that." I said, putting my phone on the counter.

Michael finally got all of my hair done, and he put it in a shower cap after taking off his gloves. I walked to the back room and sat on the couch.

"Your phone just went off!" Michael said to me, from the bathroom.

"Bring it to me, please?" I asked- I forgot it.

"Who's Alex?" He asked, walking in with my phone in his hand.

"Alex?" I said, taken aback.

Text Message from Blocked Number
Hi Eli. This is Alex. I know you moved to Australia but I just found out you're going to be in Dallas, and that's actually where I am right now, so I thought it'd be fun to catch up. Meet me at the Italian restaurant named Tino's at 4? You can bring your boyfriend, if you're still together.

"Who's Alex?" Michael said, Getting visibly jealous.

"A jerkface, who I am not meeting with." I said, putting my phone down.

"Who is he?!"

"I worked for him for like, a few days, editing pictures for him. He kept telling me how bad of a person you are and all this crap. He's annoying, and a jerk."

"Do you like him?"

"What?! No!" I said, hitting his arm. "He is literally trash. I don't like him, even as a friend. He's judge mental and mean."

"Okay, then." He chuckled.

Ashton stormed in the room we were in, and threw his phone at me- WHICH ALMOST HIT MY FACE.

"What the heck?!" Michael yelled, standing up and walking towards Ashton.

"I'm sick of you, Eli! Why did you have to come back, huh?! Why do you two have to be dating?! Go back to your stupid little house and go back to being just a fan! I hate you! I'm so sick of getting Twitter notifications of hate upon hate, and then you add to it more! I hate you with every atom in my body!" Ashton yelled.

"Ash...I don't understand?" I said, my voice breaking.

Everyone knows Ashton as the nicest person ever, and right now... I don't know who he is.

"You're ruining my life!..." He said, in a low voice. "I'm going for a walk. If I don't come back, leave without me."

He stormed out of the tour bus door- I didn't even know we were stopped.

"I'll go get him-" Michael started to say.

"No, Mike. This is my mess. I think he's getting depressed again. Did you hear him?" I said.


"He said he's getting hate. I'm going to look for him, Let me rinse my hair out first, though." I said, remembering I have a bag on my hair.

After having Michael rinse my hair out for me, I put it in a bun.

"It's not even dry yet so you can't tell it's  purple.I don't care about it right now anyways." I sighed.

"Where could he have gone?"

"I have a few ideas. I've got my bag and my phone, so call me if you hear anything or need me. I have his phone too."

"Be careful." Michael said.

"I will."


what just happened ok bye xoxo

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