A Christmas Surprise (New Chapter)

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This was our first Christmas together and next year we will be celebrating our baby’s first Christmas. Wow I still can’t believe we are having a baby.

Katie soaked in the tub while I cleaned up the morning dishes. She said her back was bothering her this morning. My guess is she slept wrong. We are going out to Mom and Dad’s for dinner tonight. I don’t know why mom thinks she needs to go through all this trouble. At least next year she will have a grandchild to spoil.

I walked into the bathroom to check on Katie. She stood in front of the mirror as she brushed her hair. She wore nothing but a pink towel wrapped around her. Well the towel used to be white but I am not good with laundry and somehow one of her red shirts ended up mixed in with the towels and now all of our white towels are pink.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, “You look beautiful.”

“You are too sweet…although I look fat,” she complained.

“Let’s get married today,” I suggested as I tried to dodge the fat remark.

“We already had this discussion and you promised I could have my big wedding.”

“I know…I just can’t wait til you are officially Mrs. Matthews.” She turned around and smiled.

“Well you could call me that now if you want. I wouldn’t mind one bit.”

“Ok Mrs. Matthews, what time are we supposed to be at mom and dad’s?” I asked.

“In about an hour…crap I still have to get dressed and my hair dried and…” I cut her off with a kiss. I could feel a smile spread on her face.

She pushed away and headed to her closet. I quickly jumped in the shower and threw on some clothes. By the time I was showered and dressed she was finally ready to go. She looked beautiful as always. She wore a red sweater dress and black leggings. The dress showed off her baby bump. It wasn’t a huge bump but you could tell it was there.

I grabbed the gifts from under the tree and took them to the truck. I started the engine so the truck would be warm by the time I brought her out here. It was freezing out so I hurried back into the warm house. It had started to snow again while we waited for the truck to warm up.

On the way out to the farm we passed several houses with kids playing out in their front yards in the snow. That will be us one day with our son or daughter. She still swears it was going to be a boy. I kind of hoped it would be a girl so I could have a little princess to spoil. I will take whatever I get as long as the baby is healthy.

“So are you going back to work after Christmas break?” I asked her.

“Yeah I don’t see why I couldn’t. They have been very lenient with me with all the problems I have been having. Besides the Dr. says it is ok for me to work…plus I think it would do me good to get out of the house during the day.”

“As long as you promise me you will take care of yourself and not go overboard while you are there,” I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

“Of course, I will be fine and besides the hospital is like a block away from the school,” she smiled.

I would much rather her stay home where I could keep her in a bubble…but she is so independent and I won’t fight her this time.

We pulled into their drive a few minutes later. I helped Katie into the house then returned to the truck for the gifts. Mom was busy in the kitchen as Katie helped her finish cooking dinner.

After dinner we all gathered around the tree to exchange gifts. I keep telling them they don’t need to buy us anything but they always go overboard. I don’t know if mom is trying to make up for all the bad Christmases Katie had when she was younger or she just got crazy excited over the engagement and the thought of officially having a daughter. Whatever the reason I was just glad to see mom happy.

A tear rolled down mom’s cheek when she opened the gift Katie had found for her. I was a frame that said Mamaw’s Angel and Katie had put a copy of the ultrasound picture in it. Katie bought one for dad to except his said Papaw’s sidekick. Dad wasn’t much for showing emotions and I hoped that Katie wasn’t offended

“Katie we have a big surprise for you!” Mom exclaimed.

“You didn’t have to… you have already given me so much already.”

“Well this isn’t something you can take home with you she has to stay here.”

“She?” I asked

“Yeah come on she is out in the barn,” dad said.

We followed dad out to the barn. I held onto Katie’s waist to support her and make sure she didn’t fall in the yard. We walked to the back of the barn where we saw a beautiful black mare in the last stall.

“Oh…my…gosh! Is she really mine?” Katie squealed.

“Yes she is yours and her name is Shadow,” dad replied.

I can’t believe my parents bought her a horse. They have never even bought me one. I stood behind Katie and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“No you know you are not allowed to ride her until after the baby is born,” I told her.

“I know Owen I’m not that stupid,” she elbowed me in the stomach.

We walked back into the house then sat and talked about everything and anything. It was about nine pm by the time we finally headed home. I could tell Katie was exhausted. It took her five minutes to fall asleep once we were on the road.

When we got home I carried her in the house and took her straight to bed. She didn’t even wake up when I undressed her. After I had her situated in bed I climbed in next to her then pulled her close to me.

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