Chapter 14

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After staying in that spot for a while Alex picks me up and takes me home. At home I just go to my room and drink some wine and cry. I cry until I fall asleep.

I wake up to yelling. I hear Alex yelling at the top of his lungs. I quickly rush downstairs to see Alex and Jackson fighting. Derek and Mark are trying to break up the fight.

I try to push Jackson away from Alex but I end getting punched by accident.

"Did you just fuxking hit her?!?!" Alex exclaims trying to break free from Derek.

"Omg babe I am so sorry it was an accident." Jackson pleads to me.

I wipe my nose when I feel blood seeping through it. Great just fucking great.

"Everyone calm down. What is going on?" Lexie says.

"I'll tell you what the fuck is going on Avery here cheated on Malika and broke her heart and I want to kill him!" Alex says while trying to make a break for Jackson again.

"I didn't cheat on Malika! Stephanie came into the on-call room and kissed me!" Jackson yells.

"Sure that's what happened Avery!" Alex says sarcastically.

"Well I'm going to go clean my nose if any one cares." I say storming out the room.

Stupid Jackson first he breaks my heart then he punches me in the face.

I go to the bathroom to clean up my nose. I clean up my nose and thank the heavens that it isn't broken. As I am cleaning up the skin I hear a knock on the door.

"Malika, babe open the door." Jackson pleads from the other side of the door.

"No, go away I don't want to talk to you or see you!" I scream at him.

"Babe listen to me I did not kiss Stephanie. I love you with all my heart. Why would I ruin something so beautiful over someone I have no care for. I would never cheat on you." Jackson says and it sounds as if he's crying.

I want to open the door and immediately take him back but I am still hurt and I don't know if he's actually telling the truth.

"Look Jackson, just give me some time to get over this. All I need is some time to process all my thoughts." I say with a sigh.

"Okay, Malika. I wait and I'll keep waiting for you. I love you and don't you ever forget it. I'll always be your Pretty Boy." He says.

I stay still for a while before breaking down again. I lay on the bathroom floor crying. I hear various people come to the bathroom asking if I'm alright but I just lay on the floor crying and ignore them.

Eventually I fall asleep on the floor. I wake up in the morning and try to get myself ready for work. I look in the mirror and I see a ghostly version of myself. I take a shower and wash my face to try to freshen up my skin. I leave to go get ready, once I'm ready I go to the kitchen. Before I enter the kitchen I hear a lot of laughter but once I enter it become silent.

Lexie runs over to me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back and tell her I'm fine. I say it louder so everyone can hear.

I grab and apple and get my stuff to head out. Before I head out the house I see Jackson coming down the steps. We look at each other for a moment and he goes to say something but before he can get a word in I walk out the door.

Sucks to live in the same house as your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend.

I get to the hospital and get ready to start this day.

As I am getting ready in the residents lounge Stephanie walks in.

This girl had some nerve being in the same space as me. I can feel my blood boiling and all I could think in my head was to attack her. But I felt a reassuring grip on my shoulder and I turn to see Alex. He tells me she isn't worth it and I calm down.

"Dr. Thomas?" She calls out to me.

"What?" I snap at her.

"I'm.. I'm on your service." She mumbles out.

"No you're not Stephanie. As of this morning you will no longer be on my service." I say with a smirk.

"But that's not fair you're one of the best residents." She whines.

"Fair... Fair!!! You know what get out of my sight before I give you the ass whooping you should've of gotten yesterday." I bark at her.

She runs out. As soon I she leaves I scream.

"Is she fucking stupid? Why the fuck would she ever fucking think she would be on my service again? Fair I'll show her fucking fair-" I am cut off of my rant with Alex giving me a tight hug.

I just crumble into his arms. I feel myself crying again.

"Hey! No more tears Avery doesn't deserve your fucking tears." Alex says to me.

"It just hurts so much" I say breaking down a bit more.

"I know Malika. I know. But we're gonna get through this you have always been there for me and I'm always going to be there for you. So stop mopping around and get out there and be the best fucking person you can be. We're fighters we don't surrender." Alex says to me while wiping my tears.

"You're right. I need to stop sitting around crying and get out there and get some surgeries!" I say.

"Thats my girl." He chants.

"Thanks Alex." I say giving him a hug.

"No problem Malika."

*A/N: I found some free time to write this chapter. I am almost finished with high school I only have one more day of classes and then I just have senior trip, prom, and graduation. I want to thank everyone that reads my book it means a lot to me. If any one has any suggestions or feedback please let me know*

That Avery Boy * A Jackson Avery Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now