Chapter 20

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I am getting ready to start my shift when I am paged into a meeting. This meeting is about the recent changes we're going to have to the hospital ever since Derek, Mark, Arizona, Meredith, and Cristina decided to sue the hospital. I'm still trying to understand why they would sue the hospital. There's no way the hospital will be able to pay the money their requesting and still be able to stay in business.

I walk in to the board room and stand next to Jackson. I can feel the tension in the room between the staff.

Dr. Cahill, the lady that has been called in to help make things more efficient around here, walks to the front of the room. She talks about the job were doing and other things but I am not really paying attention.

Until I hear her say "I am purposing that we close your ER."

Different outburst can be heard throughout.

I hear Derek say "This is ridiculous you can't close our ER. You went to Med school you have to ask yourself-"

He is interrupted by Bailey " Do you have a better idea? Because the way I see it this woman is trying to keep the hospital from closing. And in which case there'd be no patients, we'd have no jobs, and some of us don't have a few million to fall back on. So unless you have a better idea why don't you just sit there and listen to what she has to say."

I couldn't help but smirk at Bailey because she had the balls to say what a lot of us are feeling.

After Bailey says this I could see the shock on Derek and Meredith's face.

After the meeting is let out some of us are talking about what happened between Derek and Bailey.

"Can you believe she said that to Derek?" I hear Meredith ask.

I turn around and answer the question. "Yes. Meredith I can believe she said that and she wasn't wrong for saying it."

She looks at me shocked as ever. "Are you seriously saying that Malika?"

"Yes I am. We wouldn't be going through of these changes if you guys didn't decide to sue the hospital."

"I can't believe you."

"Well believe it Meredith. Newsflash we're going through cuts. Cuts mean people losing their jobs. Losing their jobs means they have to struggle to make ends meet. All of us aren't going to have millions to fall back on once we get cut. So if I were you I would shut up and keep doing my job. Although you being fired wouldn't hurt you in anyway. You have millions to live off of." I can hear the gasps as I walk away.

"Ouch babe. You really let her have it?" I hear Jackson say.

"I'm sorry but I am so over them acting like they really and truly give a fu*k about this hospital. When their the reason why were going through this sh!t!!"

"Babe calm down. I understand you're upset about the cuts and the changes but you can't take out all your anger on Meredith and them."

I turn to him. "Jackson and I love you and all but shut up. I'm not in the mood to hear the 'be on their side speech'." With that I walk away from him. I could tell he was shocked by my response because he just stood there.

I go to the board to the pit to see what I could do because I wasn't schedule for any surgeries today.

I work on a couple of patients before I head up to the residents lounge.
Before I step into the room I hear people talking.

"Can you believe what Malika said me earlier? I never knew she could be that rude." I hear Meredith say.

"Meredith you have to look at it from her perspective. You guys are now millionaires. The hospital is now struggling because they have to pay you. We're going through cuts and no one is safe. She's worried about her job and others job as well." I hear Jackson say.

I'm surprised he is on my side seeing as I barked in him earlier. Now I feel like a jerk. Maybe I was a bit harsh on Meredith.

I walk into the room and go to sit on the couch.

"Hey Malika." Meredith says nervously.

"Hi Meredith... Look I'm sorry for going off on you earlier. I'm just a bit nervous about the position that the hospital is in and what is means for some of us."

"I forgive you Malika. Jackson helped me see things from your perspective."

I pull her into a big hug.

We talk for a bit until she gets a page now it is just Jackson and me.

I walk over to the couch and sit on his lap.

"I am so sorry for barking at you earlier. I was just a bit nervous. I should have listened to what you had to say."

"It's okay baby girl. After you left I thought about things from your perspective and why you would feel the way you did and I understand. It can't be easy worry about if you're still going to have a job in a few weeks. But in the worst case scenario I'm here for you and will support you in whatever way I can."

"I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you but I appreciate you and I love you."

I pull him into a kiss. 

"Let's get some takeout and watch movies." I suggest to Jackson as we pull apart.

"Sounds good looking forward to it." He says pulling me into another kiss. 

"Babe as much as I want to keep going  we gotta get back to work." I say between kisses and get off of him.

"Ughh. Okay. I'll see you later." Jackson says as he stands up.

I laugh and give him a quick kiss as I leave the room.

At the end of our shift I meet up with Jackson so we can go home to our apartment. We moved out of Meredith's house a while ago.  

We order takeout and change our clothes to watch some movies. The first movie we watch is My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which is my favorite movie of all time. We watch a couple more before we decide to call it a night.

I go to get ready for bed by washing my face and brushing my teeth. I was my face and I'm getting ready to brush my teeth when my toothbrush slips out my hand and falls into the toilet. Gross!!!!!!!!! Who left the toilet open?... Wait I did. 

I look under the sink to look for a new toothbrush when I notice a brand new pack of tampons and pads. Why aren't they open I think to myself? Wait wasn't my period suppose to come two weeks ago!!!!Oh sh!t!!!!!

*A/N: Well what do you guys think? What's going on with Malika? I am so thankful to all the readers of my book

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*A/N: Well what do you guys think? What's going on with Malika? I am so thankful to all the readers of my book. I really appreciate you guys for supporting my book. I recently published a new book and I would love if you guys could go check it out for me. It's called " That Golden State Love" you can search it or just go on my page. Love you guys💖 *

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