Chapter 10

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Christmas is approaching and I want to make it one of the best Christmas for Alex because he's had a shitty year. It also Jackson's and I first Christmas together. So I've been running around like a chicken trying to make sure everything is set for this year. I've completely transformed Meredith's house into Santa's house. I managed to make everyone agree to do secret Santa, even Bailey, and attend my holiday party. I'm currently with Alex shopping for groceries for the party.

"Malika are you sure you need to buy all this crap?"

"Yes Alex everything has to be perfect. This is Jackson and I's first Christmas. And you've had a rough year and I want to make sure-"

"Malika I'm not some friggin china doll I'm a grown ass man." He said with irritation.

"Alex don't you think I friggin know your not a china doll we've both been through some messed up shit in the past and I just want to reassure you that I'm always gonna be here." I can't believe he thinks I'm trying to baby him. I just wanted him to feel loved and secured.

He calms down and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry for barking at you." He says with a frown.

"It's okay let's just finish shopping." I say wanting to move pass this petty argument.

We finish shopping and I get to the house and I start to prep everything for dinner tomorrow.

Jackson walks in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe. This is a lot of stuff?" He says looking at all the food.

"Yeah babe I'm cooking a bunch of different foods."

"Do you help with cooking tomorrow?"

"OMG yes you are a saint" I exclaim and give him a kiss.

"No problem babe."

I finish prepping the food and get ready to go to bed with Jackson. When I hear a knock on our bedroom door.

"Come in." Jackson says.

Alex soon comes in. "Hey can I talk to Malika for a bit?"

"Sure. Let me go brush my teeth." Jackson says as he exits the room.

"What's up Alex?" I say still a bit mad thinking about earlier.

"Look Malika. I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I know that your trying to make sure I have a great Christmas because Izzie just walked out on me. I know that your always gonna be here for me so I'm a truly sorry for spazzing out on you earlier.

I take in what he says. "Alex I appreciate your apology and I'm glad you understand what I'm trying to do for you because you're basically my brother and I love you." I say going to give him a hug.

"I love you too." He says as he hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

We finish hugging and he leaves to go to bed.

Jackson comes back in after Alex left.

"What was that about?" Jackson says as he pulls me to lay down with him on the bed.

"He was apologizing for spazzing out on me earlier in the supermarket. We're good now."

"That's great. Now let's go to bed we have a long day ahead of us." He says as he kisses me goodnight.

We soon go to sleep wrapped in each others arms.

I wake up the next morning super early to cook breakfast for everyone.

Lexie is the first one to come to the kitchen."Mhmmmm smells great in here."

"Hey Lex. Take whatever you want. I have bacon, sausages, eggs, waffles, French toast, cinnamon rolls, and muffins."

"Woah that's a lot of food Malika."

"I know but I wanted you guys to have options." I say with a smile.

Alex walks in next.

"Holy sh*t. Damn Malika. If this is just breakfast I can't wait for dinner." Alex says.

"Well eat up guys don't let the food go to waste."

Soon Meredith, Derek, Jackson, and April join the rest of us downstairs and start eating.

Everyone finishes eating and goes to get ready for work except for Jackson and I. By some chance of luck Jackson and I both have the day off.

We finish cleaning the kitchen and start to clean the other rooms to make sure everything is fresh and clean for later.

We then start to prepare dinner. By the time we were finished it was almost time for everyone to arrive.

Jackson and I set the table then go freshen up to greet everyone.

We come back down and start to place food on the table.

As I finish setting the last dish on the table everyone starts to come through the door.

I am greeted with a chorus of hi's from Alex, Meredith, Derek, Cristiana, April, Callie, Arizona, Lexie, Mark, Owen, Chief, Bailey and Ben.

We sit down and start to enjoy dinner. Dinner was filled with laughter and fun. After we had desert we started to exchange gifts.

After the gift exchange I thought it was necessary to give a little speech.

"Hey guys I want to thank you all for coming out. I feel like we've all had a rough year and we needed a night to be together like the big family we are. I love you guys."

I get a bunch of aww 's.

"We love you too Malika." Alex says.

We hang a bit more before most people started to leave because of how late it was.

I go in the kitchen to go clean and pack up the good but April kicks me out and she's I've done enough and I should go relax.

I go upstairs to find Jackson sitting in our room with s smile on his face and a present in hand.

He approaches me and says "Merry Christmas babe. I hope you like it."

I open the box to see a beautiful charm bracelet.

"Each charm represents moments together and I hope to keep adding on and spending my life with you." He says looking into my eyes.

I think to myself what did I do to get such a wonderful man.

"It's beautiful Jackson. I love it." I say as I lean in to kiss him.

We kiss for a couple moments till I break away from the kiss to go get him his gift.

He opens it and immediately puts on the watch I give him.

"Thanks babe and Merry Christmas."

We hug each other and stay in the picture perfect moment for a while.

*A/N: Hey guys first I want to say thank you for reading my book over 400 views😱❤ I was wondering if you could give me some feed back on how the story's going? It would be much appreciated😁*

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